What do you mean by fair rates ??? People feel it fair that's why they took loan from him . He don't knock on anyone's door for offering loan , People knock his door to take loan . So, if they feel it's something terrible then they didn't come to him . He helping many with this bank service . So , before judge/troll someone just dig into it more .
it's terrible for long term growth of this platform.
how it's affecting on this platform growth ?? That he helping people to grow on here ? Man you need to try these trolls on someone else , you picked the wrong guy .
This is not trolling, like I said in the previous comments. THIS loan adjusted annually is 185%. Just let that sink in. How is it affecting the platform? This is a top 50 witness, charging 185% interest rate to naive borrowers. The people borrowing from him are probably unaware of the other options out there.
The fact that you are asking how a top witness charging 185% interest rate to borrowers is not good for the platform makes me scratch my head.
Yeah he on top 50 witness , but how ?? Because people think whatever he doing is good for this site and people supporting him . If he did anything wrong he can't achieve that place for sure . He didn't buy any witness vote also not promoting his witness link on his every post . So people know that yeah this guy deserve my vote and i like whatever he doing , At least he helping . Why don't you be his competitor and offer better and So called fair interest ?
Please use your brain.
just because I call someone out for taking advantage of others doesn't mean I want to offer a better product than them. It means I want to bring light to this situation. Stop being a sheep and think critically for a second.
You have no idea what he does or doesnt do to be in that witness position.
So you come here to show your big head brain ?? Man i know what he does or doesn't , even better than you at least . When someone want to take loan he/she all known about the interested and they take it because they know that those money will give them more benefit/more help than the interest . So , don't come to judge here.. You have no idea ...