Like all those worthless unable to focus on the core question :
as you see the article has another opinion than me... it said that it is assange that cracked the password using mannings help.
Sometime around March 10, 2010, "Assange requested more information from Manning related to the password," the indictment reads. "Assange indicated that he had been trying to crack the password by stating that he 'had not luck so far.'"
Approximately two days prior to being stumped by the password, Assange appeared to push his insider to supply more materials. On March 8, 2010, Manning explained she was "throwing everything" she had at Assange, according to the indictment, and that "after this upload, that's all I really have got left."
There was no fucking war crime what so ever on those issues.
You know "mitch94541", I have no fucking problem to drone strikes your home during a family reunion, I have no problem to double tap those who will come in the ruins hearing your dying asking for help, and I have no problem to third tap the ruins with the "helpers", I have no problem to flash the road from and to the "hospital" and others official services...
You know it's war. I don't care if the reason for it are dubious and or fake. War is waged to be won.
I know piece of shit like you unable to kill epstein or ghislaine children point blanks don't get it.
And I don't care of you, your kinds... feeder of fields...
personally the two videos in questions, the one with the group carrying what clearly appears an RPG or box of war, execute... what the fuck are men doing in groups in a war zone, they pretend to be what ? journalist? ahahahahahahahaha... dies.
the others is what ? when the driver miss or intentionally finish the corpses? What? a problem with that too?
what is the second problematic video? You should see the recording of the hospital in afghanistan when a group of insurgents decided to cross though it and an AC-135 cannon equipped open fired on it...
it was nice... I guess, it wasn't yet made public.
and this is the fundamental problem I have with people like you.
you stand in the way of my greatest tv program ever : war live 2.0
it's a continuous show on live war...
And if your kind are already protesting against war, how can this show be?
The thing is that I find assange in a sense to be a very pathetic man... a low iq stupido... of course he can code better than I can now, however he is dumber than a rock.
first he doesn't like war... and worst he believed in his little "white hat" stuff... what the fuck...
wage wars, win wars, moving on.
but the thing is that I like the guy, seems to like, but I guess he would have end up like all those arrogant coders... this superiority state of mind....
look snowden didn't boast, and did the correct way points : HK > RUSSIA.
assange on the other hand like a zombie United nations shit crap head...
each his own opinions...
I am so angry that since obama the videos of war are banned from youtube so that misha and sasha couldn't see the drone swarms in action... so sad... why!!!!
that's the big thing, I saw nothing wrong on those videos of war.
however the cable... exposing the child rapists of the state departement attacking the food supply of france, the one in this message should be executed with his entire family where ever this thing lives... and yes it's an "official of the us gov", drone strike, multitapping parents and their offsrpings... a genetic wipe out. warfare....
you see I am for constant eternal warfare.
enemies pop out...
in shynah we kill all child rapists, and everyday, maybe not everyday but every week new emerges... it's a constant work... curious to know if there is seasonality...
you see? and you with your posturing fake morals and deviant ethics... pfff... move...
Not exactly sure why you are calling me a "piece of shit" as I have seen war, been in it, done the up close and personal killing that is required in war. I would prefer to NOT DO IT AGAIN! When in deed persons that are KNOW NOTHING ABOUT war, other than watching it on "You Tube" get off on telling others who have actually, physically been there they are know nothing "PIECES OF SHIT" you ignorant little self entitled little ignorant CHILD?
You should try talking like an adult if you want to play in the Sand Box, go there, see for YOURSELF what war is, watch your friends getting shot in the head from a drone flying a mile away, then talk to the rest of us.
Julian Assange is NOT guilty of espionage! That particular law was written during a WAR and was written for CITIZENS selling info to our direct enemies. What is directly obviously different about JA? Think about the most obvious point and then rag on someone else.
I fought for the belief in the U.S. during Vietnam. I was not a Merc and considered myself a Marine. I had faith in what I did right up to the point when I was given an order that I believed to be unlawful and as respectfully as I could, told a 3 star, "no". Alas, I found that no matter what you do, no matter how good you are, you do not say no to the "Stars"...
Jail time and a bad discharge from service.