I don't feel like writing anything?
That might change?
So, there's my art?
Should I write a long line of bullshit about how it's supposed to mean something or should I just tell you the truth?
It's just swirly colors that I thought looked cool?
Simple enough, right?
Why would I stash an at sign (@) in there though?
Could that at possibly mean something?
Or am I just messing with you?
I won't mention the significance of the three different colored lines evenly spaced there to the right of the at sign, or will I? Doing that might only confuse you?
@ 3?
What's at three?
Is this some kind of an artistically profound prediction or have I simply been awake all night and now feel like creeping out my viewership?
What's with all of these questions?
Is there an answer?
I think you are trying to relay the messages that the voices are telling you repeatedly.
The 3 represents a trilemma that you have been facing. The @ symbol is letting you know that the time to act is now. The usage of the smudge tool indicates your desire to smear the true colors of your pain and obfuscate the nature of your destiny from your readers.
You're like the Dr. Phil of the digital art blog scene. That was deep. I might have to actually think about what you said.
I done healed you. HOW BOW DAH?
I saw at least half an owl with a face mirrored in an eye, but I was wrong again, wasn't I? Just say it.
Just playing; no offence, plagiarism, arrogance, nuisance, blasphemy, or any other mischief intended.
I almost regret not using the mirror tool on on this one now. That actually looks pretty damn cool. Of course you were wrong. You're used to that though so it's all good.
Much mean artist.
MMA is dangerous.
i see boobs. is that wrong?
He'll say it is. He is like that.
It looks more soothing than others... I think it is a setup to make us find the @ which I think I can see but it is part of your trickery...
There's a strong possibility I may be up to something here again but for the most part, I just thought it looked cool.
That's a lot of questions. Probably some with no answers, but all read with a rising inflection. Perhap the @ was a Trojan :O
Too many questions, not enough answers, again. I'm a puzzled puzzle. That might be a trojan but I don't often practice safe art.
Unsafe art is usually more interesting anyway :D
Posted using Partiko Android
Never mind all that, what is that HAND pointing at?? What am I missing?? Help!!!
Lovely swirlyness, digging the peach and purple and blue ;)
Maybe that hand drew those lines? Hmm...
I guess it all remains a mystery.
Did you post this around 3am? Is that what the @3 means? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I need answers.
Maybe 3am is just a good time to ask questions? The answer is twelve.
Looks like a heart encircled by some sort of moving force that is swirling downward into that blue cave. The other surrounding tissues/mountains look to me like they are quivering with life. There is a thin finger pointing to the cave too.
Swirling and the finger points in the direction. I didn't think anyone would notice the finger.
All these questions just raise more questions, like; is that @ 3 AM or PM? And is that Pacific Time, Mountain, or other? If Johnny is on a train traveling at 60 miles an hour, should he order the shellfish, or should he depend on the train's conductor to stop at McDonald's? Should I just stare at 'That's Really Something' for my answers, and stop bothering The Artist?
The press conference doesn't start until three. There will be donuts and chairs. The train is late. Don't eat the shellfish, it's actually goldfish.
I do not know if you see the same as me, but I see the purple face of an alien burning. I guess you could call it "Alien in Hell"
I know exactly what you're talking about.
perhaps is an emotional expression rather than having a deep meaning. Thursday's I don't know what the hell to write either. Thanks for sharing
I just thought it looked cool. Took awhile, I'm proud of my effort, I knew it would be quiet here this morning so saying something would have been pointless. I have plenty to write about but I haven't been feeling well lately, hard to concentrate. Working on art takes a different kind of concentration, something I can handle in this state of mind. Thanks for stopping in.
Hope you get feeling better my friend
Gorgeous colours. I'm seeing some tropical sunset in there or is it wishful thinking?
It'll turn out to be a lot of things, some day, and with the right eyes. I hid an illusion in there and used the words as a distraction to hide it better. All in all though, I just thought it looked cool.
I saw a man breathing cold air! It's pretty amazing what you can hide in there.
Might see another one if you turn your head to the right.
I was looking on the right.
They're twins!
Its some like a flowing fluid with some transition in color.
Good work. Keep it Up!
I liked photography very much. Keep taking art everywhere.
It was actually some digital art I produced, not photography, but thanks for enjoying it!