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RE: Australians behind the cryptocurve? Without a strong distrust for government, the appeal isn't as strong?

in #australia8 years ago

I spoke to alot of people about it when it was at like 2,3 k , and mainstream news wrote stories about it when it 4k the other day, time in which they could have doubled their money already, now the Fomo has kicked in heavily x-DDude I'm out here in Germany at the moment and I have been trying to spread many different things that could help and empower people with very little success. But with this #Bitcoin curve right now people are like really receptive and showing me the donald duck green eyes even harassing me to babystep them through how to set everything up, and so on. I am a bit worried for my company if like half the people don't show up anymore because they got rich with crypto :-D


yeah i expected a bit more of that here!! even as i tell them its lifespan and tell em its worth 6k (dropped back to 5.5 today) and everyone just wants to debate its worthlessness more than worrying about getting involved....i find conspiracy theoriest are much more receptive :-)