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RE: Introducing

in #australia7 years ago

Basically you have the gist of things, but many posts that haven't used those tags have been upvoted by Promo-Steem.

But yeah, we now have an Aussie in Promo-Steem, yours truly.

So the idea is to build on what already exists and works, no need to "reinvent the wheel".

Plus Promo-Steem is all about synergy and helping those who devote time to promoting Steem.

It works, pretty good too.

At the next Steem Fest, I am sure there will be a lot of talk about it all from and by the founders, like what was the case at the last Steem Fest.

It really is a great grassroots initiative that WORKS!


A-ha! Sorry, when I read the original post, it seemed like the emphasis was on creating content to go on the steemaustralia website....

Well, it is a tool to be used by those who jump onboard the Promo Steem initiative.

For us Aussies that is.

All checked out and given the thumbs up by those who need to give it the thumbs up in Promo Steem.


Plus I've already decentralized it in a big way by asking for and allowing Aussies who are Steem Witnesses to use it freely when appropriate.

Plus anyone else who wishes to use it constructively for the purposes of promoting Steem.

As no Aussies have been a part of PromoSteem to date, that is why I have added the "Aussie Steem Promoters" title, as a way to get the ball rolling, without all the red tape!