The Chimera Bank of Neoxian: daily contracts: 2019-08-29

in #bank6 years ago

The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 3900 steem
to @singhcapital. They promise to repay 4290 steem by Sept 19, 2019.

Please sign below...

(pic from



Signed. Thank you for your services @neoxian. Much appreciated.

3900 STEEM :O Another huge loan from BoN! Congratz!


TRDOTRDO!Congratulations @theguruasia, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @neoxian! @neoxian got 6 & @theguruasia got 4

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I Like the Bank of Neoxian and I am Grateful for All the Support That He Has For The SteemSilverGold Community. Thank You for all that You Do @neoxian and lets make STEEM Better and Better !

extraordinary growth, extraordinary, and encouraging people to @neoxian is a platform that has a lot of benefits for my users to move on this platform Thank you brother.

Reaching new horizons always the big bank .... congratulations

@singhcapital, Good luck and have a great time ahead.

Posted using Partiko Android

This generous contract seems unreal.

Generous for Neoxian. 10% return in 20 days! Scale that up to a year and that's 185% ROI. As a witness, charging fellow steemians 185% on a loan is absurd. Terrible business practice

Feel free to undercut me and offer loans to the public at cheaper rates.

Or why don't you just offer fair rates? I get it, it's a free market, but you're clearly taking advantage of naive borrowers and it's terrible for long term growth of this platform.

What do you mean by fair rates ??? People feel it fair that's why they took loan from him . He don't knock on anyone's door for offering loan , People knock his door to take loan . So, if they feel it's something terrible then they didn't come to him . He helping many with this bank service . So , before judge/troll someone just dig into it more .

it's terrible for long term growth of this platform.

how it's affecting on this platform growth ?? That he helping people to grow on here ? Man you need to try these trolls on someone else , you picked the wrong guy .

This is not trolling, like I said in the previous comments. THIS loan adjusted annually is 185%. Just let that sink in. How is it affecting the platform? This is a top 50 witness, charging 185% interest rate to naive borrowers. The people borrowing from him are probably unaware of the other options out there.

The fact that you are asking how a top witness charging 185% interest rate to borrowers is not good for the platform makes me scratch my head.

This is a top 50 witness

Yeah he on top 50 witness , but how ?? Because people think whatever he doing is good for this site and people supporting him . If he did anything wrong he can't achieve that place for sure . He didn't buy any witness vote also not promoting his witness link on his every post . So people know that yeah this guy deserve my vote and i like whatever he doing , At least he helping . Why don't you be his competitor and offer better and So called fair interest ?

Why don't you just fuck off? Thanks.

Spoken like a typical banker getting called out.

Spoken like a complete idiot and troll. I've been doing business here for two years. People come to me of their own free will. You don't have to call me out. I charge extremely high rates. I'm 100% upfront about it.

The Bank of @neoxian, Always Ready To Serve You Chimerans.

dance potatos.gif


TRDOTRDO!Congratulations @goldcoin, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @neoxian! @neoxian got 6 & @goldcoin got 4

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Nice post and give you 100% upvote.

Wow, that is an astronomical interest rate you are charging. Better off going to the bank haha

I am the bank.

That's exactly my point, people detest the bank. Good luck with that witness spot