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RE: Artcycling “tree of knowledge”

And I totally agree people here are so nice and supportive it is so cool to see a platform that rewards kindness it is indeed a new approach and one I think has a power beyond imagination. We are seeing the birth of a paradigm shift. I began to notice the idea that collaboration is more powerful than competing. This is a few years back and I continue to watch as the world wakes to the idea that we are all one people of one mind heart complex with billions of unique points of view. As we wake to this the sharing and co-created-incidents things line up and paths cross of those who are ringing there heartstrings in harmony. Fancy way of saying I get you Dude.Hey @stevecoin77 your awesome Just read your latest post


We are the children that shall inherit the kingdom . :) i too have seen the way our old way of thinking has acomplished here on our world and definatly embrace the change of sharing possitivity and love throughout the earth . The warriors of light were few and far between some years ago , but i have a feeling that we are all throwing our positve tgoughts to the universe in unison now :) i want a great world for my boy to live in and hope he never has to see the 25 years tgat i did . All i can do everyday is try to be more kjnd than the last and be a better person tgan i was yesteday . Love shall reighn supreme in our lifetime :) ya

Be kind and make the world around you better in the now resonate love and you bring into your reflections of reality this energy you carry and your son lives in a beautiful now with his loving father. All power in in the now.