The Song of Statists
An Original Love Poem
If I think of love, I think of you
So simple and beautiful
You spread for me across the land
And take in your majesty
Your length and breadth amaze me
I move over you until I come, come home
My tailpipe sputters all over you
For the violence that was done on your behalf
Only through theft could you be made
Your recipe a mystery
No company can fathom your secrets
Please give it to me
Concluding Thoughts
Sorry things got a little weird and gross. Actually I'm not sorry. It was fun.
State sponsored violence is weird and gross.
"But who would build the roads!?" you ask... I honestly don't care. Anyone who wants to. As long as they aren't robbing me and threatening me in order to make it happen.
OMG this is sowonderful! lets make it rhyme, throw in a beat and this could go more viral than anarchyball. I wanted to start keeping score with fellow ancaps every time we answer: "what about muh roads" when arguing against commies. Now I want to make it so that you have to link to your road song for full points lol. You could call it: 'a song of pricy tar' as a parody of 'a song of ice and fire' or something. I dunno, it needs a good name.
Honestly, if anyone out there wants to make a rhyming version I would love that! I'm hardly a poet, so I'll leave the task to someone else.
Also, I named it after the Song of Solomon.
did you have a specific version in mind?
Version of what
Oh I didn't really follow the structure of Song of Solomon at all. I only took the title as inspiration.
song of solomon when you names your poem after it. You know, so that anyone who tinkers with your work can stay true to the spirit of it.
But it makes an associated link right? an air or style of regal grandeur. I'd stay true to it.
Yea that's true I suppose. I still don't think the version really matters to much, but I used the ESV as my reference.
HAHAHAHAH. THat was awesome! so raody!
LOL that's totally fun. No apology necessary.
That's why I'm not actually sorry ;)
That was fucking fantastic. That made my morning/early afternoon. Kudos to you, sir!
:D Glad I could be of service.
Regarding roads; Housing developers already build the subdivision roads. Those who build on land in the country often have to build a drive to the main road. So it would follow that those who want to offer commercial products and services would also be interested in building roads. There is a free market solution for everything, and it would be of better quality, cost effective, and voluntary, only if government would get out of the way.
Yes exactly. Maybe one day I'll do a serious "who will build the roads?" post and list some real possibilities.
I just get so sick of hearing the roads question, I wanted to address it the only way I know how: with drawings and ridiculousness