Hey everyone! Back with another #asksteemit!
I remember the day I stumbled upon Steemit pretty well. I was reading Reddit like I did a lot back then, I was really into reading about cryptocurrency news at the time and frequently browsing the subreddits of them. Before that I was mostly into reading r/bitcoin and r/dogecoin but after the big amount of censorship you noticed on the bitcoin subreddits I started leaning more towards altcoins like Ethereum at the time.
The r/cryptocurreny subreddit also become one of my favorite ones at the time, although low on activty and userbase it was still nice to read daily. There one day I happened upon a comment of a user talking about Steemit (I wish I remembered the users name). I quickly checked it out, created an account which was instant at the time and started doing a few comments and votes. Even wrote my first post asking why Steemit doesn't show ads and reward the revenue to the users:
@pharesim and @pfunk where the first ones to reply to a post of mine, glad to see they are still around on the platform and very important users for it. :)
Anyway, what got me hooked was of course the way it all worked. After reading around more and also checking out the whitepaper I was really impressed by how advanced it already seemed at the beginning phases.
The weird part was that I had created my account at a friends place where we were busy doing some trading for a weekend and I was using her PC, as I got home I totally forgot my password which at the time was not a private key but a password you chose by yourself. I couldn't come up with it to save my own life. Irritated I forgot about Steemit for a couple of weeks until I visited my friend again and tried logging in on her PC which had a different kind of keyboard and BAM, muscle memory came to the rescue.
After that day I have been active ever since pretty much daily. :)
I stumbled upon steemit when I was browsing through bitcointalk forums. I have been on those forums off and on for years.
I sometimes participate in ad signature campaigns there and I am part of a small minority of people who actually don't spam those forums haha. A lot of the stuff over there is spam and you can't really talk with many people back and forth and have any meaningful conversation.
I like steemit because here you can have a more meaningful conversation while at the same time earn a little crypto if people find what you said helpful(a great example of voluntarism I think is the word). It helps build the community making posts and its generally nicer here than anywhere I have ever been.
I see also that you were in /r/bitcoin for awhile and yes they did start censoring a lot. I sometimes participate over on /r/btc and I see they have their moderation logs set to open and you can see why someones stuff was removed and why and all that. I like /r/btc better in my opinion, even if it has less people and all that(and they can be a bit mean too haha).
Steemit is my main place to hang out and read stuff now. Almost anywhere else is a drag. Twitter is bots and people shouting eachother down, facebook is whiny people and uploading food pictures or just other vapid things that don't help the world progress. + all the censorship on reddit in general and elsewhere is concerning me, that is why I am trying to get more people to steemit and to Minds.com and dtube and lbry.io.
Governments and corporations have a duty to censor views that are harmful to them from all that I see, the only way to have a more free society is places like steemit and other decentralized things. I am a person with a background in social media/computer science/information systems, I can see where this is all going. Steemit and other things similar are the new facebook or the new twitter, it is up to us to help get it going and make it better :)
Indeed unlike othe social media Steemit is truly for the people. I like to call it the wiki leaks of social media :)
Now I am using Steemit, it feels such a waste to dedicate my time on Facebook. I used to like pages and comment a lot, but the engagement here is on a different level.
I really hope Steemit is going to be popular :)
That is a good thing to call it!
I can't use facebook like I used to because it is just to annoying. I used to upload what I was doing, where I went, picture of this and that and blah blah. After a few years of that it got kind of tiresome to feel like I needed to update hundreds of people about my life. Then I see how they are basically just using me as the product too, all these ads and auto-playing videos... ugh, for the love of god, no auto-playing videos on web pages!!! That drives me nuts.
I only use facebook for messages now and also to post to my facebook group using hashtags to direct people here and a few other places.
Yeah I didn't want to mention it. But after I learned how much Facebook is making by using our personal information, I kinda hated it more!!
Haha why not direct them all to Steemit ;)
Yes! Use their platforms to sign up your friends and others hehe. Twitter works pretty well for that too because of the hashtags are used more than on facebook. I get a few people every other day who click on the links I post on twitter about steemit so I hope they sign up!
I got here due to a "co-worker" of mine. At that point, we both worked as "Community Discussion Managers" (we had no direct title for the things we did, so we came up with Community Discussion Managers ourselves.) on SEOClerks, which is the largest SEO Marketplace.
My friend (or co-worker), made a post about a new, cool social media platform and I have to say, most of the people who responded to that post were naysayers. - I on the other hand, had no interest in cryptocurrencies at the time and even though I had heard about bitcoin, I never ever bothered with some "bogus made-up currency", which I, at the time really believed it was.
I had heard many things about bitcoin but I am "old school", so I liked the thought of having real money, which was the reason I never bothered with it.
Long story short, at the time he introduced this cool place, I had already been sick of facebook for a very, very long time and I thought:
And to tell you the truth. When I first arrived here I saw insane payouts. And I'm not even talking about $200 or $500 posts... I'm talking about $3000 or even $5,000+.
I saw tons of girls posting their introduction posts with a big, fat photo of themselves flashing their "goods", and they got well-rewarded for it. - Sex sells, I know, but seriously.. Why on earth would people give a random girl $2000 for a boring photo they could find for free on google?
It took me a while before I finally realized how these things worked. - You didn't spend your own money like you would buy a service. (Which I'd be doing for several years as a freelancer).
I spent tons of time on Steemit, which I've been doing pretty much since that day, and I published a couple of articles. Some of them made me a dollar and others made me more than $500... - So it was without a question, the best experience I ever had online.
After a couple of weeks, I started to realize that the money actually didn't matter too much. Sure, I was obviously amazed about the money I could earn but I loved the opportunity Steemit gave us all, more than anything. - And that's why I'm still here.
Sometimes struggling and sometimes feeling a bit low and sad... But I figured, that I can't compare my own results with other Steemians. - What I can do, and what I've been doing, is to compare my results from today, with the results I had yesterday. - That's the only thing that have worked out for me.
And by doing that, I compete with myself instead of others. - That's my recipe "Steemit recipe" - And I'm thrilled and still as amazed and thankful for the opportunity I've been given, just like I was when I arrived 16 months ago.
So long story short, I joined for the money but I stayed for the community.
Yeah sadly many believe that to this day.
and yeah, comparing is never good! I remember those several thousand in post rewards posts as well, too bad many of those people didn't stick around. :/
and yeah, I think you had joined around the same time as me, I remember it quite well. :)
I can gladly say that I am not one of those people. I don't consider myself to be some sort of "cryptocurrency-expert" or anything, but even I can see tons of potential with the limited knowledge I have.
Comparing is never good, I definitely agree with you. I actually thought of leaving Steemit at one point, about 15 months ago, because I didn't earn $200+ on every article I published. - Crazy right?
The thing is, that I started to take for granted that my articles would be well-rewarded each and every time, mostly because of Dan, because he was one of the first whales that ever upvoted my content... And he did so multiple times. So instead of having a hard time and have to work to get recognition and rewards, which I was used to prior to Steemit... I arrived at Steemit and got tons of money for basically nothing. - So I'm obviously incredibly thankful for all the rewards I earned, but I am also a bit sad that I got that much rewards right from the start, because that was the main reason for me to start thinking about leaving Steemit in the first place. - Anyhow, I didn't leave and along the way I got more knowledge and found my own way so to speak.
I even consider myself to have become a better person because of Steemit and the Steemians around me. Because I've learned many new things about myself but also about others. - And that's solely because of other Steemians contributions.
So yeah, I'm all for Steemit and I've been an addict ever since I started to get more knowledge.
Thank you for the trip down memory lane btw. :)
I found myself reading multiple articles that I really liked and I didn't even pay attention that it was Steemit, although I noticed some articles had payouts, but I didn't really care, I was just here to read and that's it.
But one day I was doing some google search and yet again I stumbled upon some good articles on Steemit, so I was like: ok, wait a minute, this Steemit thing seems to appear a lot, lemme see what it is.
And I was mindblown from the start. I mean, being able to generate value to someone by doing what I already did with so much pleasure for free - reading, and more - being able to actually make something in the process by curating what I like, not mentioning the writing part...
I was mind blown right away. I started doing crazy research on it, and came to the conclusion that this has the potential to be huge.
Steem Power seem like the most amazing thing I discovered in years. In my mind it's just to right not to start a diet and do everything in possible to hoard as much as I can.
Guys, go for Steem Power, you will regret it one day if you withdraw every buck you make.
Maaan, I'm stupid for realizing this so late...
That's really nice to hear that google SEO is working. :)
I stumbled across it because someone mentioned steemit on a comment in facebook. The way the said it was like everyone should know what it was and I didn't want to ask and look stupid, so I googled it. Then clicked on the site and when I saw I could be reward I was intrigued. I signed up and with in an hour was approved and made my first post. I made two before doing an intro post and that one did really well for me not knowing anyone at all on the platform yet. (though I did discover a few people I follow on other platforms are here, I am a little mad they didn't say something on other platforms about steemit, but I am not gonna call them out, because had they I would have been here a year ago)
I had used Mylot in the day when they rewarded users with the advertising dollars, and it was a lot like steemit in the way users choose which content deserved earnings by voting for content. But it took a lot of posts just to earn $30. For most people it took them 3 months to earn it, but I learned that if you comment more than you post you make more money on that site. And took that here, and that is what helped me rank up so fast, I was at 43 within 24 hours or so.
Though admittedly I have been busy lately and have been slacking on my comments. I am trying to do better about that as you can see.
This is exactly why I tell anyone and go out of the way to at least mention it to friends I don't normally talk to often. Don't want them getting mad at me later once they start using it and can instead be all like "I told you so". :D
Right that is what I am doing too And Thursday is YART that yard sale for Art event I am attending I have my banner made and my t-shirt to promote Steemit while selling my photography art projects
My girlfriends brother had mentioned finding this site which he thought could revolutionize social media as we know it, as it turned out he was talking about Steemit of course. I at the time knew of cryptocurreny but wasn't involved in it at all, and I was just using Reddit for almost all of my social media stuff. He suggested I make an account and maybe start making posts about my hobbies since I could make some money for them, as I was making pretty decent content over on Reddit which had hit the front page of the site a couple of times.
I was super confused my first month or so on how everything works here, and he only answered a few of my questions before I just decided I needed to figure out everything else on my own. Eventually I did, so I just kept trying to make some good quality content while commenting around hoping to make some friends on here, which eventually I did :P
I honestly can't recall my initial thoughts on the website, but I remember feeling very intrigued by the whole concept of the site and was imagining in my head just how far this site could go given time and plenty of good growth. I was definitely impressed after my first day of browsing, and after that I just couldn't stop getting on here, haha.
Yes! This a million times over. I also used to spend a ton of time on reddit after I fell out of love with facebook.
We make posts and get paid nothing from reddit!!! That is the part I really hated. I was a Youtuber and my content got decent money for what I used to do in the gaming world, posting on reddit you could get hundreds of upvotes which = hundreds of views for reddit ads and nothing for me. You know its funny, reddit would be a better place probably if people could earn something. If reddit had more of a style like steemit(anti-censorship and running on a similar blockchain maybe), then reddit would really explode. They aren't innovating on reddit or other places though and they are going to get left in the dust.
I think they've lost the will to do anything creative with Reddit, due to the massive growth of users they've had in the past 5 or 6 years. Reddit is nothing like it used to be 8 or 9 years ago when I joined up. It's become heavily over saturated on pretty much all of the main subreddits at this point.
Something else which really kills good content on that site is the fact that it's so easy to manipulate votes. You don't even have to use paid services to do it, you could just have a group of people all upvote the same post in the first few minutes, or even just do it yourself by changing your IP address and making new accounts. I've seen so much garbage and corporate shill stuff get to the front pages it's ridiculous.
And, the way that some of the subs censor or ban people is outright ridiculous. I know Acid has mentioned bad experience with the mods of bitcoin, IIRC. And, I myself had had some issues with bigger subs banning me because I shared an opinion that was not liked. It's really frustrating, and it's one reason why I only go on reddit maybe once a week anymore, and that's only to check movie news and my own subreddits.
On the 1st April 2017 I was camping with my cousins and friends the next morning I took my bike and was driving home. At a crossroad I turned off to the right at green traffic light, where then a pickup truck who had red traffic light had fully driven into my left side. I was falling over and fainted for two to three minutes when I then came back to me, I stood a little under shock. After everything was arranged with the police, I was taken to the hospital, where I had to stay the next 6 days. I have torn the Achilles tendon on the right leg in the accident and I had strong bruises.
Fortunately, nothing happened to my left leg, as I had pulled it up from Reflex shortly before the accident. I was then operated on the Achilles tendon and I got a plaster. After I was released from the hospital and arrived home, I had a lot of time since I could not walk.
I had nothing to do because I had to lie all day on the sofa, the only thing I could do was to surf the internet with my laptop.
I am very interested in Cryptos and one morning in the end of May I thought to look if there is a token that is connected with a social media platform. At the beginning I looked up, whether Facebook or Twitter have any project what is connected with cryptos.
I then came across Steemit and read a lot about it I also viewed several videos. After that, I immediately opened an account with Steemit and invested half a Bitcoin in Steem. Since then, I am a happy member of Steemit
Without the accident, I would not have had so much time to bump into Steemit, I'm very grateful to the driver of the pickup truck, even that sounds a little stupid, without him I might not be at Steemit yet.
My wounds are all good healed and I can walk quite well again.
Here is a picture of my leg:

In my crypto research the first few months I was watching any youtube video Icould get my hands on that felt unbiased (not pumping a specific coin). I could listen to the videos while driving at work in between jobs. Naturally I knew of @jerrybanfield and saw his first video about steemit, but the big one for me was following @boxmining. He set me up so well with my expectations for the platform. He showed his first few weeks of posts making nothing, and how it progressed. I would have to say @boxmining is the reason I had a good attitude making nothing my first month.
At first I just did a dump of all my old art, but once I became active in chat and started creating new artwork is when steemit started working for me.
That's great! Its really counter-productive to tell people to join cause they can make mad money, they'll get disappointed quick and leave. That's really nice of @boxmining and should be considered more often to at least let them know nothing real comes too easy.
I agree. He totally shaped my expectation and I think it helped me thrive
I think I was also viewing boxmining when I 1st wanted to register.
Feels like I joined forever ago but it's still only around 3.5 months.
I saw a shoutout by @grantcardone on Facebook, took a quick look over the welcome page and was sold immediately. I literally had nothing to lose so just gave it a go.
I knew it wouldn't be easy to start because I didn't know anybody but after using it for about a week, HF19 happened and everything exploded. I decided to sell my litecoin and buy some Steem & powered it up.
In the beginning it was tough to tell who was legit and who wasn't, the whole platform was new to but after a little while you develop a BS filter :) 'Rep' isn't the only factor to consider.
You forgot about your soul.
DTube - since I know IPFS, it was the opportunity I was looking for!I'm from Reddit, too. Indirectly, though: I'm an enthusiastic follower of the small but growing /r/ipfs community, and someone (presumably @heimindanger himself) had a bloody lengthy post about
Soon realized, obviously that DTube is built mostly around Steemit, and while initially I refused to join and use the site, after learning it, it became quite engaging.
I still have a hard time find a constant and consistent place for discussions, but the "new" feed still provides some interesting stuff to read and vote on.
Well, my friend ordered me a lyft home because he wanted me to play the playstation 4 with him online and at the time I didn't have a way to get home. The lyft driver, otherwise know as Brandon @lovejoy; we talked about graphic design stuff on the way home. He then mention about steemit, a blogging website. He gave me his user name and email. I then gave him my business card so he could look at my graphic design work.
At the time, I just thought it was another plain website. So I didn't look into it until 2 months later and this was around june. I don't know what it was, but I had this gut feeling that I should check it out. So I call Brandon to set up a meeting and a week later we ended up talking a lot about steemit. At the time I didn't know anything about cryptocurrency, Witnesses, and Blockchains. Hell, I'm still confused [lol]. 110 days later I've been having a blast connecting with people, networking, and making new friends. I like sharing my animations, drawings, videos, and so much more with the community.
That's a really nice story about how you ended up here. Word of mouth has been one of Steemit's greatest marketing efforts so far!
Sorry I accidentally posted and I wasn't finished, typing on a phone is tough. (╯°□°)╯
Hahah! Even before you added that last part I went and checked on your posts. ;)
Great montage ^^
I joined the platform because of a friend who had a chitchat with me about the platform. The word "blogging" site was the thing hooked me. I was a bubblews user before, a blogging website where its main focus is connection. $0.01 per like(upvote), comment, and share.
So I think Steemit was the same. I entered facebook groups with trading upvotes, and to gain connection. In return, I earned nothing from them. In my first month, I earned very little. So little that I'm about to quit the platform and be back to my suicidal days (Work time & study full time). I don't want to surrender my studies, so I need to find a way to earn.
Then there's one time I joined a @Whaleshares contest, @officialfuzzy gave an upvote. My post from $0.01 to $71.24 ! Some voted on that post but fuzzy was the top of the curators. It made me hyped. I realized that content quality is the brand of the platform. Each of us here brings unique talent. Steemit is a network of ideas, and every one of us is essential in this platform.
I worked hard posting valuable content for the community up until promoting the platform to my fellow students and to our community is a great and unique topic. I worked hard to invite them, and I put a lot of effort in answering their questions.
Right now, Steemit provides all my needs personally, financially for my studies, and I can now give a portion of my earnings to my family. I can't imagine my life without this platform. Steemit provide me much, so much that I realized how blessed I am to be in this platform and one of the pioneere in our town. I enjoy being one of the influential leaders in our community and I love how the community here grew.
I'm forever thankful. It changed my life.
A friend told me about steemit. It was supposed to be this social network that paid me to do stuff on it, and this friend told me about a friend of his who had bought and iphone 7 plus off his steemit revenues.
As I neither had an iphone or a steady revenue source I was very interested in this social media platform that pays for content. After a whole bunch of research on my path I was initially disappointed steemit is not the get rich quick scheme I was led to believe.
But after a whole bunch of posts making 0.00sbd i started making a little money and started getting into the community and fun of it all. Admittedly it would be nice to make more money as my post don't earn regularly even now, but I now enjoy working on posts and trying to post regularly while reading great content posted by other users.
The sense of community here is amazing and I have to say the best I have come across on the internet so far.
Thank you for bringing this up @acidyo. I stumbled upon steemit basically from two posts in Facebook feed. One was from my brother-in-law, and another from @hiroyamagishi.
The first few posts, I just ignored them. This was the post that actually prompted me to join.
This was the post I did mentioning the same story.
My Steemit journey started when I was studying Bitcoin again 2 months ago, while I was intensely watching some YouTuber's videos. At that time, those YouTubers are saying YouTube is demonetizing their video and ask viewers to get an account and vote them to help them continue the shows by bring in cryptocurrency Steem.
It took about 10 days before my account get activated, and while I reconfirm my account, I saw Private Keys and I was very carefully saved my key to my password manager, and carefully complete the final sign up - I was thinking if something went wrong, the account will be locked forever.
2 months passed by, I feel great everyday, especially when I was chatting in Steemit.Chat that meet you and everyone. I remember the 1st time I join the chat is because my 1st post got downvoted, and @pharesim helped me a lot. At that time, I also registered a wrong chat name "royplasmic" instead of the correct one "ryoplasmic", haha.
Now, with increasing friends met everyday, I am looking forward to the future when we can holding some form of meet up. ^_^
@jacobts told me about it (On facebook... I know!). We'd done improv together before moved away, and he was about to start Improv Trail. He pitched it as something ideal for the improv community, since "I got your back" and "make each other look good" are core tenets of what we do, and those translate well to the community here. I love community-building, so I hopped on, and here I am!
What I love most is that, no matter someone's political affiliation (and I think I know everyone's here. No one is coy about that.) we can all enjoy some of the same things. I grew up in a rural area, and I think there was more listening and being exposed to different viewpoints for us than for people living in a big city (I live in L.A. now) because there just weren't enough people that you could surround yourself with folks who think what you do.
That's what Steemit is right now (and what other social media sites are not -they're big cities where you can spend time only with people who agree). Of course it will grow, and we'll branch out. I've already noticed myself stop following some of the more vitriolic people out there. But I think, if we can remain civil, accepting each other as humans will go a long way towards finds mutually acceptable solutions to problems we can all see, even if, ideologically, we disagree on their causes.
The first time I heard about it on Facebook, someone posted a long video explaining what steemit is and how can you earn by commenting, upvoting and posting. It was I guess November, 2016 and just like others, I was pretty sure that it's one of the ponzy schemes.
In April, 2017, I resigned from the company I had been working from the last 6 years and decided to start my own online digital marketing training business. Unfortunately, that didn't work and in the month of June I was just searching "How to earn online quickly" on Youtube and found a video about steemit. This time, I didn't make any mistake and signed up immediately.
Since then, I have been an active user. I am also creating awareness among people who have been around me from couple of years and 8 or I guess 9 people have signed up already.
I was actually introduced to steemit over a year ago by a couple users. One is still very active the other not so much. I did a couple posts that made very little. Life kind of got busy and I didn't think I was able to do much on steemit and when I did I wasn't sure of what I should post about. I was inactive for about 8 months. I honestly regret not staying on the platform as I missed out on a huge opportunity. I am not sure if I will be able to let that one go, I just have to keep pushing forward. I have now been active for 6 weeks and I am also exploring the cryptoworld. It is my intention to stay invested in Steemit.
Welllllll.... here's how it started...... My good friend @jessamynorchard came to town for a 'home town' show as we like to call them and showed me this cool new site she had been on for a couple months and said that this place was very welcoming of artists of all kinds and there was the possibility of making a few bucks while your there! I thought this was too good to be true.... obviously..... The next day I signed up and shared like 8 pictures in one day and made about 3 cents doing it... no words... no nothing just here's this... and well i guess you could say i was hooked!! It took me 3 months to make my first $30 that i withdrew... Long story short @jessamynorchard is the reason me, my wife and SEVERAL of my friends are now here!!
For me was pretty much the same. From reddit I read about it. At the time I was reading mostly /r/ethtrader. The funny thing is that I read about Steemit about a year ago, lurking Reddit also. But since there is lots of fanaticism and hating every other coin or project except the one you like in Reddit, I let all that influence what I thought about Steemit at the time. That and ignorance too. I briefly explored Steemit back then but I just dont know why I didnt gave it much importance. I kept reading Reddit and learning about crypto there.
Then months later (June 2017) I finally digged more about Steemit and Steem and realized that what seemed too good to be true was actually true.
Been an active user since then. :)
Yeah this is a bit sad. :/ That's why I like r/cryptocurrency the most cause people there at least don't spread FUD about others but try to talk about every coin in a reasonable fashion.
this..." He replaced my Facebook app icon on my phone with a Steemit shortcut and I started checking stuff out when I was bored. I quickly discovered how awesome it is to be on Steemit and I haven't looked back since!My husband @jasonrussell was basically like "Hey. I found this thing called Steemit...stop everything you're doing now and do
Haha, this was basically me to my roommate! :D
Nice story and happy that you muscle memory saved you in the end ! I actually had a similar experience. When I opened my account I wrote down my master password with a pen. The problem is that my handwriting is really terrible. There were about 5 letters which I was not sure was correct or not. I tried to for an hour with different combinations. It didn't work...
I put it away for awhile and then in the back of my head I was thinking that what if steem would take off and I lost my ticket? Well I didn't want that to happen so i tried again, patiently, and after a while it finally worked. I'm so happy I didn't give up that time hehe.
Thanks for sharing your story

It was only about 3-4 months ago and it was actually when searching for some good alt coins on coinmarketcap.com and steemit was in the top 20 with a large percent leap.
When I searched for it I ran into this site and at first only posted one blog post before snooping around and reading. I spend a good week reading and commenting on others and then created my first introduction post which made about $100 which floored me!
Since then I have been hooked to steemit and steem in general and love the community we have here. Huge amounts of support and I felt very welcomed from the beginning.
Great one - I remember I started in August 2016 with some 6-7 posts earning a total of zero rewards. I came here as some ex tsu users told em about this platform as the new place to be. I posted and thought I added a lot of quality but my mistake was - i did not read white paper and any help guide in-depth so I failed!
This was one of my first posts.
@steevc was one of the commenting Steemians and he was the one that always kept me up to date and I finally jumped on Steemit again in January 2017 reading how this all works and found some great buddies from the #deutsch chat that helped a lot. Nowadays I nearly live in Steemit.
I'm happy to have helped you out. It's great to see how well you have done. This is only the start for Steemit
I search steam but mistyped it into steem..
Then I read the sub-heading "A blockchain based social media that pays" I already had an idea that time about blockchain, about bitcoin. The rest is history...😎😎
Edit: I just took a quick explore, signed up then engaged. Later, I realized that I don't belong to this kind of platform(my writing sucks and my english also). I found a post about crypto, I put a 5-line comment then I left steemit. On the next day, I took a look on my wallet and found out I have an estimated payout of $300. I was shocked 😨. I found out that my last comment was upvoted by bernie. Then again the rest is history.
That is a pretty nice mistake to make! :)
I'm always thinking "what if that didn't happened?" "where do think am I right now?". And it sounds creepy to me 😂
I can't imagine a world without Steemit, haha.
I once had a dream that I woke up from a coma and blockchain technology didn't exist, lol, was not nice.
Ohh that's a bad dream! I rather live and wait for blockchain tech than being on a coma first, can't imagine what would my love ones feel. 😅
Haha, indeed! Best mistake ever, probably!
My brother introduced me to steemit. He had found this great website to write while making a little cash (he loves to write mind you, all the cheesy stuff too like poetry and fiction). He told me to sign up and I thought why not.
I haven't been able to devote much time to steemit yet as I am in school, but I can see his what his broke ass was saying. At first I thought it was just another ponzi scheme, and I am happy I was proven wrong. Steemit is beyond the money and I would love to explore some more.
Well in my case my cousin @olivercuico invited me to steemit we talked about it the whole night and how it works researched about cryptocurrency.
we ended up sleeping around 7am in the morning lol found steemit very interesting and excited to grow here eversince :D
Haha that's awesome! I find how I can never stop talking with people I meet who are also into cryptos!
hahaha yeah!! you even started streaming about it now hahaha...
I am sleeping later in the afternoon hahaha!
My husband introduced me to Steemit, he said it's a relatively new platform that allows you to blog like in any other social media platforms or websites with a big advantage of having an opportunity to earn money for each post.The same day we both created accounts here and spend our time only with Steemit community;)
Hi @acidyo my name is phunke i stumbled upon steemit sometimes in july on facebook during my quest for making money online i just saw a link to a whatsapp group where i metvwith met with a group of people who enlightened me the likes of @michaelcj @tfame @tybello and the rest i saw a future with it tho i didn't know how but they made it clear to me it was not a get rich quick scheme that i need to work for it and had to be patient...we took our time to grow and here i am a happy steemit community member!
I was on Tsu before (along with @uwelang and some other Steemians). That paid users via ads, but ran out of money. I made a couple of hundred dollars there. One of my friends there @the-bitcoin-dood suggested I try Steemit. I was reluctant at as I wanted to take a break from such things, but when I read about it I was intrigued. I could see that it has massive potential. The freedom and lack of ads made it much more sustainable. I really think it could be world-changing in time. A lot of people are just too suspicious of anything that promises to pay, especially if they don't understand the technology. I think we have proved it can work. I've bought real things with what I have earned here (a guitar and a trip to Steemfest). What more proof do they need?
There are still issues with abuse of the system, but I think the community will deal with them.
My history surrounding cryptocurrency is not entirely great.
in short:
Scammed by friend about BTC, learned the hard way, study altcoins, trade altcoins , losses after losses, stumbled on steemit, open an account for reading and asking questions about cryptos, abandon steemit, something hit my head over the value of the contents created here.
2 months back I realised that this is what i'm gonna do. the things that suit me. I'm suck at cryptos. let others doing it.
NOw i'm here and never turning back.
Well i got to know about steemit from Facebook ,which i am not pretty much active for a long time .
It was like chatting in a group and one of the topic stood up about Steemit which i didn't gave much thought about but later that day i did some dig out and thought why not try it out and luckily two of the Whales got to upvote my post in the first week
I do remember that day ,felling wonderful and happy to join in the Platform ;)
and as you know it does feels awesome nowadays to be on it
and get to know about Persons and other informative posts :)
Nice topic @acidyo ,Thanks for making it up :)
After some few loses on ponzi and revenue share program, I was so desperate of finding a solution. I always knew that there was a legitimate way of earn online apart from adsense on my blog. I joined multiple whatsapp groups chat and came across steemit broadcast messages. I quickly join the group of 256 people who register. After registering, we followed each other but many got reluctant because they didn't earn well and too many rules. Lolz. I was motivated seeing other Trending posts and fortunately saw steemit whitepaper. After reading and checking videos on YouTube, I invited new users to join my group. But guess what, Nigerian curators stumbled on my chat group, they supported by guiding us. Since then, I have been so happy and proud to be part of steemit. I love steemnaira community
I got into steemit after holding bitcoin and other altcoins succesfully since 2013 it has been an interesting road to see the cryptocurrency community evolve! My friend told me about steemit and I was immediately hooked that I could talk and discuss with people about similar interest while getting paid to do so! It so far has been an amazing experience and I have talked with many people and exchanged contact information.
Thats impressive muscle memory to memorize that long of a password for steemit!
As I said, at the time you could choose your password when signing up. I kinda knew what it was but couldn't figure it out on my own keyboard.
ah I see! well either way I probably would have forgotten mine if i made it lmao! your logo for your page with mew pouring acid on social media sites is dope !
cheers mate!
Thanks! It was created by @overkillcoin, can really recommend! :)
thanks for the recommendation! much appreciated @acidyo !
I stumbled upon Steemit when I first began looking for decentralized blockchain-based media alternatives. I've spent the majority of my career covering press freedom and freedom of expression issues, and I got completely freaked out by the wave of censorship that I've been seeing by the big tech giants. I believe free speech protections exist to protect unpopular views just as much as they do popular views, and the very companies who have convinced the world to trust them with their personal lives are no longer trustworthy. So I began looking in earnest for alternatives and I discovered Steemit, among a few others. At first, the idea seemed to good to be true, and so I researched it pretty heavily before signing up. There were a good number of Steemians that I credited in my intro post whose writings and videos helped me to take the leap: https://steemit.com/introducemyself/@joshpeterson/my-first-steemit-post-introducing-myself-and-some-initial-thoughts
I'm still learning, but I'm really glad I'm here.
Thanks for posting this, @acidyo - it's been really neat to read everyone's stories.
A friend of mine wanted to start mining Ethereum, I didn’t know anything about Crypto. He seemed very knowledgeable, when I asked where he did all his research, he mentioned the usual forums - and this site called steemit.
I’ve been mining and steem’ing ever since.
My husband told me about Steemit. I was posting my drawings on instagram already so he thought why not...but for me to listen to him was annoying lol. So I didn't pay attention to it for a while but one day, all of the sudden I desided to sign up for steemit...probably I was in a good mood, had enough time and my husband wasn't around...lol. Now all my family is involved including my 7 year-old @super-em. I just opened the account for her the other day. I guess I should thank my husband...I'm very happy to be here.
I guess it all started in May of this year when I finally jumped boat in cryptocurrency trading. I was like 300$ is nothing, let's try.
After a great first month I doubled up and started looking at alt coins.
I was looking for projects having actual implemented solutions and at the time I found about Sia and just recently read about steemit.
Being a fan of Reddit, I jumped aboard and fell in love :)
I love the community and hope it grows up quickly !
I first heard about Steemit from a post on Black Hat World. Looked into the "making money" category and suddenly I came across this platform. It definitely sounded like a scam back then, but it proved otherwise.
I didn't join it at first but then I saw someone advertised on a blogging group that he's earning $1,000 a day on Steemit. Why settle for $1,000 a month? Turns out that guy was @timsaid.
rofl @timsaid :D
Bad example of how much you will earn on Steemit. :P
I found steemit at a point in my life when I was desperate and in need of help. I had lost millions to ponzis and my business was failing. I first heard of it from Chris Dunn YouTube channel but I didn't take it seriously because I didn't have $39 to buy the online course. I soon discovered a guy on facebook @samstickkz who was making a lot of noise about Cryptos. I got guidance from him. I have made $260 on a single post once. Steemit was my beckon of Hope. It helped me get back on my feet.
My initial thoughts: I didn't take it seriously. Didn't know it could be this big. I actually had to do a lot of learning and reading and research and the more research I did, the more I fell in love. Thank you @acidyo
People that do this about a free and open-source platform... T_T
Thank you @acidyo
I stumbled across Steemit over a year ago when a friend of mine posted about this new website where people were earning thousands on blog posts, and this cryptocurrency that had entered the top five on CMC. Naturally I was curious and joined immediately. I’ve never blogged before, so took me a while to write my first post. But when I got my first upvote, I was over the moon, even though the vote was only worth $0.01. :) For my first few posts, I remember not being able to sleep and getting up first thing in the morning to see how much my posts had earned. For many of the first posts, this was under $1. But when I finally received a substantial payout, I was hooked. I’ve fallen in love with blogging and crypto ever since then.
I have a very dear friend @ghulammujtaba. He quit the company we both worked for and wanted to start something of his own. In the search, he somehow found steemit. We used to meet regularly for a drink when he was away. One night he told me about steemit and how it worked. It just clicked and was exactly sometging we were both looking for. He asked me to go through the faqs first and then sign up AND SAVE THOSE PASSWORDS AND NEVER LOOSE THEM haha. It was a nice gift from him for which I will always be thankful to him. So here I am, all geared up for office (7:30 in the morning here) but smoking steem before leaving, lol.
That's a really good advice that more users should do before they dive in. :)
True that. Also, he asked me to save the passwords in my personal email and setup double step verification on it.
I can't really remember who posted about it, but I found steemit on reddit. I remember they were giving away 10 SP at the time which was equivalent to $10. Steem eventually went as high as $4 and crashed.
And in Steemit time seem to be older and longer than in real time..
So my first thought was that... Steemit is a Time machine, in where the past can be rebuilt by us!@pharesim when young! Hahaha the Spanish guy is one of the Steemit's Good ones that encourage us! Sometimes, I regret myself about how many possibilities could I had If I knewed Steemit before. but anyway.. .always is good to remember old times.
See you in the next streaming @acidyo and Steemians!
Oh well, think about how much earlier you are here than the rest of the world. :)
Yeah! that's one of the things that incentive me too ::)
I thought @pharesim was a bot. It's really good to know that he is part of the people who encourages minnows.
Mmmm... No. :)
Your discovery of steemit is quite interesting.It was quite an adventure for me discovering steemit. Was looking for freelance writing jobs until I met @destinysaid who brought me under his fold through the @africaunchained project. I am glad I am here and I hope to add benefit to this community. My introductry post talks about my journey in details.
I came to the Steemit a little more than 2 weeks ago. I found a link to it from articles on cryptocurrency.
For me it's still an amazing thing, maybe because I'm from Ukraine: D
A platform for communication and earning. A lot of articles about crypto-currencies. All in English and other languages: D
But now I am half the time at half steemit and on Google translator, like this)
I want to write good posts here, not just pictures without descriptions. I can write a little book. But in English it would be difficult, of course. But I will try.
In general, this is all a strange story.
I hope in the near future I will learn English at a level that I can write my thoughts :)
I met Steemit thanks to a friend who recommended the platform, this, with the intention of stop wasting time on Facebook and Instagram. At first I thought that being Hispanic was never going to progress on the platform, but I met the community of @cervantes which helped me to my beginning on the platform.
Excellent questions @acidyo.
When I saw rewards actually coming, I thought "Hey! I cant believe it!"; and "It can't last for sure." ;)I knew about Steemit from a twitter post, I don't remember who shared it. I'm always curious about new social media and projects I see around, so I created my account and wrote some posts. I didn't expect anything about money honestly. I was lucky, because I immediatly found some amazing users not posting just about cryptostuff and tech. And I was lucky also because @blocktrades started upvoting me often.