The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art6 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

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@xpilar you are professional imagination man

A wonderful short fictional story - one day there was a young boy sleeping in his room at night alone and was very fearful of the dark and always starts his mind weaving ideas and fantasies left just after dark. He always thinks that there is a scary specter going up there on the side of his room called Darkness, this dreaded creature who will attack every day. This idea terrified him a lot and made him sleep quickly, shrinking on himself and never trying to look into the dark so that his thoughts would not start again.

On a day in his lonely sleep in his small room, he looked at the prevailing darkness and was possessed by fear and suddenly all the fears and cupies in front of his eye came out of the darkness of an object! A little boy looks exactly like him standing in front of him in trust. The little boy trembled for fear and asked the ghost in fear of who you are and what do you want from me, ghost? How can I make you go without being hated? Please let me go. Reply to the darkness in a calm and a very pale look terrifying: I'm dark and it seems from your eyes and the blue of your face that you are afraid of a lot, is not it? The little boy responded with astonishment. He never expected to be a real fear and that there was a real object called darkness. Now he stood before him and said: Yes, I'm afraid of you. You make me imagine scary things you do not see inside you.

The darkness smiled calmly, saying, "I have never and will never harm you." I am only present in those who fear me to tell him that there is no need for fear and anxiety. You do not have to fear me or any pure creature who can not hurt you. Be faithful to God Almighty and do not be afraid of anyone else God is the protector and now that you have known me completely and gathered your strength and courage to talk with me I will go now and I am sure you will not be afraid again.

The boy started to cry sadly. The darkness asked him why he was crying and he answered him that he does not cry for fear, but he is sad about the good darkness that helps others, but many fear him. The darkness laughed and said that he has many and many friends who are never afraid and this little boy will be his new girlfriend. The darkness ended and disappeared completely.

From day to day the little boy is never afraid of darkness, and whenever he sits in his dark room alone he remembers one thing and is the friend of darkness who wishes he sees him again!

Hi @angelinafederer

Thanks for your thoughts and the story


When reading a very short fairy this story must be designed to mimic their fertile imagination, give them high horizons, and the most beautiful story of a fantasy that began long ago. On one day, the sky was bright and clear, the atmosphere was nice and the sun sent its warmth. And the beautiful mermaid sat on the beach under the golden sun, especially as she was the previous night suffering from insomnia and never knew the taste of sleep, so I decided to sit on the sand of the beach to relax and rest, and extended her long tail and began playing with the suits Her long soft hair, even fell Next to her suddenly a small fish, thrown by the waves of the sea to the beach.
The mermaid saw the poor little fish moving and floundering and almost dying, because the sea water was far from it, and she tried to return to the water at the top of the panic and fear, but she could not, because the waves had thrown her far away from the sea. She turned to the poor fish and held it quietly and said to her: Do not be afraid, my little girl, I will bring you back to the sea immediately. The mermaid took the fish and threw it into the sea again, and the little fish rejoiced and thanked her for saving her. Fine, I will never forget you.
During the small fish swimming in the sea, a ship of pirates from afar spotted the beach, and remembered the beautiful mermaid who was relaxing on the beach, so she decided to go to her and warn her from this ship to escape to the sea and escape from the pirates. The little fish said to the mermaid: "Hurry right away, beautiful fairy, there is a pirate ship coming to the beach, and no marine creature will survive." The sea is small fish, and back Speeding to the sea and she says in herself that the known is never lost.
The story of the mermaid with the fish is a very short fictional story, but it is full of words and wisdom. The good is never lost, and the well-known is not forgotten. Those who do good will only find good. This is exactly what happened in the most beautiful fantasy story. They do good without waiting for anything.

Hi @simonblake

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

thief and the clever blind

In the old days there was a blind man living alone in his beautiful little house in safety and peace, and God gave him wisdom, intelligence and science a lot, and behind his beautiful house had a small orchard sponsored and cared for flowers and beautiful trees by one day the blind man gained a lot of The money went out to the orchard and he was happy and pleased and sat down a distinctive tree in the orchard and took a dig to bury his money under it.

After a few months the blind man to extract his money from the place where he put it did not find in place, the blind marveled a lot and took a search and search but failed to find his money, he thought and says to himself: see who stole this money? After thinking, he said, "Surely he is my thief, the fraudster, maybe he saw me and I buried the money in this place and came and stole it after I returned to my house.

The blind man thought of a wise trick and went to the neighbor's house. He said to him: I came to ask you for something, and I was not afraid of consulting. His neighbor, the thief, said to him: "Say what you want and you will have a good opinion. Very money and I want to keep somewhere and I could not make a decision on my own, do I keep a man who keeps secretaries, or hiding in a gardener in a safe place? The thief shook his head and thought deeply: "Surely this man will hide the money in the same place I know him again," he said, grinning miserably. "Saving money for others is dangerous, it's better to keep your garden safe.

He thanked the blind man and told him that he had convinced his opinion that he would hide his money in the orchard and the blind man went out to his house. The thief quickly went to the orchard and took back the stolen money so that the blind did not discover the theft and put more money. He put a new money, and at night the thief came to take the money of the poor and he was happy and hilarious, he found only a small paper written on it: "Who thought in wisdom and intelligence, can not be fooled fools

Hi @danielsamuel

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

There was an emperor living in Japan who was known for his courage, his personal strength and his wonderful leadership. He was used to every war he waged with the army, and then he cast a small piece of cash. If a picture came to say to the soldiers, "We will win." These were the rules of the game, and it was strange that this man did not appear a single day he wrote, but the piece always falls on the picture was shouting in the soldiers with enthusiasm, "We will win certainly" and fight with enthusiasm and courage to achieve the greatest victories.

Years passed and the army achieved victory after one and no one knows the secret of this wonderful piece of strange, the age of the great emperor and his last moments came to death and his son entered the crown prince who will become the emperor after him, approached him whispering to him: "Dad, "The emperor smiled and took the cash piece out of his pocket and gave it to the son. The son looked at her and found the first face a picture of her heart beating him with a startling surprise. The other face of the coin was also a picture. The boy was upset and shouted in anger. : "How do people save me? Of these years, and I have? What do I tell them now? I tell them that my father is a deceiver? The first is victory and the second option is victory. Defeat is only achieved if you think about it and believe in it. Trusting in your abilities and your ability to achieve it, we not only overcome the concerns of life with luck, but with confidence in God, will and determination.

Hi @isabellalucas

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

In one of the distant farms owned by a peasant, a large number of sheep lived. Two of these sheep were two friendly lilies, one of which was fat and her body was full of meat. She had clean, thick wool, excellent health, And her wool is too short to cover her body, and whenever the two vines went out to the pasture, the fat sheep began to calibrate the meager sheep. "Look at your lean body, you poor sheep, you have an unhealthy body, so the people on the farm do not love you. They always love me and pride me in front of me. Everyone, Wei Mona everyone to have a ewe like me, and this always say that two eighths times Tmenk undervaluation.
Every time she met the fat sheep with the meager dough, she would repeat the same words and phrases, and tell her that she was poor and meager, and the meager sheep felt sad and ashamed of her words, and try to increase the amount of herbs that she takes on her body improves, but useless, As he was until he came in one of the] m butcher to buy a sheep from the farm, and asked the owner of the farm to see the ewes in their possession and told him that he wants a chunky and meaty ewe, and does not want a lean eagles, what was the owner of the farm only to take out the two coffins: And the meager, and taking the butcher examines each of them A carefully, taking praise ewe fattest commends the meat and wool hoarder beautiful, and looked at the ewe meager look pathetic, and never think of buying it from the owner.
The fat butcher was chosen by the butcher without hesitation and paid a large sum. The farmer never bargained with the price. The fat and meager valuables followed the talks between the farmer and the butcher. The fat sheep were terrified, and I knew that the time had come. , And when I saw the butcher pay the money to the owner of the farm, I ran the fat sheep and she panicked towards the meager sheep and said to her in fear: Tell me what the butcher will do to me, how can I survive the slaughter now, turned to her meager sheep and said to her with confidence: Leave me alone O sheep S I do not want to be like you at all, for everything in the world is a price, and this is the price of your beauty and your qualities that you were proud of before me, but I am not yet ready, and I am content to be meager until the end of my life. The butcher takes me and slaughters me and becomes flesh and bone.

hi @patrikcooper

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

There is a Russian Jew who is a Jewish-religious and has received a permit to venture to "Israel" and while leaving Russia and during a search in the customs area at the airport, the customs inspector on a small statue between the clothes, the inspector asked him: What is this? The Russian man replied confidently: The formula of your question is wrong, Comrade, the right question is to ask from this? This statue of Lenin, who laid the foundations of communism and brought good, safety and prosperity to the Russian people in full, nodded companion Comrade Russian completed a modern saying: I like to accompany this statue with me everywhere I go to commemorate this blessed memory, the Russian finished his words The Russian inspector told him in admiration: Well sir, prefer to pass.

The Russian citizen went up to his plane and laughed sarcastically at him from the Russian inspector who managed to deceive him. When he arrived at the Israeli airport, the inspection officer in Tel Aviv saw the statue and asked him again: What is this? The Russian answered again: Your question is wrong sir, the right question is this, this statue of Lenin, the crazy criminal who left Russia because of him, and accompanied this statue with me everywhere I go to him to look at his face every morning and I curse him curses every time and The Israeli inspector was influenced by the Russian's words and said, "Well, sir, I prefer to pass.
Thus, the Jew managed to pass the inspection at the airport. He got out of the airport and rented one of the cars. He immediately went to the house of one of the residents of Tel Aviv. He took out his luggage and put the statue in one of his bedroom. He asked him in a clear curiosity: Who is this, my uncle? The Jew smiled in mockery as he answered again: Your question is wrong, my little one, and the correct thing is to ask me: What is this? This is ten kilos of pure 24-gauge gold, and I was able to cross it without paying any customs or taxes.
Wisdom of the story: Political is the ability to explain the same thing to people in multiple ways according to his situation, but provided that it is convincing in every novel to achieve what you want and make it in your favor.

Hi @frankhood

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

Some people do not execute the trick, the intelligence comes out of a great predicament, and this story is one of the smart tricks that occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century ...
The story says ...
In Paris 1910, and the protagonist of the story is one of the bettors who collected a fortune from the bet, an eccentric Hawars Doverkul, who bet on the thousands of pounds sterling, which is a great fortune at the time, that he would sleep for half an hour full on the mirror in the middle Paris's Opera Square, the largest square packed with passers-by and cars in Paris at the time, are the ones who will set the hour of execution, and have already chosen his rush hour to do so ...
On time, the bets met in the square, and they did not see Hoars. They agreed that he had changed his mind, because this task was impossible, and everyone did not realize that there was a big truck parked in the middle of the square. , And the police organize the traffic around the truck, to prevent any problem for the truck or passengers.
After waiting for half an hour of waiting, Hawars came out from under the truck and the police quarters to help, as was the neighborhood of the bettors who paid the bet, because he was committed to all the betting conditions, but he was clever enough to get What he wants without risk ....

Hi @rydermax

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

One day the sky was beautiful, the sun was shining and the sun was shining brightly on the surface of the pure sea. The beautiful mermaid sat on the beach after spending a difficult night in insomnia and could not sleep. The soft waves that she took cover as she approached the shore, and while she was messing with her soft long hair, a small fish fell on her side, tossed by the waves of the sea to the shore, and returned to the sea without her, the poor fish was wandering, trying to get back to the water again, terrified and very frightened.

The nymph walked towards the sea a little and then brought the little fish back to the water, waving to her with joy and joy and thanking her very much, saying: Thank you, the beautiful fairy I will not forget I will help you, too, and I must warn you now to stay on the beach for a long time because there is a pirate ship coming from the south and it is holding everything that falls into the hand of the creatures of the sea, and your eyes will immediately catch you with their ropes and arrows sharp sharpness and hide them and now goodbye My friend .

The nymph drew her bright tail in the hot beach sand and then sped herself into the water again and plunged deep until she reached her marvelous palace in the depths of the sea

Hi @sadstory

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

One day after the teacher finished explaining the daily lesson, she asked her classmates to explore the subject of the phrase "What do you like to be?" And gave the students enough time to write the subject. After the time the teacher collected all the time and went to her home to review what the students wrote. And she started to read it until her eyes filled with tears, affected by what she read. At this moment, her husband came back from her work and saw her tears and the intense impact she was holding on to this paper. The husband asked her what had happened and why she cried and stretched out her hand to him with the paper and asked him to read it. The pair reads the letter that was written by Ka Next:

God, I will ask you tonight for something very special. I hope you will turn me into a television set and take the place of our TV in the house. I live like us in the house. I have a special place in the house. I am surrounded by the whole family. Be the center of attention in the family and not interrupt when I ask, and receive the same care and care as the television, and enjoy with my father when he returns home to the evening when he is tired, and that my mother at all times, even in the most moments of grief and boredom, The lack of attention he gave now .. I also want To fight my brother to spend time with me and to feel that my family leave everything just to spend some time with me, and finally I hope to make them all happy .. Just all I want to live as a television in our home.

When the husband finished reading the letter, he said: "What a sad thing, he is a child who lives alone and sad. But I do not see that it deserves all this grief and tears
I hope today my story you like it :)

Hi @hifa

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

Man travels his imagination away from reality and to depart from the tasks of his daily affairs and those perceptions are the hopes and dreams and wishes to achieve, but when returning to the ground suffers the imagination of frustration and disappointment.
Spectrum Fiction: Visualizer brings all the complex scenes in front of him directly and this type is useful for students where they recall information.
Fantasy Memory: It is a kind that evokes all the old memories that have passed over man in the past.
Silence arising from deprivation: This type is associated with some hallucinations that compensate the person for his disability.
Creative Fantasy: Man works to exploit all his senses in order to deposit a set of ideas and innovative formulas and spread this genre to the authors and workers in the field of cinema.
Perceived imagination: It is a type that develops visual visualization capability and helps to develop plans in the distant future.

Hi @lifeyourlife

thanks for your information


@xpilar imagination in general, and can be said that one of the most important types of cinematic literature, which provides fictional stories based on a series of scientific discoveries reflective and some changes in the environment, and also addresses the nature of life on the planets and the lives of astronauts when he was traveling, The ability of the author to create a fictional world of his own unprecedented nature using the most important literary tools containing some hypotheses and scientific theories in all forms, and described science fiction as a literary way to jump from time to time through the wings of the dream

Hi @kertmason

thanks for your thoughts and information

Imagination Is a collection of memories and experiences acquired by man in his life and through which he can employ them through the wishes of the person and the reality in which he lives.
Shaker Abdel Hamid says that it is a flexible process by the person to walk around in his own world and a group of pictures that he moves whenever he wants to reach the end he wants

Hi @jessicaalex

thanks for your thoughts and information

This design suck as Visual tricks are all what the beholder sees in front of the images of the nature or reality, and see it as real or natural illusion, because of the deception in the sight or misinformation in the sight of things and images, the view is fooled by the information and images that the eye collects and works The processing and analysis of the brain in an incorrect manner gives false results and not compatible with real images, the trick is basically based on many of the possibilities and illusions that occur naturally based on the knowledge and illusions of the person, and most important that most of the visual tricks are images mounted on each other Biting in a precise and deliberate way to give the desired results, we will explain during this article types of visual tricks and reality

Hi @victoria6

thanks for your thoughts and information

The last Cowboy

After finding a small room for the night after a long day collecting resource. We settled down to cook our meal for the day. How little did we know, this would be the last meal we may ever cook together.
We saw someone run past, we shouted "Howdy partner, can we interest you in some beans?" - to no response but to run away while the sound of filling a gun chamber with a single bullet, happens in the distance. Take care from here on out.
After our night of rest listening to the screams of zombies and bambis outside, we decided to walk our way through Chernogorsk, humming our favorite song. The Magnificent Seven theme song.
We decided to arm ourselves in case things took a turn for the worst, and the single bullet gets used. We did not see him coming. He is down. Headshot. The one bullet. One bullet. Did not even attempt to kill me, or even loot my friends body. Gone, like a swift breeze.
I am the last Cowboy. But time goes on. There are people to protect. I am not sad, I shall always remember what happened this day.

Hi @hichemfetoui

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

Glad that you like it

Imagination is a mental activity that man thinks about all around him and moves him to distant and close places, through which he moves himself from the real world to a year he builds himself even for a few moments. The imagination affected the evolution of human life, bringing it to styles and innovations that facilitated the life And made him a thinker and explorer in the scientific, literary and artistic fields, so it is one of the most important means that led to the development of humanity,

Hi @jaxsonevan

thanks for your thoughts and information

One can develop imagination by quoting other characters such as artists and poets.
Interacts with the variables that occur in the individual's surroundings so that they interact with them always and in a continuous manner.
Capable of making ideas and images more flexible and dynamic so they can blend or move one or more images in all directions
Integrates with many cognitive variables such as cognition, creativity, thinking, remembering and intuition.
Helps solve the problems facing the individual.
Reduces nervous tension

Hi @juliaz

thanks for your thoughts and information

Thank you for sharing your digital Art @xpilar reminds me nice summer day, having winter it is always a good distraction to think and plan your holidays. Seeing those rocks that reminded me a watercolor painting that I saw recently in online tutorial, especially those different layers of color that was build by water level. Nice combination of colors orange and violet match very well together. I wish you a nice week, for me it is a weekend now as I am starting my long days on weekend :)

Hi @stef1

Thanks for your nice description about my photo

Longing for spring and summer now

You create incredible digital collages with your thoughts and imagination. Looking at your work starts to feel dizzy. If you relax and let go of the imagination ... you can go very far. Thank you very nicely turned out

Hi @magnata

thank you so much

Amazing picture. As Karl Sagan said
"Imagination often takes us to worlds that have never existed. But without it we will not go anywhere. Thanks to your paintings, I myself begin to dream and imagine. Thank you for sharing

Hi @aleks433

thank you so much

A great picture @xpilar and this digital landscape makes the flight of your thoughts into serene space. The stunning canyon looks fantastically beautiful and I take a look at your picture, far beyond the horizon!

Hi @serkagan

thank you so much

Climate Chaos.

The climatic system is more and more surprising, the drought is generating havoc as it passes, air currents move the sands through the skies as if they were rays of light. Cities are being covered by large amounts of sand, all of them sheltering from this unprecedented storm. Meanwhile, the sun continues to do its work relentlessly, leaving an immense heat in each wake. All the water has evaporated, there are no oceans, seas or rivers left, only dry air about to expire.

El Caos Climatico.

El sistema climatico es cada vez más sorprendente, la sequía está generando estragos a su paso, corrientes de aire trasladan las arenas por los cielos como si fuesen rayos de luz. Las ciudades están siendo cubiertas por grandes cantidades de arena, todos se reesguardan ante esta tormenta inedita. Mientras tanto, el sol sigue haciendo su trabajo de manera implacable dejando en cada estela un inmenso calor. Todo el agua se ha evaporado, no quedan oceanos, mares ni rios, solo se siente un aire seco a punto de expirar.

Hi @jadnven

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

Barren mountain light
a planet with only the land
One day
The land that is quiet in the plane
There is some ray of light in the sky
They Have come out
Looking up at the sky
Since then
This event
It is called "the barren mountain light"

thanks for your information

Great art work, I love this desert style

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you

The tyranny of science fiction and his involvement in stories began for the first time in the real-life stories of the second century AD by Lucien Samisati, who used mythology and mythology

Nice to hear

Science Fiction Features
This art, like all other arts of literature, is dominated by many features and characteristics that make it unique to other arts. Its pioneers have introduced many touches that have made it a real world frequented by lovers of imagination.

thank you

@xpilar You have a very classy and beautiful art in design, you know how to offer a prestigious fictional painting.

thank you

Kingdoms rise against kingdom in the name of power and they want to be immortality but they forgot whoever liveth or stand on the earth's will definitely become mortal soon or later.

There is a fight between two brothers in the name of power and authority to control the world, elder brother was a kind, loving and caring for the people even the less privileged is taking care of, while the younger brother was a wild and rude with a violence in actions, a little matters that has to be settling amicably will be burning like hell fire, when their father see them both he decided to send the younger brother to a family from his mother side to stay because it won't let his elder brother become king of the kingdom of ancient.

Younger brother felt hatred, he has been looking wa to revenge from his elder brother what his father did to him in order to let the elder brother become king of the ancient city, throughout his stay (younger brother) he has been sought for Power, magic and wanted nothing else but to be more powerful than ordinary; after fifteen years of elder brother as king of the kingdom ancient city, he decided to return and revenge from his elder brother and become the new king!

When the elder brother heard about his return of his younger brother he knows there would be problem he requested for more reinforcement bit when Young brother return he pretends to have been changed his ways elder brother welcome him warmly few days later younger brother came up with his evil plan, He got his elder brother killed and overthrow the next morning, uncountable lives were lost, whosoever disobey him become person of the past(he kill them) he ruled people for many years under his rule there is no peace , there are rebellion arise in the kingdom ancient city , this king finally got killed as well by his elder brother son; kingdoms got divided that how kingdom of ancient city got divided; noting better than peace in life, for unity brings peace and harmony and progress...

Thanks for share your digital art design with us!

Hi @davidad

thanks for your thoughts and the story

Great fiction i love this desert style well done

thank you

This design very exquisite work and its great landscape looks amazing

thank you

Looks real design well done thats great digital art

thank you so much

@xpilar Great design I wish you success

thank you

@xpilar great design and beautiful

thank you

Dear sir, that really amazing creation by you, can we have step by step tutorial about digital art form you, in steemit or dtube platform.

Great art! This looks like it shows the color change in the different depths of rock on the mountains, so that you might be able to tell what mineral the top layer is and how much it has changed deeper down!

Hi @ralph22

Well, here are your thoughts that count

A deserted island formed by erosion, and wind, it has towering cliffs and pointy rocks not quite your average beach!

Nice to hear

Great art! It looks like a good example so you see at the top, the rocks are one color, but as the earth builds up, the weight and pressure form the earth as you can see, makes the minerals change, and maybe there is a ring of carbon near the top of the mountains, and it looks like there is some iron nearer the base.

Hi @xes

thanks for your thoughts and information

Excellent image, it gives the sensation as if you were describing many characteristics of the planet Jupiter, because according to information in this planet there are rafagas of powerful winds.

thanks for your thoughts and information

Seeing the many comments you have and the stories you can only say that you're doing well, @xpilar your digital art is inspiration for many, the image creates a link between the reader and a magical world or maybe real everything depends on Look at each one.

Nice to hear, thank you @jennimorillo

Here is a new imaginary beauty from our artist @xpilar

thank you

extraordinary, like a floodlight that gives a warning

thank you

great artwork!

thank you

Nice image! maybe this depicts a scene after a thousand jet fighter planes flew over a deserted island to go to war!

thanks for your thoughts and information

Great work!

thank you

Very nice art work @xpilar!I think it looks like a glacier with only a few peaks sticking over the ice.

thank you

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