Feeling like being killed by life, it hurts a little...- my entry to 2nd ARTstyleArt event-A Few Small Nips-Frida Khalo-Abstract Art

in #artstyleart8 years ago (edited)


English version below

Bonjour à vous tous,

Voici mon entrée pour le deuxième volet du concour ArtStyleArt de @aksinya où l’on explore différents styles d’art. Cette fois-ci le style était l’abstrait. Voici le post pour ce concours https://steemit.com/artstyleart/@aksinya/2nd-artstyleart-theme-announcement-a-few-small-nips

Wow! Ce fut toute une aventure d’émotions pour moi à commencer par le sujet proposé par @aksinya qui est le tableau de Frida Khalo intitulé A Few Small Nips que je ne connaissais pas. Tout comme @aksinya, ce tableau m’a déchiré le corps en morceaux… La souffrance et le découragement m’ont envahi. J’ai fait quelques recherches sur Frida Khalo et sa toile, et le passage qui m’a le plus marqué est le suivant, lu sur le site http://www.fridakahlo.org/a-few-small-nips-passionately-in-love.jsp :

«She added that she had required to paint A Few Small Nips in light of the fact that she herself had verged on being "killed by life". At a later date, when she should again have felt killed by life, Frida proceeded with the splotches of blood that make this her goriest painting»

À la lecture de ce passage, j’ai su ce que j’allais dessiner : une femme poignardée par la Vie représentée par un arbre qui est pour moi un puissant symbole de la Vie. J’ai voulu ajouter des blessures et du sang mais je n’ai pas pu… cela était trop souffrant, le dessin étant déjà très douloureux et émotionnel. Peut-être un jour, comme Frida, j’ajouterai les blessures et le sang lorsque la Vie me fera me sentir comme si elle voulait me tuer à petit feu.

Hello everyone,

Here is my entry for the second part of the ArtStyleArt contest of @aksinya where we explore different styles of art. This time the style was abstract. Here is the post for this contest https://steemit.com/artstyleart/@aksinya/2nd-artstyleart-theme-announcement-a-few-small-nips

Wow! It was quite an emotional adventure for me to start with the subject proposed by @aksinya which is the painting by Frida Khalo entitled A Few Small Nips that I did not know. Like @aksinya, this painting has torn my body to pieces ... The suffering and discouragement have invaded me. I did some research on Frida Khalo and her canvas, and the passage that most marked me is the following, read on http://www.fridakahlo.org/a-few-small-nips-passionately -in-love.jsp:

«She added that she had required to paint A Few Small Nips in light of the fact that she herself had verged on being "killed by life". At a later date, when she should again have felt killed by life, Frida proceeded with the splotches of blood that make this her goriest painting»

When I read this passage, I knew what I was going to draw: a woman stabbed by Life represented by a tree which is for me a powerful symbol of Life. I wanted to add wounds and blood but I could not ... it was too painful, the drawing is already very painful and emotional. Perhaps someday, like Frida, I will add wounds and blood when Life will make me feel as if she wanted to kill me a little at a time.


You killed me in good way! Just great! Thank you!

Thank you!

Hi! Remember I wrote that I wanted your painting to take part in my another contest...Tomorrow I would like to announce a new theme and I would like to suggest your painting to be interpreted. Don't you mind? I also want to invite you to be a judge. If you didn't hear about this contest pls check @artquest-trail. Thank you! it is @aksinya))

I just saw your message ... I had several unexpected things that kept me away from my computer ... It would have pleased me if you used my work, but it must be too late now? Being a judge makes me uncomfortable because I do not really have experience in surrealism, only a strong attraction for this style of art, but I will be ready to take up the challenge. Keep me informed.
Je viens juste de voir votre message... J'ai eu plusieurs imprévus qui m'ont tenu éloigné de mon ordinateur... Cela m'aurait fait plaisir que vous utilisiez mon oeuvre, mais il doit être trop tard maintenant? Concernant le fait d'être juge, cela me met mal à l'aise, car je n'ai pas vraiment d'expérience dans le surréalisme, seulement une forte attirance pour ce style d'art, mais je serai prête à relever le défi. Tenez-moi au courant.

We will use it in 2 weeks then (I already have Paolo and another artist)) . You don't need to be an expert.))) People will be giving interpretations to your painting and you will choose 3 best))

Parfait. J'ai bien hâte! Merci de m'avoir choisi, cela me touche beaucoup.
Perfect. I'm really excited! Thank you for choosing me, it touches me very much.

Great! I will contact you in steem.chat. are you at discord?

I am also happy that you had some googling about Frida. It was my purpose too. I wish we learn more about great and talented people.