To my surprise, my last writing prop about 'State of Entitlement’ did great and I was able to learn so many new perspectives. This time I want to try something different because I have seen it getting discussed but still not getting much attention. It’s about comment engagement and rewards.
We are still facing state of entitlement on Hive but I don't see many people becoming part of solution. You might have come across many influential personalities on Hive who have the power to change something for good but they don't present any solutions and mainly just criticize. Some of those go into hibernated state to enjoy automatic rewards but when somehow their rewards collection is disturbed, they magically appear again, criticize about what others are not doing for them and then vanish again.
It’s so easy to compare our blockchain with other blockchains, point out some issue but we'll remain stuck in same place unless we become part of solution. Many flawed posts come out on regular basis which are full of illogical ideas but I don't see the actual engagement in those posts. I don't see many people asking questions, maybe they are afraid who knows. You might have seen many people claiming to do so many things but in reality they are just working for their own benefit. You'll always see them complaining why others are not doing the things the way they are doing.
Learn to ask the right questions and be gentle about it. Just don't be disrespectful and what is worse thing you have to face by doing so? Disagreement, that's it. I want you to be part of solution by asking the right question in comments and not just criticize.
How you can participate in this? This time I don't want you to make post but I want you to make a comment. A meaningful comment in the form of genuine critical question which you can ask on anyone's post and I am going to upvote that comment with @appreciator.
You heard it right, I am going to upvote comments because I don't believe in rewarding shit-coins for comments and you just have to use #beapartofsolution in your comment.
All the good comments who participate in this initiative will possibly receive some support from @appreciator. I would like to explicitly state that support is not warranted and nobody is entitled to receive any guaranteed support.
Commenting is such an easy way to build profile and get onto people's radar and why people don't to it more, with validity and substance is curious to me. I recall over three years ago when I was a tiny little account...A comment to me was like striking gold and it gave me such a boost. I'd reply and start to build relationships, many of which I still have now.
Remembering this now is why I comment a lot still, usually 400-500 times a week with something like a total of 140,000 characters each week...So reasonable comments.
Rarely do I find someone who doesn't like me commenting on them and in fact I find so many interesting people who absolutely love to get some comments on their posts and feel a little boost when they receive them.
With this in mind I started the Friday #weekend-engagement topic which has seen over 5000 comments put on the blockchain in 15 topic-weeks. It allows people to comment and cross-comment and to build relationships in a fun environment. It's been great to see relationships formed through it and so many new people come along each week. Anyway, enough about that.
This is a good initiative and I hope many people get behind it!
You are so right about commenting, actually I am very fond f two people who leave most sincere and genuine comments on Hive. You being one of them and 2nd person is @creativemary.
I am going to explore more about #weekend-engagement , it does look very interesting and I'll try to contribute to it.
Hey! Thank you for mentioning me, I appreciate it, your comment made me smile😊 I'm glad that genuine connection with people is valued here! Have a lovely day!
Oh thanks mate...I am pretty passionate about it and spend a lot of time engaging - I know its value. I made 708 comments totalling over 161,000 characters last week so...Yeah, I engage. I want to build my account and help others do so also. Hive depends on it.
I've done 15 weeks of #weekend-engagement and have had a great result with so many actually forming good relationships which is what it's all about.
Week 15 topic:
Week 15 rewards post:
I also started the Engage the weekend Community - A community dedicated to the weekend! It's designed to promote some activity, comment activity, over the weekend when it's often a little quieter. I hope to build it up and to get some bigger accounts curating in there. My little vote isn't very rewarding for the posters.
Sorry, for the links, just figured it would make it easier for you to find the posts. The last 14 weeks are on my post feed of course.
Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it, and also the kind words. I am passionate about hive moving forward and to do so we need more people and more great content...Commenting is a reward in itself and will help motivate people to stay...I get really disappointed if I don't get good commenting on my posts and for a small account a comment or two can be a huge motivator.
Thanks again. I appreciate you coming by. :)
I can see that you are excited about this, new projects are great for Hive, you are right for newbies it is disappointing to see that nobody comments on your content, the same with automatic votes because at some point you feel that you don't have a real audience, but as I said in my own comment, we have to comment and create engage on other people's content too, if we only complain we will be part of the problem, literally I was everything that was part of the problem and yes at some point I noticed it, when you started to get more involved on Hive you start to look at things from a different perspective, I think that people who really want to be part of Hive are doing their bit in some way, although the ideal would be that we stop working separately and join forces in order to really achieve significant changes for this blockchain, bring the true human side to Hive and be a community. I visited your post and I saw that you have a very good initiative and in fact you have had good results, I liked it, I am going to join your community.
I just do what I've found works for me. I started my account with nothing and have built it to what I have today, the following and HP. Engaging with people, building relationships and nurturing has helped me do that, together with a lot of posts. These days if I can give a little back, help a few people, it makes me happy. There were over 400 comments on the #weekend-engagement post from last Friday - That's a lot of people getting involved, having fun and engaging with others.
I'm not sure what's right for hive, I'm not that smart; I just have fun, enjoy myself and avoid the drama as much as possible.
I'm excited about hive in general. I enjoy it, and so do what I do. If people want to join that's great, if not then that's ok too.
Thanks for joining the community, don't forget to post in it, to engage with the other members and to join the #weekend-egagement topic posted each Friday. It runs all weekend. Of course, that's just an invitation, not a requirement. It's a choice.
Hahahahaha, I know it's a choice !!! but actually I really like your community, occasionally I will be there, I would really like to create engage in other people's posts. And #week-engagement seems to me like reading a book but with anecdotes from the perspective of other people and I like to read !
Part of the benefit of the #weekend-engagement topic is that people are often relaxed, just being themselves and having fun. It's a good place to interject into a comment thread and get involved. People are there for fun and you will be welcomed. Also opening comment threads on other people's initial comment is good. They will respond and you're away...A relationship may form. That's the benefit, not the hive rewards I give away.
The weekend community is a place to drop weekend-related posts...Anything that's weekend-related. I use it a bit, a few others. It's meant to be fun.
Thanks for your comment.
I am a little late on finding this post and reading it, but wanted to comment on what you said..
I really couldn't agree more. Both of them genuinely care about the chain and those who (meaningfully) engage within in it. They are AWESOME role models and I am a better Hiver for knowing them.
Sorry guys, Just thought I would put my 2 cents in there. lol 😁
Thank you very much for these kind words!
#beapartofsolution what solutions do we need now boss? ran into djbald from forky and followed the trail here. djbagman reporting in o7. also the names you make with appreciator are hilarious and also concerning. what are you doing with them all?
From what I have learned from you is engaging makes one get known. Apologies I haven't been too active on the weekend engagement but still I have trying my best to be active on Hive/discord and Twitter apart from my busy life work that makes me get home by 10-11pm.
As you feel, I always appreciate people commenting all my posts. It gives me the feeling that I have actual readers.
I try targeting my comments on small small accounts that pretty do not gain much rewards on their post to keep them inspired to blog again reason is because most new account here would not last up to 2 months if there are no rewards on their posts but having my comment there ending with a request of wanting to read more of their contents which they would publish later would actually give them a reason to remain active.
People do what they can, when they can and the real world should take more priority than the virtual world anyway, in my opinion.
Supporting newer accounts is important, helping them to find their niche and to support them through commenting; So many come along with thoughts of making big bucks in the first few weeks and that's just not possible, or a sustainable condition even if their initial post was to gain a decent vote.
I haven't missed you on the #weekend-engagement topic to be honest as there's always so many others willing to participate; I can't even recall the last time I saw you there. It's voluntary though and a person can't be everywhere at once. If you choose to stop by and comment on some of the newer accounts who also comment there that will be great, if you don't have a lot of time I understand you'll need to invest it in the places you enjoy or feel you will find better value.
All the best.
Just read well.. you haven' t missed me. Chai it hurts, any way the prodigal son would surely find his way back up home 😅
Well, at the first place I think, there is nothing called 'State of Entitlement’. I have tried to post quality content, but did not get a lot of rewards - but that does not create any negative impression for me. I see many posts that are heavily rewarded are short posts that does not seem valuable to me but it could be valuable for someone else. Even whether its valuable or not, people just upvote either manually or through auto votes. So there is something that is driving that and there is nothing to be envy of it. May be the authors have been able to impress since long time and enjoying the rewards. So something they have done, that others are not able to do.
I follow some people with whom now I am personally connected and they get good rewards for each of their post but I am not envy of that. Rather, I do what I like and I think, people need to learn to build so called entitlement by posting content, that would bring attention and I have seen some people being success. They may not be getting equal rewards, but they will get there, if they do it consistently.
I would rather more worried about how we can make hive more popular to bring more investors. We have a second layer JSON capability that is unique that can be leveraged by app developers. We need to create examples, tutorials and market that. Both are very important - clear documentation and marketing. I seriously feel, we are lacking marketing and part of the DAO funding should be utilized for that. If we can bring in more dapps with unique value propositions then there will be investors and that will ultimately benefit everyone - authors as well as curators, investors.
You might not think like that way which is good but there are others who are so entitled.
You are mostly right because consitency is the key to success on this platform and we do need to more efficiently use our resources and reward pool.
And I think, the most efficient use of our resources and reward pool would be to market it which we are not doing at all. People are the greatest assets, but I think, we need some kinda professional marketing to set the fire.
I can totally relate to what you said at first. Most times I see these posts you talk about and I feel one day I can get there.
I try so hard to make my best contents, be active on discord by engaging with other Hivers and also checking out Twitter.
I have made my first priority to build connection, get to know people around and if that is achieved. Then I can enjoy hive for a social media it is and for the monetary rewards.
Tell me about that second layer JSON?
And one other improvement I had suggested in some of my other conversations -
I am constantly helping onboard new users and specifically suporting newbies. TheTerminal is a good place for them to start
I do not know much about the technical aspects of the platform or about the intricacies of the crypto market. It still puzzles me why the price of hive, for instance keeps going down after hundreds of new users get onboard and the campaign via other social media has made it impossible for anyone not to have heard or read about the platform. In theory, if the justification for, say, Twitter promotion was right, hive should be doing better in the market now, but again, I don't know much about this and maybe seeing the wrong picture.
I think that if all kinds of AI devices have been created/coded to track plagiarism, for instance, more can be done in terms of determining certain values in different publications. Maybe delegations across the different communities to experts on different areas may allow for more manual curation that would allow more fair rewards to those who are producing quality content.
In terms of interaction among users I think that some things are being done to promote engagement. We recently discovered that there is even a community for weekend engagement. They do all kinds of fun, attention-getting posts/activities that make it hard not to interact with them. From those interactions many other ideas and alliances can emerge that can make the platform truly social and committed to work both inside and out.
Some charity initiatives are having impact in the real world and that could be a way to promote the platform even further.
Now that education is being carried out remote due to the pandemic abd other issues, content creators could generate educational videos that could be incorporated into the school curricula.
Those are a few things on the top of my head that I believe can make Hive a revolutionary social media.
It does remind me of tweet which I read a while ago which was quite funny:
We wanted to onboard Twitter people to #Hive, and ended up onboarding Hive people to Twitter.
Maybe we should have focused more about making newbies feel at home instead of promoting more engagement on Twitter. I don't deny benfit of promoting Hive via Twitter but if you are encouraging users to get more active on Twitter instead of Hive then I don't know what exactly we are promoting.
Weekend engagement do looks interesting
You are right. I wrote about it a couple of week ago on a post about addiction. I started using Twitter, after years of inactivity, to promote Hive and ended up hooked by all the political and social crap that we get bombarded with there.
I am consciously working on minimizing that time wasting and investing more on Hive, which is supposed to be our priority.
lol I remember that tweet. I wrote it.
Hi Bluemist,
The idea sounds good, I remember when I got to Steem and the comments were rewarded, but from there a serious problem arose, many comments that circulate on the platform were full of kindness but mixed with flattery and hypocrisy, as you say: people were afraid perhaps asking the right questions for the retaliation that could arise.
The truth is that to be part of the solution you have to make constructive criticism.
I also remember that when a whale or someone of influence published, people ran to comment without reading the publication simply because the good votes were for the main comments and not for those that really contributed constructive criticism or good content regarding the publication.
You are right, some people are here to please others which should not be the case ideally. We need to learn think more critically and evaluate situation.
I think this is a good idea, although maybe a little hard? for newbies because they are learning to get involved and are still learning about Hive, it is possible that some feel "limited", this post reminded me a bit the old Steemit when people were rewarded by comments. But also looking at this post makes me remember how hypocritical I have been on some occasions, I remember complaining because people did not comment on my posts but at some point it occurred to me to ask myself, What am I doing? And from there I noticed that I did not comment on other people's content either, you can't reap what you don't sow From now on I'm a little more careful to leave comments on the posts that I like
Atleast you know now the importance of comments, hopefully people will learn to engae more.
I really love the way you ended it. You can't reap what you sow.
This is also what I noticed myself. So far I can say I am glad to have some few comments on my posts from the relationships I have built by commenting with other users but there is also one thing that annoys me which is when I comment on someone's post without having a reply to my comment, it pisses me off that I might not comment on that person's blog again when it becomes consistent.
I can understand how it feels but we have to keep doing what we do, maybe some people don't deserve a bit of attention, so don't give it to them. But don't focus your emotions on that
Yeah... Thanks for the advice.
Wow! Just seen this post. Quite powerful! You could see and understand human nature quite well! It’s a blessing at times but could be a drag as well. LoL
Very well written my friend! It's easy to complain about this or that for sure and we are all guilty of it from time to time. I agree that instead of complaining, being part of the solution and be the changes we want to see is the only way to go. Hive is a community project and we need to do our part as a community and individuals to make it the best place to be and ensure it's success. With that being said, I see many doing great things around here, there will always be some things to improve upon as a community and as individuals but overall, this place has kept me around for over 3 years and it's not about the entitlements but more so the social network and the community. The challenges are as a community, we all have a different vision of what hive can be or should be and cause some tensions but it's also the beauty of it. One thing I don't like so much is how it's advertise as make $$ to blog here, it should be advertised as a social network, perhaps that would eliminate the sense of entitlement from some and help with user retention given they join for the right reasons and let whatever happen in it's proper time. Proper communication and engagement is important to a social network especially on like this that is community led, that includes the direction of the technical stuff and hardforks instead of writing a bunch of rage-quit posts on the things we don't like. This a young project, I have faith we will find our direction.
Comments have power, I said that in a recent publication I made, and it is true that we all must and have the right to comment with constructive criticism if we see that one of our colleagues is failing, it is human to make criticism, the bad thing is that many people do it to destroy and not to build the other. This is not to say that this has happened to me, but I have seen bad comments made to other people and it does not seem right.
I admit that I am new and I am afraid to make comments where I do not agree because I do not like conflict, I want to see #hive grow and all the people who have put part of their hope in this platform. That's why we must comment with kindness and help those who are and new income, with edifying words and a commitment to continuous improvement.
He did not compare Hive to any other platform, because for me there is no better platform than Hive, and none could be compared to the authentic content that exists here. And that's why I include each of the people who make up this platform, because I feel Hive is part of me.
So I urge everyone to do their part by commenting on and rewarding the many wonderful publications out there, and to get more involved in contributing rather than destroying.
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I recently saw a post where I told someone how to improve their content, why not tag certain people and not give content as their own when it is not Just for the economic benefit.
I always had critical posts, I have them from Steemit and they are public, although the truth is I always said that among the many changes that the platform needs, one is a more direct space between users and someone who provides support.
Although I agree that we can all be part of the change and more being a decentralized community, many times I notice that this also looks like 'DoomsDay clock', with many people concerned but few people with the ability to make a change, and many of those who have the ability, looking elsewhere.
Thank you for another initiative, and for this interaction you have with the community, it really makes me feel that someone cares about us. You really prove that you want to be part of the solution.
I'm sorry, deeply...I didn't read this initiative...the truth is I spend a lot of time commenting on it, but Spanish speakers are sensitive when we are direct. That has caused me some problems and I preferred to "bite the tip of the pen" so as not to have problems, as you say. At some other time, I'll try to keep up with your props!
I find your initiative very interesting, I have been reading a lot of the contents in the different communities and I have come across interesting and constructive publications, I have also read discussions in the comments that were raised with excessive insults but I understand that this is possible because of the freedom to express ourselves and the absence of censorship. In the short time that I have been in these premises I have seen how two projects have materialized with which I have interacted in the platform that add a lot of value and both have arisen because of the value of the comments and many times I have thought that a good commentary is as important as a well-supported post and, for this reason, they should also be rewarded. In that sense I agree with your appreciation that that value should be in $hive and not in tokens that are undervalued and for this reason I think that many other Hivers in the whale range should join in supporting this initiative and other similar ones in order to create a greater awareness of the importance that sincere, proactive, productive, critical, well-supported comments, etc., have in the growth of our hive. I understand that the issue may have its complications and that each community is autonomous in the way they market their tokens but this is what I think. I don't know how long this initiative will last but I will be including the label you suggest in some comments that I will surely make.
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So, I am a little late on this post.. but here I am 😁
I read through the comments and have seen this topic thrown around in discord chat a bit as well. EVERYONE has an opinion, and hey.. they are entitled to that. I get so worked up over the 'Entitlement' state of mind. I try to bite my tongue when reading their chat dialog (or comments). I had to chuckle when I read your statement about how they disappear and then show back up in a convenient fashion. hahaha.. so true. Sometimes I see those people base their entire post content on the topic of "Poor Me", or even worse, try and promote themselves as being under privileged content creators.
It's nice to get those whale like up-votes. It's nice to get those sincere comments. It's also nice to give those comments and up-votes.. to light a spark in those new Hive virgins that will make their determination on whether to stay or leave us(probably within the first two weeks). You are correct in saying that is were our success lies and where our value will do the most good. After all, those newbies (minus the plagiarists and spammers) have the best potential of spreading the word.
Hive (well really steemit) was my first experience with blogging for crypto. It really didn't take me that long to "Figure Things Out" so to say. I formulated my own opinions of who the people were that are out for themselves and who's looking out for the good of all. The true believers in the chain are still around (and why I am still here and investing). Those who want to onboard are awesome. But there are also those that think that onboarding will take away from their rewards. I've learned to live with some negativity and not invest my energy in supporting it. I also realize that no community is perfect. Communities need balance. Communities need participants and involvement to flourish.
I believe in Hive, Invested money time and energy in Hive, and believe Hive will succeed if we work together and treat each other the way we want to be treated. The question I always battle with though is, How do I evolve into a better Hive community member? How do I go about finding the perfect balance when it comes to creating content, curating, and socializing? That is a question I have been testing and working on (Personally) for the last 2 years and 8 months. I know it exists, and since I enjoy this whole experience, I know I will eventually find the balance that is right for me.. making me the best Hiver I can be.
@bluemist, how long did it take for you to find that "Balance", given that you are so involved? Because I am sure that you have a life outside of Hive. right? haha. 😆
Sincerely though, you have a decent sized influence on the chain, and from what I can tell.. you do a great job at keeping it real and aligning yourself with people who care, have great ideas and are doers. Thanks for the hard work and keeping our Hive dreams alive. I am sure I'll see you around town (the Hive Town that is. lol).
I think that the platform should not be used only thinking about the objective of only acquiring reward in my healthy opinion, a publication is more than 500 words or 5 photos, it is up to the readers or users to recognize the meaning of the words, paragraphs and experience that lead to the creation of a post at an interesting level, it is not only to tell a story or how you created a different content is to transmit and receive knowledge make it reciprocal and nourish us with good dialects that can improve our quality of life and way of thinking.
I am new to this platform and I am reading several posts to generate the necessary knowledge so I can create and write my own with the purpose of being read and feel the excitement of learning, I want to teach a talent that not everyone knows about me and to be taken into account because every day we learn something new.
Maybe one day I have a lot of votes another day not so many but the goal is to transmit a special content that allows to teach what in reality the human being can do to create and improve.
Show your passion, love and commitment and you will see that the rewards will come by themselves because all good sacrifice and work is rewarded.
Fill yourself with values and principles and be the best person you can be in life so you can achieve great things.Hello to the HIVE family and especially @bluemist for being mur reasonable in your publication has a lot of reality with life.
This sentence is wonderful ...
@bluemist Sorry if I am commenting very late. I am relatively new on Hive since I was active on the earstwhile platform but was on a hiatus from social media for number of years due to personal tragedy. I found Hive and what is stands for recently again and am trying to catch up. I frankly do not know how I landed on your post as I was browsing and have no intention to even attempt for #beapartofsolution as a participant yet since I am still learning here. However, I just am a firm believer of the tagline in the picture in your post "If you are not part of solution, you are part of the problem". In real life, I have seen many examples of people commenting on religion, politics, education and other divides in my country. People just say "Damn - this is wrong and that is wrong" or they say "Well - the government should do something about this". I, do crib sometimes to be honest but mostly me and my wife believe in DOING things to try and make a difference - however small! We consider it our 'ant's' share in the GOOD things happening in the world. Just as an example and not trumpeting my own virtues - We have so far personally put more than 8 young boys and girls through school and college - bearing all their fees and education expenses . In couple of cases, the children have become Engineers!!
Sorry if this is untimely and late but thought I must express my total agreement with your thinking and active support for the initiative. I do not know how to reach out but if you feel there is any way in which I can help, kindly feel free to let me know how I can contribute my efforts to such great initiatives.
Wow, I had never seen your posts and they are really very good, the recommendations are very accepted... each user must give their heart to everything they do in #hive, not only to receive rewards but to leave lessons in each community they go to. ... I am always grateful for every content I make because I show myself that I am capable of achieving many things... a hug for you @bluemist 🤗
@bluemist I am not an expert in making publications but today I realize that I have made many mistakes from which I have learned, whenever I made a publication I just left it and that was it, I did not dare to review the contents of my colleagues, which was very bad , and seeing this publication I realize the serious mistake, now I am able to interact with different people on this platform, because that is what it is about, the support and understanding that we must have among ourselves.😘