We're all saddened to hear about the passing of Queen Stinky. You can certainly be thankful for the treasure chest of memories. Hey, maybe you'll find something to help you through your grieving time inside a Far Side book. That method has been known to work in the past .
Please take care, remember the best times with a smile ☺. Steemit will be here whenever you're ready to jump back in.
Thank you muchly, I really appreciate the kind thoughts. Queen Stink was a wonder, that's for sure. Glad she could be in my last photo shoot with the Sip n' Smoke. Pretty special. Thanks too for the sentiment, I will flip open the Far Side anthology, that will definitely put a smile on my face ( :
Thought I'm still smiling, when I think of my little furry friend. That corny adage is so true, about time and all. I'll be back to Steemit more "normally" soon. Other things in life get in the way now and then, and yet, it is SO much darn fun being on here. I miss all of you. So, let's get back to that normal, whatever the heck it might be. Hope you have a nice day, and thanks again for the thoughts and reminder.
I sure do miss you, I hope you come back to Steemit, one day soon. And hope all is well in your corner of the world. Have a most wonderful holiday, and cheers to the season in general. dd