Hi Friendly Folks!
Hallow's Eve, and the end of inktober, is upon us :D !
I decided to lump together my remaining sketches for one large post, to celebrate the end of this productive month.
Now without further ado, let us ring in November in style~
Day 26 - Stretch!

Something simple, but hopefully adorable. This gal wishes to reach beyond her limits~
Day 27 - Thunder!

Finally found some red pencil leads :D ! Perfect timing~
Day 28 - Gift!

This one involves a bit of Thai folklore :D The chubby serpent is my interpretation of a young Naga, which has just been adopted by this little Kinaree [half-bird, half-woman ie. think of it as a kind of a bird centaur~].
She is most please :3
Day 29 - Double!

Doppelgänger Dance :D!
Day 30 - Jolt!

This is one of my favourites, since it came together really nicely~ Overall, her expression and line weights came out pretty much as I had anticipated, which made it a good day :D
Day 31 - Slice!

Goodbye and Thank you Inkotber 2018!
This has been my first inktober and it's been an absolute blast<3 !
Thank you so much to all you Steemians who welcomed me into the fold and joined me on my ink-stained journey!
Folks have been mentioning or asking about my other Inktober entries so I decided to list them here for convenience ;D <3.
[Inktober 01 - 15]
[Inktober 16 - 17]
[Inktober 18]
[Inktober 19]
[Inktober 20]
[Inktober 21 - 22]
[Inktober 23]
[Inktober 24 - 25]
Hey @seanbon! Nice to see your cute drawings again!! :) I love Day 28 - Gift especially little Kinaree!!! Gosh, your drawings are sooo cute. Where do you get your inspiration?? Yay! Congrats on completing the Inktober 2018!!
Many thanks :D !!!
I am so glad you like the little Kinaree ~!! I am very proud of her XD
Most of my inspiration comes from games I play, along with comics, but most importantly, other artists are the largest source :3 <3
Hehe amazing! I loveeee your cute art. Makes me happy looking at them :) Happy Sunday @seanbon!
Thank you :D ! And a great Sunday to you too :3 !
Whoa these are great Inktober pieces! My favourite is the doppelganger dance, the pose and interaction between the characters are very nice indeed.
And this is your first Inktober? You did very well, Sean ^_^.
Congratulations for your curie vote =).
A meellion thanks ' O' !!!
It's so nice to end on a strong note [bonus: Curie vote] and to have so much encouragement <3
I remember doing the occasional ink image during other inktobers, but this is the first one where I did the full 31 days with almost all being traditional inks [technically, the 1st of Oct one was done on my phone :B ]
Thank you for making my first month here so memorable :D !
These are great pieces! So, you drew every day of October? That's really amazing and productive of you. I am finding a hard time choosing a favorite but I do like the thought behind the first painting and the on you made on the 30th, which happens to be your favorite. The expression on her face got me!
Great pieces!
Indeed I did an image for each day of October :D !
In fact, I have edited this main post to contain links to all the images from the 1st to the 25th [scroll back up] so you can peruse them at your convenience.
It makes me so happy to know that you like my images!
Thank you!
Cooool seanbon. All these works are beautiful.
My favorite is day 28 - Gift, The chubby serpent is brutal, I feel like it already represents big things, celestial, fantasy, that's it.
Congratulations, for your effort and dedication!
Thank you so much!
I hope to make plenty more images that you'll enjoy :D !
Did you sketch other inktober title besides these?@seanbon, wow.. i love it very much. You such a talent artist, your creativity and imagination were excellent. I especially like the cute naga and stretch litte girl. They were soooo cute..
Thank you!!!
Also, I did an image for every day of October, and I have just added links to this main post [scroll back up].
I hope you enjoy the other 25 images ;D !
@seanbon, how thoughtful of you to add your previous theme link in the post as well. This would be easy for me to visit your previous drawing as well. I have visited your previous drawing, you are very good. I love how you present each theme. And the objects were very cute.
You are most welcome :D !
Mission accomplished. It's magical :)
Thank you :D !!!
Great collection of Inktober drawings. All of them are so different and I wouldn't be able to guess that they are from the same author. I like them all and my favorite would be the last one 'Slice'. It's horrory and creepy but the way she moves is very charming :D She is a killer with style :D
The young Naga is adorable! He is so happy to be close to the creature :) And I have just noticed that small fly/bird :) Very nice detail.
Thank you for sharing your contributions to the Inktober and congratulations on the completion! :)
Thank you so much!!!
It makes me glad to know you really like the last image, despite its more macabre subject matter, and I am incredibly happy that you noticed the little bird too ;D <3 !
Wow, it looks like you've been very busy and done a marathon drawing in the last week of October yeah? You did very good though!
Kinaree is cute. I even had to zoom to check on her. Though she's almost unnoticeable with that hiant serpent. I hope you can enhance the drawing and emphasize her more. 😊
The last one Slice looks kind of scary. In time for halloween huh? 😄
Thank you!
Actually, most of the time I did an image per day, but sometimes I would wait a while to post them XD
I didn't have much time to do a bunch at once [and that would be way too stressful] so I had to make sure to keep a good pace ; w;
Yup, that last one was a perfect way to end on Halloween ;D
Yap, sometimes I also do "batch" posting in a day (even if just two posts hehehe) and take a break on some days. Good thing now that I discovered DApps wherein you can save and schedule your article to be posted on a future date. If you haven't you can try steempeak.com or eSurfer. Both offers a function to schedule posting.
Will do ' w' )b !
Incredible, Sean! Your creativity is absolutely a magical thing to behold * ___ * I love all of them, and it's even more insanely impressive to see them in process * ___ *
Congratulations for conquering Inktober 2018 and for your second Curie, as well <3 <3 <3
Aw geeze, that praise is making me blush (/ε\*) <333 !!!
Thank you so much again for encouraging me and I can't wait to provide plenty more art for your viewing pleasure :D !
Hi seanbon,
Visit curiesteem.com or join the Curie Discord community to learn more.
A most great day I will have :D !
Thank you!
What skills in those hands. Clean work.
I must say that my favorite drawing is the first, because I am related to the world of theatre and the stilts brought back very nice memories of my group.
You are very good at manga style, although I am not very consumer of this type of art, I am more of his brother the anime.
You are very specialized in the markers which tells me that you know the technique from head to toe.
as I have done some stop motion I think that your center of power in each of the characters is completely appropriate for the action they are representing. I think it is one of the defects of many drawers who handle very well certain techniques but when it comes to putting the power center do not pay attention.
great friend. thank you for sharing your drawings are very nice.
Greetings and well deserved curie
Thank you so much for such a shining assessment of my work!!
I am incredibly happy to know that this style holds up well outside of its range, and thank you for increasing my understanding of stop motion.
This concept of the 'centre of power' is a very intriguing way to put it, and it gives me something new to mesh with my understanding of composition.
Thanks again!
You know that there is not much material about it, powercenter you can visualize it as the points of support that naturally has the body. the same ones that generate the sensation of being powerful in the case of a super hero pull out his chest forward, or someone who is very tired and has a hunched back, I think it is more to study the cartoons, comics and old sleeves to understand the powercenter. greetings .. I will look for an animated book to pass you the link pdf and take advantage of the technique.
Thank you !
Hah inktober seems to be almost a movement among artists! And you did a great job this "season" :) Coming from a non-artist but I hope u appreciate it anyway hahaha :D
The jump between 2nd and 3rd picture is alwasy sooo big. It's almost like....1 -ok, 2 - ok, 3- WOOOOOOOW :D
Man, is the last one Ichigo? From Bleach? Hmmmm that actually makes me think - are all those pics some characters from manga? Or are they just based on some manga but it's your own imagination?
Thank you XD !!!
Yeah~ Day 1 and 2 definitely were 'simple' attempts compared to what came after that. By Day 3 I decided to buy a brand new sketchbook to devote solely to this season of images, along with some new pens and pencils <3 In essence, I just fell further down the rabbit hole as the month progressed ;D
Man, I remember reading and enjoying the Bleach manga way back when, so I wouldn't be surprised if that influence has crept into my work! But so far none of these characters are based on existing ones.
On that note, I'll be posting a new series of inks later that will be based on existing characters aka I'll be doing some fanart soon ;D
Well the last one looks totally like from Bleach :D It for sure influenced u :) Funny how we don't realize how stuff we do forms us :)
Oh that's a lot of drawings and sketches!
Its a lot of hard work Sean!
Great work of art!
Keep it up! And congratulations on @curie upvote!
Thank you so much!!
This month has been tiring, but incredibly rewarding, and I look forward to providing plenty more art :D !!
Oh that's great!
Keep going, keep working, keep sharing.
I look forward on your next arts.
Have a great day!
Love your inktober art work. And the work you show in your blog too, congratulations! I like all the drawings in this post, specially day 26 and 29, in the first one the expression of her face, wanting to go on but expressing fear at the same time, impresses me. Congratulations, you are very talented!
Thank you for such a glowing review, I am most flattered :D <3 !!!
Congratulations!!! You have finished the challenges .. The Inktober was full of incredible artists and you are one of them, wonderful designs.
To say that I like one is impossible because I know how complicated it is to draw up the simplest one .. You are a great artist and you deserve that curie vote, Do not stop friend, a big hug @seanbon
Thank you so much for the awesome encouragement and hug!!!
I shall persevere and continue to provide wholesome images for all you wonderful folks :D !
Wow amazing!!! I think that my favourite is the last one- for me it’s perfect. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Many thanks :D !!!
I was very proud of the finishing image for this year, and to know how much you like it makes me feel even happier <3!
wow you basically made a gallery with the inktober. great work ...
Where did you get inspired to do each work? I feel that it has influences from the Japanese anime world.
in fact the day 29 - double reminded me of the anime called "free"
Indeed! I've also added links to the main for the other remaining 25 days if you would like to check it out :D
As for inspiration, I mainly derived it from the word-of-the-day. Sometimes if an idea is taking a while to solidify, I will look at pinterest boards or even art station to get some inspiration.
I haven't watched "Free' before, but I have several friends who are most pleased with it :)
Thank you!
They really are good drawings, I like your style. The way you draw is great. My favorite is Jolt. I will follow you, I hope to see more drawings with this fabulous quality. Upvote!
Thank you for the follow [and liking my work of course ;D ] !
I hope to provide plenty more images for you and others to enjoy!!!
Really cool sketches. You're a very talented artist. Keep up the excellent work! :)
Shall do ' ^')7 !!
Thank you :D !
very good blog is good to do anime characters, I liked all the pictures I called my attention Doppelgänger Dance: D! If you have time making drawings I congratulate you for the gift you have in your hands and mind.
Thank you for commenting and liking my work!
It is my sincerest wish to keep drawing and share these images with all you guys!
Inktober! I saw this in another post and didn't realize what it was until now hahaha very well done! You're very talented and I love your style.
My favorites are Jolt! and Slice! Jolt! reminds me of a video game I use to play called Team Fortress 2. Everyone wanted to be the rocket launcher guy or the big guy with the machine gun. I always wanted to be the medic! And Jolt! reminds me of my loved medic. I just ran around healing people and I was the BEST at it hahahaha
Thanks for sharing these drawings and giving me a little nostalgia of yesteryear. Cheers!
Thank you, Sir!!!
Ahhhh~ Team Fortress 2. That brings back so many wonderful memories~
Granted, I played more of 1 than 2, but 2 was a visual masterpiece!
Medic is BEST class [fires up uber healing ray >:D]!
impossible not to admire your work. So much dedication is an indication of the passion you feel for art. Just seeing your drawings, make you want to see a complete comic made by you. You have a peculiar style, it's very attractive, those red lines that you used gave it a special touch. Spectacular your work. Did you study art? I would like to know where that talent came from. Greetings.
I am most humbled by your praise! Thank you!
In fact, it makes me giddy to have you call it 'peculiar'! I love that word!
My studies were mainly in the field of biology and chemistry, but I have worked as a videogame/concept artist for over a decade, which is where I got to practice and hone my craft.
As for comics, there is one I am making with my partner @painted-bees , where she does the line art and colouring while I do the layouts and flatting.
Eventually, I will make a comic in my art style, and I hope you will enjoy it :D !!
Nice works! Inktober certainly kept you busy. Congrats on making it through. :)
It kept me super busy... and it looks like I'll continue to be busy now that Huevember has started ;D <3 !
You’re welcome! Oh, that’s new. I never heard of that month challenge before and I’ve been drawing for online for a while. XD Good luck with that one!
Also, like you, I only heard about Huevember a few days ago because a friend was participating XD
I just needed a good excuse to keep up the momentum ;D
Oh. XD And now I'm hearing it from you myself. But yeah, that is a good way to keep up your drawing momentum. Hopefully you don't run into artist's block. :P
friend if you have talent to make excellent drawings, I liked all the drawings but I am struck by the girl and the chubby snake looks very beautiful I will make that tattoo. keep sharing a lot of love.
Thank you!!!
I will continue with the sharing of arts and love <3!
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Many thanks!
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I am glad you noticed! Thank you!
howdy from Texas seanbon! this is such amazing work, the creativity and originality is phenomenal! So distinctive too. Totally delightful post and I'm thankful you're here to share with us!
Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words!!
well howdy again seanbon you are very welcome, and you are very gifted so keep up the good work!