TAROT AND ASTROLOGY IN MOTION: Philosophic Resolutions of a Gypsy, Tarot Healer

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Walter Whitman once said:

“Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.”

Well, I try doing this every single day for almost everything.

I've recently had some thoughts concerning tarot services and these are my philosophic resolutions.

Tarot is for everyone

Tarot is not some kind of luxurious service where someone sits on a chair, talks about his/her childhood, while being given advice on when or if he/she is finally going to get married. People want to know about their life’s destiny but they don't want a fake, cold, vague and meaningless advice about their future.

The so called healers and gurus

Some online, tarot experts, healers and online gurus claim that their services are of great quality or that their time is invaluable. However, offering a 3-card reading in the price of 30 or 50 dollars, for a 10-minute session, is insane.

Why didn’t they become psychiatrists, to write prescriptions instead, at least making an excuse about their huge fees but they are tarot readers?

Of course they do write prescriptions because they usually say that you must visit them again, since they have found on the way that you have additional problems to solve...

Why are they dressed in nice suits and not like normal people since they tell you your fortune? What are they trying to prove anyway?

Tarot actually

Tarot is a street art where gypsies used to read your fortune for entertainment and although I am a reader whose approach is Jungian and I do have my own professional boundaries, I still believe that somewhere inside me I am also a gypsy at heart.

I know that tarot had started as a game for the nobles and I am a supporter of the later on - Kabbalistic theories - but let’s subtract tarot from pure science and better call it a form of art which explores subconscious energies.

Just imagine what would happen if we would start approaching music or painting, in a strictly scientific way...

Magic would be completely lost between numbers and theories.

People usually see tarot readers as con-artists

We are surrounded by “psychics” who claim that they can see the future in a tectonic approach, remove curses and communicate with our loved ones who have passed away. They claim to have incredible powers when all they have is very good intuition.

Does gifted intuition exist?

Of course, the fact is that gifted intuition does exist but a professional must develop it and needs a lot of time and effort for this, to be done right.

Let’s say that I may be somewhere in the middle of my intuitive skill and I still have a lot of work to do.

However, there are great readers out there who could offer amazing services because they have developed their intuitive abilities on the highest level.

There are also gifted professionals who are real mediums but they do not approach people only to take their money and run!

Tarot is a joyful ride and this is why you could give it as a gift

It's like playing music on the street. I still believe that tarot is an art where a lot of fun could be discovered in it.

Why being so serious? Why not enjoying the process of a reading just like you would enjoy playing music or painting something in an abstract way?

I am a very spiritual person who also loves science. I’ve taken studies on public health , focusing on anatomy, psychology and psychiatry but I really like it when people feel at ease with my spiritual services as well as with their pockets. I am a spiritualist, not a scientist.

The fact that I have studies and various other “serious” skills does not mean that I am better than other readers who say that they can read your fortune.

I respect classic, fortune tellers because they are honest. They don't wear fancy clothes or talk like politicians and they don't ask for huge fees for their advice.

As for "free", it means that you give away your service because you love it, because you love people, because it is for everyone and you have fun while practising your skills as a reader!

The gypsy healers

All “gypsy” readers and spiritual healers who offer our services for free, we are not here to steal people’s money but to help them balance their subconscious energies.

Most of us know how to approach a reading as a deep, spiritual experience but either we like it or not, fortune telling is always involved into this.

I started working online as an author, so I chose the label of a tarot intellectual. I’ve recently decided to give away a book about tarot learning and schooling but I must clarify that I am not an expert. I'm also an author who writes creative theories about tarot and divination.

I want people to learn about tarot and see it as something more than a fortune telling service.

The fortune telling problem

Fortune telling is a wrong use of words for many readers and I don't offer just a dry, fortune telling advice. 

However, I offer fortune telling advice on some level - and I also do it for free - and I state that I am not a medium or a psychic who reads people’s minds or is 100% accurate.

But why gurus don’t offer free services? Have you ever wondered why gurus claim that those who give away readings are either not professionals or scams?

I believe that they just want to hide their incompetence as well as their greed for more money…that’s all.

Fighting back with fire

"Fake saviours" do their best to discredit and spit on people that give away free spiritual services.

Where do all these so called gurus, healers and saviours come from? I wonder…

Why are they doing this job, reading cards for other people, and since they see the future why don’t they work on some other field, like betting on the right horse for example?

Whoever understands my point, he or she surely knows what I am trying to say and of course I do not speak of very experienced, professional, tarot readers.

There are many of them out there who are way better than me and I do respect them as gurus but they seem to be in the field for a very long time and that makes them skillful enough and true professionals.

Some of us love mysteries a little bit more

Bottom line is that there are readers who simply enjoy the ride!

I would not deny to offer a tarot reading for a question of “will I get married this year?”. I would be so curious to know if that person would finally get married and it’s so fun sneaking into someone else’s energy, so why denying to solve this kind of mystery?

The point is that this person is not a patient but someone who needs spiritual guidance like we all need or want on times of confusion.

I consider myself as a tarot “musician”, so I may also need some financial support in order to keep going my free services.

Some poetry for the end

Hello, I am a street reader who can read your fortune like a gypsy but I can prove you that I could do more than that:

"I could play my tarot music and fill your ears with beautiful spiritual melodies that would reveal your subconscious thoughts and emotions through my wise, insightful lyrics".

I shall finish my post with this beautiful quote, written by the famous author Anaïs Nin:

“The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. 

 There is always more mystery"


I agree a lot of people have a bad opinion of tarot readers without really knowing what its about or that some people really do have abilities to see and hear things or interpret through these cards

Sorry for the late reply at your comment @andressilvera. I am more than glad that you as well as so many people understand my point of view. I am very happy to be here with all of you on steemit as it turns out to be a special community where your voice can be heard no matter what, people support who you are and what you have to offer with your writing skills.