After getting out of art classes at school and somehow surviving the associated units when I switched degrees, I decided I wasn't going to go out of my way to critique/interpret things because while sometimes there are overt or subtle symbols in pieces that the artist would like you to find, sometimes things are just as they are. But I wasn't going to do the "well those missile looking things in the background obviously represent war and fallacy and phallic symbols and juxtaposed with the two trigrams (I thought they came in threes and am vaguely curious about the choices of the two you included) and the sun with the people in the background clearly means the artist was trying to represent [insert continual pretentious waffle like I know what I'm talking about here because I can't anymore XD]" thing because I can't do it with a straight face.
And wouldn't explaining how you usually overexplain things still count as overexplaining? Or maybe it's just me :D
Oh wait we're supposed to be interpreting the picture. I'm sorry, I got nothing, too many late nights and early mornings and things to do in between have reduced what's left of my brain to a gibbering mush. Told you the next one would stuff me XD I'll just wait for the explanation :)
Ding! Ding!! Ding!!!
The art classes paid off! Way to spot the phallic symbols in between the representation of destruction, mate! As for the trigram, my choice was made because of the theme of the artwork. I won't give it away just yet, but I know you know that I'm big on numerology so everything was intended. Haha! I can only imagine you wearing a black turtle neck as you critique the piece haha!
Touche! You even spotted that haha! Hard to go against one's nature haha! It's definitely not just you. I'm standing up applauding the elite observational skills.
Even without the explanation, you've fleshed away quite a lot! Thanks for critiquing it :D
Bahahahhaaa I wonder how long more I can keep accidentally stumbling onto correct answers and looking like I know what I'm talking about! Maybe the next one will get me XD
Yeh it was too late at night, the last time I studied numerology and I ching stuff was so long ago it was going to be quicker to look up again than try to remember it XD
LoL! Well I can try and snoot it up in a turtleneck (I even have one somewhere but it's grey not black) but I still won't be able to do it with a straight face XD I'd get such disapproving looks from the real art critics XD Also don't you need to drink wine or champagne or both to be an art critic? ;D
My fingers are crossed that someone's going to start a pool to see how long you could keep your streak haha! Even since A Day in the Clouds you've been hitting the bullseye! I take it as a challenge to be even more devious haha!
When it comes to numerology, I play it fast and loose, but I do have my own internal rules. Haha! My turtlenecks are grey as well, so what does that say about us? I don't think they necessarily drink it. They just carry it around as they do the critiquing. But, they do consume the cheese though.
Nuuuuuuuuu I will crumble under the pressure like a loose bisbuit base XD
I don't even want to carry it I'll probably drop it on someone. But I will eat all the cheese :D
Muahahaha!! Feel the pressure! Pressure, pressure, pressure. Are you under it now?
Crumbling like a loose biscuit base XD
Crumbling like a dry pie crust haha!
Crumbling like a dry pie crust haha!