Dude, you need to learn how to construct an argument. You may have a valid point but it is impossible to find it when you keep filling the screen with seemingly random statements and partial comments on disparate themes. Stick to one at a time, list your sources on one subject and construct a focussed argument.
So, why do your t-shirts save babies and where are they made?
"You may have a valid point but it is impossible to"... look at some facts without making adhominem attacks?... They save babies because the only reason so many babies die in the US of A is because parents are lead to believe that vaccinations are good and NECESSARY for a child, and it is a mere belief. Change the culture and peoples' opinions and they will stop letting the global medical cartel profit by injecting their babies with toxins.
I think you are mixing up cause and effect here. None of your graphs explain why vaccination is a problem. The rise of autism is interesting (again nothing linking that to autism), how does that compare to the methods for diagnosis? Are we confusing classification of autism with an increase in types that can be identified? Personally I feel that people are far too eager to seek a diagnosis for autism where perhaps it is not applicable. We saw a simar rise in psychiatric diagnoses in the 60’s before proper controls came in.
I made no claims of cause and effect. That's not the point I was trying to make with the graphs.... The correlation is between the increase in our toxic environments and toxic loads (which vaccines contribute to) and the deterioration of health. You can squabble about the classification of illnesses but my point is that people are becoming increasingly sick and less healthy. That there is more aluminium in the air before, more chemicals in the water than before, more chemicals on the foods, more chemicals called "foods", more synthetic white chemical "medicine", more toxic vaccines... So no I don't think vaccines are the only thing killing babies.. :)
... After the early 1970's there's a clear slow down in the rate of increase of life expectancy and as of 2015, life expectancy made the full shift from increasing and has been decreasing. Even fake news corporate media's saying it... I don't know if you're being honest or willfully ignorant https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/21/health/us-life-expectancy-study/index.html “Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.”
― Mark Twain
Yes and we know why that is too. The USA is one of the most obese nations on Earth, the national intake of saturated fats, sugar, the lack of physical excersize all conspire against longevity. There are concerns over the intensive methods of beef and chicken production (making your products illegal to sell in the EU) combined with the vast volumes that are consumed. Maybe take a look at your plate.
Dude, you need to learn how to construct an argument. You may have a valid point but it is impossible to find it when you keep filling the screen with seemingly random statements and partial comments on disparate themes. Stick to one at a time, list your sources on one subject and construct a focussed argument.
So, why do your t-shirts save babies and where are they made?
"You may have a valid point but it is impossible to"... look at some facts without making adhominem attacks?... They save babies because the only reason so many babies die in the US of A is because parents are lead to believe that vaccinations are good and NECESSARY for a child, and it is a mere belief. Change the culture and peoples' opinions and they will stop letting the global medical cartel profit by injecting their babies with toxins.
We're getting more vaccines : https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6134a3.htm
And we're getting sicker :
I think you are mixing up cause and effect here. None of your graphs explain why vaccination is a problem. The rise of autism is interesting (again nothing linking that to autism), how does that compare to the methods for diagnosis? Are we confusing classification of autism with an increase in types that can be identified? Personally I feel that people are far too eager to seek a diagnosis for autism where perhaps it is not applicable. We saw a simar rise in psychiatric diagnoses in the 60’s before proper controls came in.
I made no claims of cause and effect. That's not the point I was trying to make with the graphs.... The correlation is between the increase in our toxic environments and toxic loads (which vaccines contribute to) and the deterioration of health. You can squabble about the classification of illnesses but my point is that people are becoming increasingly sick and less healthy. That there is more aluminium in the air before, more chemicals in the water than before, more chemicals on the foods, more chemicals called "foods", more synthetic white chemical "medicine", more toxic vaccines... So no I don't think vaccines are the only thing killing babies.. :)
Yet you show a graph showing life expectancy increasing, surely this undermines your point alone.
... After the early 1970's there's a clear slow down in the rate of increase of life expectancy and as of 2015, life expectancy made the full shift from increasing and has been decreasing. Even fake news corporate media's saying it... I don't know if you're being honest or willfully ignorant
https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/21/health/us-life-expectancy-study/index.html “Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.”
― Mark Twain
Yes and we know why that is too. The USA is one of the most obese nations on Earth, the national intake of saturated fats, sugar, the lack of physical excersize all conspire against longevity. There are concerns over the intensive methods of beef and chicken production (making your products illegal to sell in the EU) combined with the vast volumes that are consumed. Maybe take a look at your plate.