I like how you've brought this issue forward.
What is ironic is that if most men actually had the opportunity to be intimate with the various body types they have been lusting over in imagery (stereotypes which as you point out have changed over the 5 decades I've been alive), they would probably realize that they aren't comfortable (compatible) with all of them, because we men too each have a different body type.
Ditto facial types. For example, I have a small face and I am not compatible to a lady with large face. I also don't find myself very attracted to the face of Kardashians. I went through my phase of thinking fat lips were attractive 26 years ago. After having a disastrous relationship with someone with fat lips, I am sort of repulsed by them. I have a small mouth and lips and seem to prefer that now. Kissing fat lips has a different feeling but one's mental image plays a role, for example you could either imagine it as exotic or imagine you are kissing the vagina of the mother pig. Lol.
I find I am very influenced by the eyes and eyebrows. Your eyes struck me by the way in recent video with @piedpiper (compliment intended but not flirting).
I really like a lady who can exercise with me. If she could out run me and outlast me in aerobics (very unlikely a female of any age can compete with an athletic male of any age in sports of speed and strength), then much better. But I don't like a lady who can't be a mother and can't also take care of the home (note that is not to exclude my partner from having a vocation but if there are kids then need business compatible with mothering). So this combination is difficult to find. I currently have a problem with my gf in her inability to resist the sinful foods that make her ill with digestive tract autoimmunity. And also her laziness to join me jogging in the evening because she ate too much junk in the afternoon (cakes, donuts, etc). She does love Zumba though, so we just need a gym that isn't 2 hours roundtrip from our house (not available in our current location). She is naturally athletic though (as most filipinos are).
I have grown tired of the small noses of the filipinos where I currently reside. A long nose like myself is more attractive to me than it was 26 years old ago when I made my first journey to satiate my "jungle fever".
So perhaps the optimum would be no stereotypes at all, but society seems to prefer thought leaders and fads.
Also there is aspect of how this impacts females. And for that we need to hear from the perspective of females. I want to encourage ladies to be themselves and love themselves as they are, while also striving to be healthy, exercise, and eat healthy. But eating healthy means eating food as nature made it, not all of these fads.
There is nothing unnatural about females wanting to attract a desirable partner, but aspiring to a body type and look which you can't have, is torture.