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RE: Artcycling “tree of knowledge”

in #artcycling7 years ago

We are the children that shall inherit the kingdom . :) i too have seen the way our old way of thinking has acomplished here on our world and definatly embrace the change of sharing possitivity and love throughout the earth . The warriors of light were few and far between some years ago , but i have a feeling that we are all throwing our positve tgoughts to the universe in unison now :) i want a great world for my boy to live in and hope he never has to see the 25 years tgat i did . All i can do everyday is try to be more kjnd than the last and be a better person tgan i was yesteday . Love shall reighn supreme in our lifetime :) ya


Be kind and make the world around you better in the now resonate love and you bring into your reflections of reality this energy you carry and your son lives in a beautiful now with his loving father. All power in in the now.