All good, all capturing what's unique about each director.
You have such a broad range of styles, it's really impressive. Are these all created completely digitally or did you start with pen and ink, then scan?
All good, all capturing what's unique about each director.
You have such a broad range of styles, it's really impressive. Are these all created completely digitally or did you start with pen and ink, then scan?
These were done with pen and ink on Bristol Board. Then I photographed them in studio. The Burton one has some soft washes built in. I took into Photoshop to crisp up the white a bit. But, yes, that is what my professor's in college used to tease me about (not having a specific style). But fortunately this gift works well for Graphic Design - especially Freelance if you want to be able to help all kinds of different people with different aesthetics achieve a successful "whatever task" - you know! Thank you for taking the time to take a look and comment! :) I appreciate your feedback!
Geez - why would they tease you about not having a "specific style?" I get the idea of producing a recognizable body of work and building a brand, but why limit yourself to just one? Times and tastes change, and I think it's great that you can be so adaptable.
Thanks for sharing part of your process with me!
You're welcome - and when I say tease - it was in good fun - they really all liked my work and were all very supportive - but so many of the other illustration majors had very obvious styles that they stuck to - which as you said did make them very identifiable - but I have always wanted to be flexible - do anything - to serve whatever mood or aesthetic I wanted to serve at any given time - and I agree with you that I think this makes a more well rounded artist that can thrive in a vast economy! Thanks for the conversation Winston - I hope you have a great evening!
Thanks for reading and best of luck in all your projects - and styles!