Woahh I really enjoyed this!
Now my understanding of astrology is that it's predictive of influences, but that we still get to create a life on our own terms. It may be easier to default to certain patterns if we're being unconscious and reactive, but self-aware choice is always an option if we bother to take responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings and reactions. But a lot of people are running on autopilot much of the time, so astrology tends to have a pretty good predictive track record.
This is such an amazing nugget of a paragraph, thank you. I've been trying to think of how to think about Astrology's determinism, yet our ability to rise above our default state and create change in our environment.
I really like how you worked what we know about science into the definition of Astrology.
Glad to hear my ponderings made sense to someone other than just me 😀