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RE: Weekend Rant: Hands Off Our Creative Property!

in #artzone6 years ago

Hey my friend, again, thanks for your time to put so much thought into this. I think I've secretly given up on the notion that people visit my website because of social media click throughs. I doesn't happen thru facebook nor instagram, they have stats to prove it. And yes you're right, people are reluctant to visit someones site, I guess mainly because of a lack of time. And since my site is primarily an online portfolio I don't update it often, so once you've seen it you don't feel the need to revisit.

I haven't put much thought into seeing as a marketing opportunity for anything outside of Steemit, because of the nature of the platform. Most people are here hoping to make some coin and therefore only care about promoting themselves. But like I said, I will try to solidify my presence here and put some effort into branding myself and I will take your advice into consideration, for sure. I have nothing to lose so why not?

I shall talk to you soon, and I have not forgotten about checking out those speakers, just haven't had the patience for it yet. Best wishes until next time :-)