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RE: Inktober 2018 Victory Lap - Days 26 t 31 !!! Happy Halloween Everyghouly~

in #art6 years ago

Thank you so much for such a shining assessment of my work!!
I am incredibly happy to know that this style holds up well outside of its range, and thank you for increasing my understanding of stop motion.
This concept of the 'centre of power' is a very intriguing way to put it, and it gives me something new to mesh with my understanding of composition.
Thanks again!


You know that there is not much material about it, powercenter you can visualize it as the points of support that naturally has the body. the same ones that generate the sensation of being powerful in the case of a super hero pull out his chest forward, or someone who is very tired and has a hunched back, I think it is more to study the cartoons, comics and old sleeves to understand the powercenter. greetings .. I will look for an animated book to pass you the link pdf and take advantage of the technique.


Thank you !