is the behaviour of nature not consistent?
Is this not what allows us to describe it with laws?
What use then for gods, other than to move human emotions?
Other than to get humans to be more predictable, more controllable?
Easier to co-ordinate?
So that we can be coerced into working in groups on projects?
On projects that redirect what nature was otherwise doing?
To alter both what is harvested and how that is to be divided.
Nature was doing far more interesting things,
far more equanimously,
before man invented, "the gods".
Gravity determines balance, not concept, not story, not gods.
What is gravity?
Is it a force that gathers where light is most dense, perhaps it is the dark matter trying to cancel out the light matter?
Perhaps God is found in the second law of thermodynamics?
Perhaps God is found in that which stops all from canceling out back to zero potential.
Perhaps God is life itself, if so then biodiversity is more sacred than the ground taken up by our structures.
Perhaps all is inseparable ?
Are you allowed to change your mind, your body, your stories, your reactivity, your sensitivity to what is?
Who would grant you permission?
Is the who that would grant you permission seperate from the who that needs it?
Pretty funny no?
Yes but the god who keeps the balance of nature and man, on the other hand we must keep that balance, even though god knows all that what will happen if this happens, he who knows better than what we think
So if the god who keeps balance falls asleep, does anything change?
Does the balance of nature ever change?
If it did, would it be possible to have math and science?
If balance ie gravity is consistent
then what is it exactly that a god would need to do to "maintain" it?
If nothing, then wouldn't that be a waste of all that godliness?
Hard to imagine a world without hierarchy
without a controller
is that how conditioned we have made each other?
Or is it that we would gladly subjugate ourselves to a "higher" authority, so long as it could control all the other "scary" people?
Is god really a tool for cowards?
does all control arise out of either curiosity or fear?
playfulness lets go, it gets bored easily, it wants to be surprise to learn and expand.
fear only holds more tightly.
Nature needs no god
Needs no man
We arose from nature and will dissolve back into "her"
No matter how hard we cling, struggle or lie
to live is to die
is god just an invention for those who can not except death?
also pretty handy for controlling those who are alive.