I broke my Nissan Skyline GTR! Heartbreaking times!

in #automotive9 years ago

Hi Steemfolk,

This last weekend was a very sad one for me, I recently broke my GTR at a drag racing event.

My first pass on the drag strip and I landed up blowing my clutch. Now this may not seem to be such a big deal to the masses but it was incredibly heart breaking for me as I have been hyping up this event on my youtube channel for weeks now. My goal was to beat my personal best time which was achieved a few months after purchasing my car.

It was rather unfortunate that the clutch blew as I am sure that I would have been able to do myself and my subscribers proud by beating my previous 1/4mile time.

I researched for hours and race prepared the car for weeks. Focusing on a few key aspects whilst educating my youtube subscribers and viewers on the below topics

  1. Weight Reduction
  2. Speed/Power
  3. Airflow
  4. Tires
  5. Suspension

I've just recently made a video of the event. I am hoping to get my car back on the road so that I can continue with my passion and start vlogging again.

Thank you steemit for your support thus far.


Too bad man, I hope repairs are going well, and I hope you will break that personal record soon.

Do you have any idea as to why the clutch broke?

Thanks for the comment, I hope to break it soon too!

Honestly, I did take a chance racing it as it still had the standard clutch on and I've almost doubled the factory horsepower and increased torque substantially. My launch or pull off as some my call it was extremely aggressive and the poor clutch couldn't take the beating. Looking at a whooping $3000 +- to replace!

I assume you are intending to put in a clutch which is actually engineered to take that amount of power?
DO you have your own shop where you can do your own work? Or will you actually have to pay a garage to do this for you?

I'm currently looking at an Os Gisken clutch (Aftermarket) which handles up to 650nm (480 ft lb) of torque. I am running roughly 500nm (368 ft lb) of torque as it stands.

I currently do all labor in my home garage and vlog as much as I can to document and help others with similar tasks. I'm more than likely going to give this a shot myself within the next 2 -3 months.

Damn sucks to see that it started slipping on your second pass. I just had a few questions for you if you don't mind answering.

  1. What country do you live in?
  2. How much HP does the car make?
  3. What your previous best time? (1/4 ET, Trap Speed, 60 FT)
  4. The clutch that got roasted, is it a single disc? If so, I'd recommend a twin or triple disc depending on HP/TQ.

Oh and btw sweet R32 ! :) The true Godzilla.

Hey Ultralord!

No worries, and thanks for the kind words!

  1. South Africa
  2. Last recorded dyno before a handful of modifications was 303kw (400hp) and 451nm. My butt dyno is guestimating 340kw and 500nm +-
  3. Previous best was 13.1, 170kph, and 2.1 60FT . My first pass this last weekend with second gear slipping and letting off accelerator at the end saw me a 13.5, 131kph and 1.78 60FT. If I had a clean run I would say high 11's/ low 12's.
  4. Stock clutch (oops). I'm looking at purchasing an Os Giken Triple Plate with a new flywheel.

Hi Nelkel, bummer man. Sorry to hear about your clutch. Were you running in KZN? I could not see if you were using a Cobb access port on your dash. Good luck with the repairs and hope you are back out there soon.

That sucks. Sidenote question, is this a track car or you daily?

Hey Roman,

It's a road car that I track once in a blue moon. I don't drive it daily as I have another car for that. However I take it out most Sunday for a slow cruise around town.

I have a 370, and thats just enough speed for me. :) VQ 4 lyfe

Hi nelkel about 2 years ago i had a r33 with about the same power. I ran a heavy button clutch, that was great on race days but a total bitch around town. Try to find something that is kind enough around town but will hook up at the track. If i had a dollar for every time i stalled that car at the traffic lights haha