A little uninformed speculation about Astrology

in #astrology7 years ago (edited)

Let me start by saying that I am no astrologer. I couldn't interpret a natal chart to save my life. But I have had a fascination with astrology since I was a toddler. I actually new my zodiac sign, which people say to indicate their Sun sign, before I knew my home address. 

(This did not make my kindergarten teacher happy, btw.) 

What I have come to understand over the years is that astrology can be eerily predictive. Even if you can't understand why it works, it is simply too consistent to be mere chance. There is something there, albeit is something that most of us are not taught to understand. 

In cultures where observation across millennia is how knowledge is devised and accepted as "truth," all that is needed is to track the locations of recognizable stars and planets and correlate with events. If you do that long enough you can probably come up with a reliable predictive system even if you don't know why it works. But I've been educated in the age of science, so I need a bit more. 

So here's a little wild speculation for you, and I invite yours as well in the comments. 

How it Might Work

You are an electromagnetic being.

Seriously. You are.

If you don't believe me, consider how a heart monitor works. It doesn't actually measure the physical contraction of your heart muscles to tell the doctors if your heart it still beating. It measures the electrical signals that tell your heart muscles to contract, then assumes that if the signals are being sent, the muscles must be contracting. (Occasionally someone dies because that is an inaccurate assumption.) Your heart is the largest center of electrical activity in your whole body, with your brain coming in a distance second. This is why a strong electrical charge to the heart can either stop it or restart it.

Now go back to your high school physics. Remember that law that basically says that wherever electrical current is flowing a magnetic field is generated? Well, it applies within the human body just like it applies to the rest of the world.

You are an electromagnetic being. As such, you are affected by electromagnetic fields and their fluctuations. You are also mostly made of water and are very much affected by gravitational forces.

Consider the moon and the tides.

Now that's universally accepted as astral bodies affecting physical matter here on Earth, because how can you deny it? We each get 365 chances every single year to observe it, and it is easily and incontrovertibly observed with the sense we trust the most, our vision. So we accept this one. Now really it is a composite of the Moon, the Sun and the Earth's gravitational fields interacting, but the Moon has the greatest influence in the situation.

So we accept that astral bodies can affect physical matter here on Earth. Apparently it particularly affects anything that is composed of lots of water. Hmmm.

So electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields, all these coming from these huge astral bodies and affecting these tiny little watery electromagnetic bodies. 

So maybe the position of all this relative to where we are located at the time we first pop out into the world and start developing a relationship to the world that is independent of our mother for the first time, maybe it leaves some sort of imprint.

Maybe there are consistent patterns to how the position of say a dozen different astral bodies affect our body's electromagnetic field. And maybe the combination of gravitational fields from all these planets also does. So we get this imprint in those first few hours after birth that sets us up for some predictable patterns going forward.

Choice vs Determinism

Now my understanding of astrology is that it's predictive of influences, but that we still get to create a life on our own terms. It may be easier to default to certain patterns if we're being unconscious and reactive, but self-aware choice is always an option if we bother to take responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings and reactions. But a lot of people are running on autopilot much of the time, so astrology tends to have a pretty good predictive track record.

Well again, this is just idle speculation. But I'm really curious to know what you think, especially if you really know astrology and how it really works.

(photo source: pixabay)


Well put Indigoocean. As you say, astrology is based on simple correlation observation over millennia. And yes all the archetypes have a spectrum of possible expression based on our choices. One of the great benefits of astrology is that it can help us be more aware and conscious of our patterns’ so we can actually make more conscious choices. The great psychologist Karl Jung said astrology worked based on the principle of synchronicity; the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. This means that the planets don’t necessarily have to physically cause anything, but rather, if we believe in the idea that we all apart of the ONE source and just myriad expressions of that singular consciousness, then everything is an expression of that truth. To me this means that any expression of life has symbolic meaning and if we pay close enough attention, correlate and observe over time, then we can find meaning and useful patterns.

Woahh I really enjoyed this!

Now my understanding of astrology is that it's predictive of influences, but that we still get to create a life on our own terms. It may be easier to default to certain patterns if we're being unconscious and reactive, but self-aware choice is always an option if we bother to take responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings and reactions. But a lot of people are running on autopilot much of the time, so astrology tends to have a pretty good predictive track record.

This is such an amazing nugget of a paragraph, thank you. I've been trying to think of how to think about Astrology's determinism, yet our ability to rise above our default state and create change in our environment.

I really like how you worked what we know about science into the definition of Astrology.

Glad to hear my ponderings made sense to someone other than just me 😀

Hi Indigo! Like you, I have very little knowledge of astrology. However, I do find that the big astrological moments have strong correlations with earthly mortal events - such as Mercury Retrograde, Blue Moons, Blood Moons, Full Moons, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, etc, especially when they all happen at the same time...

My grandma always made sure I knew what my horoscope had for me in the coming year. I never really put too much weight on it, but definitely enjoyed all the good juju.

Now that I'm older, I went back and researched some more. I am a Chinese Dog, and also a Leo. Further more, I am a water dog, which makes me a different kind of dog. What was surreal, was that I could see myself in all the descriptions. Not the ones of the dog, but definitely the water dog.

I like when you said we all fall in this "autopilot" mode. Although my autopilot is probably one of the best out there, I do like to make myself feel uncomfortable in order to learn more.

Thanks for this blog, I enjoyed the science behind it.

That's so interesting. You must be happy that this is now year of the dog in Chinese astrology. I think it favors you when that happens. I'm a fire horse, but year of the dog is supposedly favorable for me too.

I like the Chinese horoscope, everything is extremly accurate but they say that it is only 33 percent and the rest is up to you. Horoscopes are recommendations that consider different energies. Btw its a retrograde mercury now... :-)

Mercury retrograde is one that I find to feel like more than 33%. I always try to do a "we create or own reality" approach to it, but I never succeed. I've learned to just surrender to turning inward instead of moving outward during such times.

I do try to follow the guidlines... way to consistent...

I am not sure about believing in astrology, you mentioned this:

Even if you can't understand why it works, it is simply too consistent to be mere chance

What do you mean by "consistent"?

I do have family (a lot of them) who believe in this, but if I am being honest I do have serious doubt about this subject.

I would love to know some examples of that consistency you mentioned :P

Well like Eugene and I were discussing in his comment, Mercury Retrograde. I tried denying it had any influence for years because I simply found it too inconvenient to want to believe in it, but even times when I didn't know it was MR, once I found out it had been it explained all the miscommunications, messed up travel, and general problems with anything involving travel or communication. And that's what MR does.

After many years resisting the idea, I finally said to myself, "Ok, how can I work with this?" And now whenever MR is upon us I plan to do more planning, writing and reflecting and never, ever plan a product launch for that period.

It's purely anecdotal, but I think that may be where those systems of astrology came from. Many people collecting anecdotal correlations for thousands of years.

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

In cultures where observation across millenia is how knowledge is devised and accepted as "truth," all that is needed is to track the locations of recognizable stars and star patterns and correlate with events.
it should be millennia instead of millenia.

great post! thanks for sharing

Glad it entertained. Just things I ponder.

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