Saying Goodby To Stinky the Cat ~ Original Photography, and Original Discussion About Losing A Good Friend ~

in #atributetostinkythecat7 years ago (edited)

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Stinky the Cat

Sometime or Other 2008(?) - May 10, 2018

Goodbye My Goofy Friend and Writing Muse

This is hard to write, and I've been putting it off for awhile. That is probably why I haven't been on Steemit a whole lot lately. Just haven't felt much like writing, and it has been too fresh and new to deal with in this form. But I feel I owe a word or three to Stinky, since she added SO much to my life in so many ways.

She was ALWAYS around, usually poking into whatever business I was up to, and provided endless entertainment and a great deal of love all of the time. An incredible friend day in, day out, through thick and thin. So, it's with a whole bunch of sadness that I finally put down on official paper, and out to all my wonderful friends on Steemit, that Stinky the Cat has passed away.

She will be missed more than I can put into words. And every day suggests this more and more without her here to constantly 'bug' me ( :

One Of A Kind-Once In A Lifetime

My oh my, how we become attached to these little short, four-legged friends. It is truly amazing. From the first day she ran full speed into the front door, announcing we would now be living with her, to her very last day here on earth. Truly amazing little beings indeed.

There's a saying in life to the effect of: "they broke the mold. " Which means something is pretty darn good, and probably won't be repeated again. But I think Stinky surpassed this thought, and was more of a 'free form' cat. I'm pretty sure there was no mold, since this suggests possible repeatability. I know everyone says this about their pets, but I truly believe there was, and only will be, one Stinky in the universe.

And now she is gone. She had some sort of seizure, and then went down hill after that. So frustrating, watching your little friend pass on from a healthy, vibrant, nutty cat, into just a final memory. Unfortunately, I was not home when she died, which really breaks my heart.

I would love to have been there for her in the final hours, since I meant as much to her, as she did to me in life. How do I know this? When not in motion, Stinky used to sit quietly, purr, and stare at me with almost loopy, googly eyes. I don't think I've felt more loved by anything or anyone in my entire existence (Sorry Mom). I don't know why it transpired that way. I guess it just 'was'.

But in the end, she did not die alone, @haphazard-hstead was with her, and in that I can at least take comfort. Though I WILL say putting her in the ground at the end of the day, was one of the hardest things I've done in a long, long while. Something that has to be done, but truly breaks your heart.

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Gone - But Not Forgotten

As I said before, it is truly amazing how attached we get to our pets, and how many things, places or activities around the house remind me of Stinky, and the fact that she is no longer here. A 'few' examples:

  • There is no cat in my lap as I write this, purring as loudly as she can, occasionally choking herself in the process

  • This morning there was not a cat sitting at her food bowl, looking up and mouthing an almost silent "aaak, " because she could not meow like a regular cat (never did know WHY she couldn't meow)

  • There was no furry, extra 'counterweight ' on my chest this morning, when I did my daily sit-ups

  • I did not have to fill the bathroom sink with water when I was done with it, so she could get a cold drink at any time of the day

  • There are no little padded, full-speed foot-beats of Busy, as we called her, running to and from the office, where I sit and write

  • While sitting at the computer last night - I heard no cat "drmmp drmmp-ing" across the outside roof overhead in the cool night air (I have NO idea what she was always doing up there, running around in the dark, before I let her in for the night)

  • Whenever I open the refrigerator door, there is no longer a short, brown cat running up at full speed, then peering inside at the shelves, no doubt wondering: "....snacks? "

  • There was no nutty cat this morning, pulling herself up onto the sill with front paws like a gymnasium pull-up, then climbing in through the bedroom window, inquiring about breakfast, before settling onto my pillow'd head to wait. (She would climb OUT the window first, while I was fast asleep. Probably to go back up on the roof, to see if anything had changed during the night) ???

  • There will no longer be a cat lying in the middle of the scene, whenever I set up a Steemit photo shoot

  • Finally -- I now have to come up with writing stories on my own, or from the other, less creative cats, which is just not the same -- without Stinky the Cat's incredible sense of humor and wonderment toward life

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One of Many Un-Finished Stinky the Cat Projects

I was patiently waiting for her to finish 'opening' the latest bag of Kibbles -- For a future post

Stupid Kevlar Bag Anyway

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The Furry Muse

Stinky was a huge part of my daily life, and my writing and photography life as well. Always an inspiration, due to all sorts of goofy behaviors, she was often included in my posts. Below are the writings and things we put out together, in the last 18 months or so on Steemit.

Posts About Stinky the Cat

A Letter From The Cat
Cats Really Do Have It Made
A Brand New Bag
Stinky the Cat Learns To Post On Steemit
Tax Day Blues
Kevlar Stink
B&W Challenge Cat
Look What Came In The Mail-No. I
Kitty Furball Upchuck
Sublime Sunday-No. I
Sublime Sunday-No. II
Look What Came In The Mail-No. II

And of course, at the bottom of every post -- Cat Facts -- Often about and/or 'written' by Stinky the Cat

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Stinky The Cat Memories

Though it was far too short, I feel more than fortunate that I was able to spend 10 years of my life with Stinky. There is a good chance you will see more stories put out about her, something along the lines of My Life With Stinky. It just seems like the thing to do.

She gave me SO much joy while living her life, there is no reason not to continue on with some form of this journey. At least in writing and photography. There are many memories still wandering about in my head. All asking, like a chubby brown cat sitting at the screened-in back door, to be let outside to the world.

Thanks for sharing her time with me, and for supporting both me and Stinky the Cat on Steemit. I know she greatly appreciated it, and if she could, she would no doubt eek out a resoundingly quiet "aaak" to you all, from Stinky the Cat.
Rest In Peace, my friend.

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~ Stinky the Cat ☺ Gallery of Images ~

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"Helping Out " During A Laundry-Sock Photo Shoot

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Purr-rusing the Neighborhood With My Special Cat En-Shoulde're

She loved walking all around the place, draped as a mink-kitty stole

A Bit Of Much-Needed Comic Relief

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Christmas 2018 - Getting A Bit Gray - But Still Loving Life To The Fullest

The Smartest, Most Curious and Interesting Cat I Have Ever Met -- And I've Met A LOT Of Cats

In Unfortunate Conclusion

Stinky was an FIV cat (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), which makes a cat susceptible to catching diseases or infections more readily than healthy cats. She probably picked it up at birth. Yet she lived a good, healthy life for the most part, for something like 10 years.

We don't really know HOW old she was, she just showed up one day, came in the house, and announced that we couldn't live without her. We thought she was nuts. Yet she proved us very wrong in the end. She is truly hard to live without. It still makes me very very sad, almost two weeks later. Thank you Stinky the Cat, for being a huge, very entertaining part of my life. Now, and until I leave here as well. -d.d.s

And, one more time: "What you up to, Stink? About one foot two?" Don't think she EVER got tired of least I know I never did.

~ Finto ~

Thanks for stopping in, and reading a bit more about Stinky the Cat. And for once, that's all I have to say about that. Though I'd Still love to hear from you in the comments below.

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Editor's Note : These dividers are a close up, blur-motion photo of Stinky the Cat in action

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 05/22/2018 @ 16:40

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 70

Stinky the Cat Epitaph Pulling the tail.PNG


Oh my! Stinky was just there helping you unbox the coffee mugs and ash trays thingies. This is such a shock! I mean I feel like I got to know her through your posts. They do leave a hole that never is filled. I say it is the only downside to pets. First we lost our German Shepard and then our bearded dragon so it has been a rough year for that so far. I know there is nothing I can say except that I know just a small bit of that pain. I am so, so sorry, my friend.

I know, it does seem like just yesterday, doesn't it? The Sip n' Smoke session ( : That was our last "shoot" together. What fun. What memories. I agree, they DO leave a pretty huge hole in our heart when they pass out of our lives. I agree, it always gets better in time, but never gets fully healed. Maybe on some scale, that is a good thing, keeps us reminded of our humanity. As you say, there is little to "say" to help, but the support of friends does mean the world to me/us. Thanks for that.
And you have had a hard year in the pet world of things, that's for sure. Losing both Iggy and Elsa. My heart goes out to you again as well, for all of that. Losing any pet is very hard, but a dog, is in a class all it's own. I really do think they would do ANYTHING for us. I think that is why Stinky was hard, she was always so much more like a dog than a cat.
I hope it is getting a little better for you as well, my friend. Also, thanks muchly for the tip, means a lot. Keep on smiling, I can't imagine you any other way. Cheers.

I am so sorry for you loss, DD. I got so much pleasure from hearing about your cat and knowing how much your loved her. Our soul mates come in all shapes and sizes and attitudes. Stinky's essence is still very much with you. She is still there and won't be going anywhere. Just the physical form. I truly believe that:) Give my love to@haphazard-hstead. I am sending it to you both:)

Thank you so much for the kind thoughts. It is hard to lose the little munchkins, and as you say, still feels like she is still around the house. Doing nutty things. I believe in that as well. I swear every now and then a fast flash of furry brown goes zinging by the corner of my eye.
And they do come in all sizes and types, too. From OGP's Iggy to cats to dogs to snakes to everything else. We DO get so attached to them, that's for sure. Wouldn't want it any other way, though the end is always hard. I will pass your kind thoughts on to HH when I see her. She will appreciate it as well. Have a nice day, and thanks again.

I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet little guy, DD.

I know there are no words and honestly, some of my fur babies were so much a part of our family, we truly mourned them for a long time.

RIP Stinky... we are going to miss you

It is amazing how attached we can get to them. So nice to have them in your life, but as you say, so hard to lose them in the end. I suppose that is the yin and yang of life. And the joy out-weighs the end result and makes us richer, that's for sure. Thanks for your kind words, it is greatly appreciated. Have a nice day.

Just know that I truly feel for you, my dog-like-kitty just passed through this world this winter and the house hasn't been the same since.

Time, I know.

Sigh. And Hugs.

Oh! I’m so sorry to hear that Stinky The Cat has passed away. I read your article with tears in my eyes from the beginning till the end. It's good to know that @haphazard-hstead stayed with her in the end of her life.

She looked smart and healthy, it’s unbelievable that we will not hear about her stories anymore on Steemit. I always love to see her photos and read her stories. She seemed to be important part of your life indeed. I can imagine how sad you are. My heart is with you, my dear friend. Please say goodby to Stinky The Cat for me, she will be in my good memory forever.

Thank you so much for the kind thoughts. It was hard to write too, but good to get it out to all my friends that have read about her, and supported me on Steemit. It IS hard to believe she is gone, I still may write some things about her, in memory. There are many stories about Stinky and other cats that have passed in and out of my life. A good way to keep memory alive about them. She was a big part of my life, and will be greatly missed, but I am very glad she was part of it all. Makes it worthwhile. I will say goodbye for you too. Thanks again, my friend.

You are much welcome! Ah! It’s very good idea that you will write things about her and other cats who have passed in and out of your life. I agree with you, these can keep memory alive about them. I look forward to reading their stories with much interest!

Take good care of yourself and have wonderful day, GFF! ;)

Stinky was very beautiful, I love cats since I was little I have always had cats as pets I do not know but I love them, you are right we are very attached to them I think it is because their love is so fuel and unconditional they are always there for us, I feel your lost

Thank you for the nice thoughts about Stinky. They are a lot of fun, aren't they. And as you say, they can love you just like a dog, unconditionally. Which is very nice indeed. I think she thought she WAS a dog a lot of times ( : Do you have cat(s) now?

You Stinky looks like a Punky I had years ago.

So sad that she's gone and you are missing her. They really do leave a huge hole in our hearts. I love her story and how she came into your life. I can only imagine how bittersweet it was writing this post.

I love that name, Punky. Must have been a character too. As you say, their loss does leave a hole in your heart that can never be fully whole again. I suppose that makes us all richer in the end, to have them in our life, for sure. But makes it that much harder when they go. The yin and yang of life.
It was very bittersweet writing the post, made me sad and laugh to put in memories. I hope to do more in the future. Thanks for the support and kind words. Hope your day is a good one.

I hope your days ahead get a little easier.....I know what it's like ...some days are tougher than others.

Stinky was an amazing cat. The two of you had a rare bond. I'm glad I got to see it and be part of it, even at the end of her time. I hope you keep writing about Stinky!

She was an odd, wonderful cat, or wannabe dog?, that's for sure. I hope to put out more about her, as she always strove to entertain, and there are stories galore. As you well know. Thanks for the kind thoughts and words about the amazing Stink.

Informative post , thank you . Nice photo shoot . Keep good work .

Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @ddschteinn


Thanks for the blue kitty, he/she does look very sad. I appreciate the thought and sentiment about Stinky.

Im sorry for your loss. Our pets are our friends and our kids. She lived happily thanks to you and I bet she knew how much you loved her. She will forever live in your heart.... I don't know if there's a heaven for animals but I like to think Stinky is there running around and playing with my beloved Grumpy. Rest in peace Stinky.

Thank you, I appreciate all the kind thoughts. I'm sure Grumpy and Stinky are bopping all about in cat heaven. I like to think there is one somewhere...with endless Kibbles, things to climb, and furry snakes to chase and act all nutty about. What a place to visit THAT would be. It is amazing how they become so important to us, I guess I wouldn't want it any other way. Even when it is hard in the end. Do you have a cat(s) now?

No, no more cats. I do have a doggie. He's very old and he's even blind now. He's like my son. I don't even want to think how life will be without him. 😔
Pets give us so much love! Sending a big hug to you DD!

I have seen many posts about your buddy, but wondered if he had a friend in the cat world as well. These goofy pets are SO important, that's for sure. Thanks for the hug, and give Lupana a (gentle) squeeze for me as well ( :

Oh, Lupana is my sister's doggie. This is my doggie, his name is Pinguning Roberto but I call him Chopo. He thinks he's a human boy 😅

Oops, I got my dogs mixed up in the wide world of Blacklux. I would say yes, Chopo is a very human looking boy. I'm sure he is taken 'just a bit of good care' by you ( :
What does Chopo mean? Give HIM a squeeze for me too.

Chopo its a made up word... means nothing but he likes to be called that way ahahah

We're all saddened to hear about the passing of Queen Stinky. You can certainly be thankful for the treasure chest of memories. Hey, maybe you'll find something to help you through your grieving time inside a Far Side book. That method has been known to work in the past .

Please take care, remember the best times with a smile ☺. Steemit will be here whenever you're ready to jump back in.

Thank you muchly, I really appreciate the kind thoughts. Queen Stink was a wonder, that's for sure. Glad she could be in my last photo shoot with the Sip n' Smoke. Pretty special. Thanks too for the sentiment, I will flip open the Far Side anthology, that will definitely put a smile on my face ( :
Thought I'm still smiling, when I think of my little furry friend. That corny adage is so true, about time and all. I'll be back to Steemit more "normally" soon. Other things in life get in the way now and then, and yet, it is SO much darn fun being on here. I miss all of you. So, let's get back to that normal, whatever the heck it might be. Hope you have a nice day, and thanks again for the thoughts and reminder.

I sure do miss you, I hope you come back to Steemit, one day soon. And hope all is well in your corner of the world. Have a most wonderful holiday, and cheers to the season in general. dd

I hope your sadness will wear off with time. Losing a pet is hard, even when it's a cat.

Thanks, I appreciate the thought. That old adage is a bit corny, but so true in all aspects of life. How time heals. Guess that's why it's still around. Losing a pet is so hard, even a cat ( : Though Stinky was pretty sure she was a dog anyway. I always swear off a pet after they die, but seems they come back around into our lives later anyway. Maybe it's part of the human condition. Or they're just a lot of fun. Thanks again for the nice thoughts.

I'm truly sorry about Stinky. I'm sure you loved him a lot.

Thanks for the nice hug. Always nice to get one. I love the little interactive picture there. And thanks for the nice thoughts. We were good buddies, that's for sure, and I'm so glad we got to spend so much time together. Makes life more fun and fuller and richer in the end of things. Have a nice....night(?) now. Cheers.

Here it is 4am. What is the time zone in there?

Well, it is now 4:51 PM on Friday. But since you sent that yesterday, and today is not yesterday, but today, and as such, we are not in the same time-span differential comparison mode, unless you are on here RIGHT now, and reply back, we may never know for sure.

Isn't life just one amazing conundrum after another?

OK, let's see if it works today. Ready, set, GO!..."What time is it there?" Answer_______.

Now it's 11am of Saturday 26 May on this side of the globe. And there?

Let's see, some higher math to do here. Your response was four hours ago, according to the computer, and it is now 12:48 AM. So it was 8:48 PM, or 20:48, when it was 11 AM there, so, we are, uhm, 14 hours behind you? Wow, I need a nap after those cranial calisthenics. But that is what I get. Don't hold me to it, but I think that's right. And I think you stay up maybe later than even I do on here. But what fun...

Yesterday it was Friday and I exceptionally stay out until 3am , otherwise some days I fall asleep at 9pm some days at midnight.
So you are right, we are 13 or 14 hours apart!

Rest in peace, dear Stinky. I hope you find the filled bathroom sinks overflowing in Valhalla. Do say a 'Meow' to my own lost sweet dog, Sophie. She told me cat's and dogs share an afterlife of endless warm beds and endless things to shred in the animal afterlife.

I am truly sorry you lost your dear friend. Animals have always been important to me. As a loner of a child and a solitary hermit of an adult, animals were always my welcomed friends and partners in crime of daily life. The look in their eyes or the soft touch of their pay or caress of their fur could speak volumes the human voice and language could never hope to reach.

Goodnight dear Stinky and it isn't goodbye if you keep her in your mind and heart.

Thanks so much for the kind thoughts and word, my friend. You obviously appreciate animals much as I do. They sure do add a dimension to our lives, that's for sure. I love your view of the bowser-meowser afterlife. Nothing but thick, down comforters to squish down in and hang out on and deep within, with an always-full bowl of Kibbles within reach. With GRAVY. Ahh, the life afterlife.
I'm so sorry you lost your Sophie as well. We go on and do fine, but life is never quite the same without them. I always swear off pets after losing them, but they seem to sneak back into my life at one time or another. I guess that is one reason they mean so much to us, they are a huge part of being a human bean. All that unconditional love and companionship and other joy. Well, I hope your Saturday is rounding out to be a keen one with gardens and drawings and ocean watching over tea and other such.

Ohh dd, I am so, so very sorry. It's the going on, day to day without them there that hurts the most. I am so very glad that Stinky-girl wandered into your life and stayed on a bit. She seemed to most definitely be that magical combination of derpy, affectionate, and beautiful. Hang in there my friend.

Thanks very much for the kind thoughts, my friend. It is hard to lose our little friends, but I wouldn't want it any other way, even if the end of their stay is hard on us. They do add quite a dimension to the daily goin's on, that's for sure. Stinky was quite convinced she was a dog, which does make it harder to do without her. She was always up to something. I do think the loss of a dog is one of the hardest parts about pets. They were born to give and give and give. (kind of like a teacher, I think. The hardest, sometimes most taxing, yet completely rewarding job there is in the world, in my book.) But then you know all about that. Maybe there is a thread there, between teaching and pets I should explore in a writing. Another day. Wow, I'm getting uncommonly deep here for a Schteinnway, so maybe better end this before it grows to three pages of dd babble. Thanks again for the kind thoughts, I love your description, derpy is such a classic word. Is that a b'K original? I could look it up, but I'm lazy. "Three extra keystrokes, let's get serious here, GK!" Have a most wondrous day, and enjoy your dinner you are en' midst preparo.
Cheerios, The Large Flat Pan Of Fry

Good Morn Domestic Circular Cookware!

Alas, I did not come up with the term derp, but I do have a habit of turning most words into descriptive adverbs and adjectives as you well know, so perhaps that bit of lexiconical evolution can be attributed to moi :D

I kind of enjoy peering into the Schteinnway rumination pool on a occasion, but then again, I think pensive rambling is the puff and crust stuff and dust. Like pixie dust cool!

Wow, I am sleepy-Kat this morning, our friend loved his birthday dinner that we constructed for him last night and then we spent about seven hours playing D&D, in which I am a healer and go around fixing people's boo-boos, imagine that, lol!

Dog-cats are my favorite, and the Stinky sounded like she was an extra special manifestation of the feline-fido sort. I am like you though, I would rather get to enjoy being with them, even if it is only for a short time, than to not have them in our lives at all. 💓

And now I better run, as I have dribbled all sorts of Kat-babble onto the screen. Think I am going to go spend an hour or two out on the porch reading and sipping some hot cocoa. This Kat needs to recharge before I go bake a cake with my youngest and go horseback riding with my oldest. Yee Haw:)!

I LOVE your stories about Stinky! They are wonderful. She was a real pretty kitty also. I am glad you listed all the Stinky posts as I will enjoy reading them.

Our geriatric house cat Bryde is 17 this year and starting to show her age, in addition to dementia, deafness, and blindness. BUT she caught a chipmunk last week!

Thanks, I'm glad you will read and maybe enjoy the 'Stink Stories'. She gave me endless joy, and is sorely missed. A real character, and was my writing and photo-shoot companion.
Amazing that Bryde is 17. And can still catch a 'munk. That's impressive. And with deafness and all. That's a tough, aware cat. What is the story behind the name Bryde?
We had a cat when I was little that lived to be 20, then got hit by a truck. I don't know HOW old she would have become, and I never knew cats could live that long. Amazing little creatures, and they add a lot of dimension to our lives. Thanks for stopping in and commenting and voting. Have a nice night.

We don't know how she got the name. She was a rescue and came with it. (spoken Bri - dee)

We also had a barn cat who lived to 20. Many of our cats make it well into their teens.

So sorry to hear about that.
Stinky was such a beautiful cat. I am sure she had a good life with you. RIP Stinky.

Thanks for the sentiment. She was an amazing cat. And I miss her a lot. She did have a good life, though it was a bit short. But at least we had a lot of fun together. Thanks for stopping in, commenting and voting and all. Muchly appreciated.

Hello. I'm so sorry about the passing of your puddy tat. They do get in, like Mrs Marsh's chalk in those old Colgate ads ... or at least it was Mrs Marsh here in Australia. They get in right down to our bones and beyond.

Thanks, I appreciate the thoughts. She was a grand cat, and is sorely missed. But we move on with life as it flows on by, I suppose. A little late getting back to you, been trying to keep up on here.

I did look up Mrs Marsh on the internet. Very interesting story about her, and a LONG time spent touting the benefits of toothpaste. Though I DO remember the chalk test. And like you say, these little doobers do get into the bones of our souls, like that purple dye. Thanks for stopping in and the comment and all. Cheers.

I am so sorry for your loss! ((Hugs))

Thank you so much, @debralee. I really appreciate your kind thoughts and words. And hugs. She was a great cat, and I really miss her. In time it keeps getting better, but we sure do get attached to them. Thanks again and have a nice, hopefully not too hot and humid day.

ฅ/ᐠ. ‸ .ᐟ\

Thank you, @steemkitten, I appreciate your thoughts about Stinky the Cat. I know she would appreciate the Steemit kitties thinking of her as well.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks for the nice sentiment and kitty picture. Greatly appreciated. She will be missed, that's for sure.

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment