Really ?
Deaths due to lack of vaccination This statistic shows the number of deaths globally due to lack of vaccination, by disease. In 2002, 213,000 people died of tetanus worldwide.
That is all it says and I have to Pay to access more lies ?
Tetanus ?
Do you even understand ?
Could tetanus vaccine have played any role what so ever in the last fraction of a percent in tetanus reduction?
NO! In a sanitary society with adequate nutrition, natural immunity to the bacteria gives almost everybody immunity against the bacteria's ability to grow in a healthy body.
It is a far different matter where the conditions prevail which encourage the tetanus bacteria's growth. Nobody can be immune to dirty wounds. Immunity to dirty wounds can not come from vaccination; immunity to dirty wounds can not come from having had tetanus one or more times and recovering.
The vaccine's "active" ingredient is the poison which is made by the bacteria. Antibodies against poison do not constitute an immunization.
Wound hygiene is essential, general good health is protective and vaccination is worthless.
How can the Tetanus vaccine induce immunity, when contracting the disease naturally does not give immunity?
If the "so called" diphtheria vaccine, which is in fact a toxoid, works against the toxin produced by the bacteria, and not against the bacteria itself, then how did this "vaccine" help in the decline in diphtheria?
Tetanus incidence and mortality declined greatly before the widespread use of tetanus vaccine. (In excess of 99%)
The bacteria associated with tetanus is present virtually everywhere. However, when the human body does not present the bacteria a proper environment for growth, this constitutes a natural immunity to the tetanus bacteria.
The only preventives for tetanus are general good health and wound hygiene.
There is NO immunity to dirty wounds. Wound hygiene is essential.
Tetanus incidence in the vaccinated is about the same or higher than incidence in the unvaccinated.
Tetanus vaccine is not only ineffective but also toxic. It's use causes numerous adverse side effects.
The possible side effects from this vaccine include:
Subcutaneous atrophy at site of injection
Drowsiness – Pallor – Coldness – Hypo-responsiveness
Fretfulness – Persistent crying
Vomiting – Anorexia
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Urticaria – Erythema – Arthralgias
Anaphylaxis (a form of shock) & Anaphylactic reactions
Brachial plexus neuropathy (can lead to paralysis of the arm)
Additional Facts: With only approximately 50 cases of tetanus a year (compared to other notable diseases such as tuberculosis at more than 20,000 cases a year), tetanus is very hard to get.
Tetanus infects only wounds that contain dead tissue, and it is not contagious.
Good wound hygiene is the best protection from the anaerobic bacteria.
Tetanus booster vaccinations cause T-lymphocyte blood count ratios to temporarily drop below normal, similar to those found in victims of AIDS.
A child has a much greater chance of dying in a fatal auto accident than the chance of getting tetanus.
More on vaccines
Whole cell DPT
In the United States, over half of the 2,480 compensation awards made made under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which total more than 3.5 billion dollars, have involved brain inflammation and encephalopathy resulting in permanent brain damage associated with whole cell and acelullar pertussis vaccine in DPT and DtaP
Previous research from Guinnea-Bissau demonstrated that a single dose of pertussis vaccine in DTP shots doubled the mortality rate in infants and more than quadrupled the mortality rate after the second and third DTP doses.
From the NVICP.
Dude, you need to learn how to construct an argument. You may have a valid point but it is impossible to find it when you keep filling the screen with seemingly random statements and partial comments on disparate themes. Stick to one at a time, list your sources on one subject and construct a focussed argument.
So, why do your t-shirts save babies and where are they made?
"You may have a valid point but it is impossible to"... look at some facts without making adhominem attacks?... They save babies because the only reason so many babies die in the US of A is because parents are lead to believe that vaccinations are good and NECESSARY for a child, and it is a mere belief. Change the culture and peoples' opinions and they will stop letting the global medical cartel profit by injecting their babies with toxins.
We're getting more vaccines :
And we're getting sicker :
I think you are mixing up cause and effect here. None of your graphs explain why vaccination is a problem. The rise of autism is interesting (again nothing linking that to autism), how does that compare to the methods for diagnosis? Are we confusing classification of autism with an increase in types that can be identified? Personally I feel that people are far too eager to seek a diagnosis for autism where perhaps it is not applicable. We saw a simar rise in psychiatric diagnoses in the 60’s before proper controls came in.
I made no claims of cause and effect. That's not the point I was trying to make with the graphs.... The correlation is between the increase in our toxic environments and toxic loads (which vaccines contribute to) and the deterioration of health. You can squabble about the classification of illnesses but my point is that people are becoming increasingly sick and less healthy. That there is more aluminium in the air before, more chemicals in the water than before, more chemicals on the foods, more chemicals called "foods", more synthetic white chemical "medicine", more toxic vaccines... So no I don't think vaccines are the only thing killing babies.. :)
Yet you show a graph showing life expectancy increasing, surely this undermines your point alone.
... After the early 1970's there's a clear slow down in the rate of increase of life expectancy and as of 2015, life expectancy made the full shift from increasing and has been decreasing. Even fake news corporate media's saying it... I don't know if you're being honest or willfully ignorant “Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.”
― Mark Twain