Beauty Standards of 2016 - Kardashians, Instagram and Diet Teas

in #beauty9 years ago (edited)

My perspective as a mixed woman with Caucasian and Indian roots… 

It’s no secret that in the last year especially from 2015 to 2016 there has been a strong shift in beauty standards.  Instagram has become the most influential platform when it comes to setting them and and establishing today’s role models for young girl to look up to. 

The beauty industry has officially taken over!

I think the shift in "beautiful body type" in general is a positive one, however the pressure and ideology of perfectness in beauty has gotten worse. In this article I want to quickly sum up my thoughts in the topic and not yet go into detail about the effect this has on younger girls...

I think it's a very interesting topic and I find both pros and cons about it, but I have to admit I'm enjoying the fact that my natural body type all of a sudden is appreciated and the pressure of "loosing weight pressure" has for now been defeated. 

As Helen Mirren put it: “I’m not into the Kardashians, it’s a phenomenon I just don’t find interesting, but — and this is the big word: B-U-T-T — it’s wonderful that you’re allowed to have a butt nowadays!..Thanks to Madame Kardashian, and before her, J-Lo. We’re also allowed to have thighs now, which is great too. It’s very positive.”



Not long ago the perfect body for a female was considered one with skinny legs (don't forget the perfect thigh gap), slim everything model-type. I was never that girl, I was always petite but with rather strong legs, no thigh gap, larger breast and with some flesh over my bones which was not the right measurement to have a "beautiful body" in the Western world. Even when you go way back to old school Hip Hop music videos you see that most if not all girls are really skinny. I'm not sure when exactly that shift took place, but the music industry definitely to some extent is responsible for the new "ideal body", supported by rappers like Drake, Nicky Minaj, and Fetty Wap.

2016 = The Pear , THE BOOTY ERA

As rapper Fetty Wap  “Slim thick” as he’s describing is basically a woman who has a flat stomach, slim waist, slightly large hips in ratio to her waist and an ample bottom. “Witcho cute ass” is him basically saying that he appreciates her “slim thick” figure even more because she’s cute as well. 

Anytime a new ideoology is created, the negative side effect of obsession for being perfect

Famous Instagram models made careers from trading their bodies for "the perfect body type".

All of a sudden for a very long time ideal Victoria Secret type is not considered perfect any longer..

Then for a long time the "large breast" was a focus of beauty standards not only in 1990 but still 5 years ago. For some girls, including myself they would have been better off to go through the growing up years as a teenager, during the Pam Anderson phase of beauty standards, as opposed to the Kim K one in which we currently reside, where the focus was on your front rather than your back..

As for today, it's all about the slim-thick figure, booty focused..

The new standard has also brought along a new lifestyle trend, the FIT LIFE! A strong woman with muscles and exposed abs would not long ago be labeled as "not feminine". Now a strong, healthy body, not just slim waist but also strong core is appreciated by society, isn't that great?


This is probably the one shift I like the most. The promotion of a healthy lifestyle is probably the number 1 trend of 2016 and doesn't seem to stop, strongly in correlation with the "new body type". Before the hype not everybody had a gym membership, but all of a sudden you see everyone squatting and running. Living a healthy life and working towards getting stronger is a great thing and I love the promotion of it, but of course we didn't have to wait very long, until the market recognized the want for fitness products and took advantage. By now you are probably familiar with Instagram girls on your feed, promoting things like:


The slimming teas are extremely popular and #1 promotion product. They have been circulating around in hopes of giving girls a “fit” figure. They promote toned arms, legs, abs and a firm buttocks. 


"Waist trainers are designed to help women attain that iconic hourglass silhouette while targeting the most troublesome areas". At least that is what the company hourglassexpress. Here is what Christopher Ochner, Ph.D., weight loss and nutrition expert at Mount Sinai Hospital as to say:"It ain't pretty: Think crushed organs, compressed lungs, and fractured ribs. You can't reduce the collection of fat in any one particular area of your body. If you push your stomach in, all the fat will go right back to where it was no matter how long [you wear the corset] for." Yes, some people can get away with wearing the waist trainer without any real harm done. But for a real, long-term weight-loss plan, you're better off looking elsewhere. 

for years known as "corsets". For over 80 years, from the 1820s until after the dawn of the 20th century, the most fashionable ladies followed a “custom” called “tight lacing.”


Carb blocker, metabolism booster and many other diet pills are part of the hype, besides of course all the protein shakes. The idea is to help maintain a clean diet, loose weight, gain muscle and become more toned.


Not too long ago the word"contouring" was barely part of the beauty vocabulary, but today a quick Google search brings up over 75 million results. With the rise of Instagram - the trend, selfies - and finally countless tutorials on Youtube contouring is a solid part of new beauty standards, to enhance your bone structure. You can make your face thinner, pop out some new cheekbones or even give yourself a nose job..

The „Ethnic, but still accessible to the West“ look 

I personally think make-up can be fun and it's nice to play around with it, highlight the features you like and cover parts you don't, like a small pimple, red spots or dark circles. Contour in general I find no serious problem with, but just with everything, when overdone and applied to everything, it covers your real beauty. The word highlight is positive, just like you should highlight your strengths and not focus on your weaknesses I think it's totally fine to do the same with your looks, as long as you don't hide yourself behind it..

4. Full Lips

There is no doubt that Kim Kardashian has become one of the most influential people for setting beauty standards, but more recently the youngest sister of the clan Kylie Jenner stepping into her footsteps and taking over the beauty industry. Kylie Jenner’s overdrawn, full lips have made headlines around the world, with many women choosing to follow suit and heavily line their lips to give the illusion of a plumper pout.

 Kylie Jenner admitted that she’s been going for a more natural look lately. She explained that she’s trying to drop the dramatic lip injections and heavy makeup this year. Considering a large part of her audience is young girls, this should be very helpful in bringing back realistic body standards for young women. 

5. Eyebrows ON FLEEK 

This trend has got to be the funniest one for me, as I was born with naturally thick eyebrows and always hated it as a kid. Before the trend was a trend it was much more of a curse than a blessing. Now the beauty standards emphasize natural looking eyebrows and micro-blading a technique used to fill in your eyebrows making them look thicker) is  a common procedure. 

I first thought Cara Delevingne is responsible for the popularity of the hashtag "EyebrowsOnFleek", but I found out that in November 2014, Kim K brought the trend mainstream by posting a bleached brow photo on her Instagram account using said hashtag, and the beauty world went insane. Now everywhere you see girls showing off "fleek" eyebrows -  which is a variation of "flick," a word used by make-up artists — when eyebrows are perfectly groomed, filled and shaped. 

The list continues to go on..

For years the beauty standards have evolved around long-legged, white skinned, blond-haired, blue-eyed females and now to to see a change in that is refreshing, and from my perspective it's somehow fun in a weird way that all of sudden my natural ethnic look, light skin, dark hair, brown eyes, rather short and strong figure has become a trend and a lot the insecurities I had growing up have turned into "goals" of many.

BUT here comes of of the problems.. Now that the new „Instagram Beauty Standard“ has been spread and established, girls who weren't born with a natural curvy figure feel excluded and lean towards unnatural help such as surgery, pills etc. This is not to say that the glorified body types are not attractive or great. But this constant glorification of one over the other generally excludes other body types. With the slim-thick figure, those who are only thick will try to slim their waists and those who are only slim might resort to unhealthy eating habits to become thick. The ones who don’t fit in any of those categories will feel excluded and ashamed of their bodies. All of these trends cost women their self-confidence and the appreciation of their natural body.

 We all have insecurities, but not too long ago I realized that insecurities in itself are based on beauty standards that are completely made up and they could change in one week. So for ages I thought my chest was too big, until a friend told me that she was jealous it. My insecurities suddenly switched, and I thought my legs were too strong for a girl, until another friend told me how trendy that is right now. It's almost as though we're taught that we have to have insecurities, so we make up new personal flaws every time a switch in beauty standards appears to happen.

Beauty standards that are made up and changed every few years only help keep that self-hatred up, a problem that we try to solve by buying and consuming products, which basically means that the beauty industry is alive because of the pressure we feel to match those standards, which is a never-ending process as beauty standards will keep on change over time. Through body positivity and a much more diverse attitude towards body representations in the media, however, the ideal body type may (hopefully) become a concept of the past.

I hope that more awareness gets raised towards "there is no beauty without brains", focusing on inner beauty first with a good amount of self-confidence, making looks not the focus and just that extra sweet bit that visualizes your true self, because THAT is what young girls 9-16 years old need to see and idolize, to be able to develop the right amount of confidence and brains to not get trapped in the pressure of constantly matching new beauty standards. Future generations need to KNOW that the image of supposed perfection, is a non-existent phenomenon and we have the right to simply reject it. 


I could go on forever with this topic as it's a very psychological in-depth field to study and as you can tell I'm passionate about the subject, but I think it serves well as a first introduction to the topic. I myself am far from the image of "perfect" and I'm not trying to match the image of a given standard, but rather work towards becoming a better version of myself in every area of life everyday. I love to set myself goals, live, look and feel healthy, confident, strong and beautiful. Change is not bad, it means progress, but whatever you do and whatever you strive for,  do it with consciousness and question what makes you feel beautiful!

Much love,

- Mrs.Steemit👑

Follow moì✅


I stopped focusing so much on looks when I came to appreciate how rare and valuable virtue really is. A rational and uncompromising woman with impeccable standards is way more attractive to me than any mindless model... but the body does emit signals that are burned into our genetics too so we can't ignore those. Health and fertility are signaled physically and I don't think it's bad that men continue to appreciate those things. It's just one of the ways our species perpetuates itself better. I'd recommend to any boy or girl that if they find a particular attribute attractive, they ought to do some research to figure out why they do. Is there a good rational reason for it or is it just the result of marketing and psychological manipulation? The more they learn about it, the better they will come to know themselves... and the better they know themselves, the less time they'll waste stumbling through life on autopilot, unsure of why they can never find happiness.

That is a highly rare and valuable opinion you have there. It takes a lot of emotional intelligence to get to that level of understanding the psychology behind attraction and courage to question it. The majority people I'm not sure if it's out of fear or ignorance, or maybe both, will never question themselves and that really is the only problem. I always tell my friends when they ask me for advice "I won't tell you what to do, but whatever you choose to do but please do it with conscious. If you're going to do something stupid, at least know the purpose and consequences". I think if you get to the point where you know who you are, know why you act the way you do, are honest to yourself and not afraid to evaluate your emotions and behavior that's when you stop wasting time, stop negativity from getting to you and eventually you will find happiness. It's not easy, but surely worth it. Thanks for your thoughts, made me think :)

Most teenage girls are influenced a lot by celebrities like Kim K and social media even spreads the new way to look beautiful. It is so sad and I hope that more people will write about this and clarify it that your inner values are so much more important than your appearance.
Thank you so much for this post!!

Yes agreed! Bin froh dass ich da nicht die Einzige bin die so denkt. Es sollte mehr Vorbilder geben die den nächsten Generationen Andere Werte vermitteln!

Da sind wir echt zwei von wenigen, die so denken. Genau, wir können damit anfangen! Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen mal einen Post über beauty standards in Südostasien schreiben.

Very interesting. I'll be the first to admit that while I find Kim attractive, I don't think she is one of the most beautiful people.

I don't really think any of the Kardashians are good role models. (business savvy yes, but I would not want my daughters or niece to emulate their lives at all).

I think you are very pretty @ms.steemit and that you question your own beauty is telling of how flawed the modeling business has made people feel.

Some of my friends who I find most attractive are the ones who who find themselves to be unattractive.

I don't understand the appeal of Kylie and Kendall and some of the others as much, but I know they know how to market themselves, and fame does a lot for their business.

I am also glad more natural looks have become the "beautiful" standard. Watching documentaries of models starving or purging to get the perfect body that they see in magazines made me feel angry at how young girls are being targeted at vulnerable ages.

It sounds cliche but the older I get the more I care about personality and the less I care about looks. Yes attraction is still important, but apps like tinder and the like are much less interesting to me now that I am a bit older. If someone can't hold a conversation but they are beautiful, I tend to leave them be.

Thanks for sharing this! You do a great job with your posts.

And I was just talking with someone about her eyebrows being on fleek the other day :)

Thank you very much for taking your time to read and giving your opinion.
I agree with the part that especially Kim K is an incredible business woman and understands marketing and appealing to the mass, but that the role model part that comes with it is a problem for future generations, as we can already see the effect it has on really young girls who are all over social media at 14 years old objectifying themselves with the hope to look like their idols. I'm glad you see that as well !

I far more respect people like you who offer a lot of great advice as well as beauty tips and fashion. If it were not for a famous father and an infamous ray j tape, Kim would probably not be in the spotlight at all.

If you were to come out with your own line of beauty products (Maybe you have) I'd be much happier having people look up to a successful businesswoman like you who offers more to the world than all the Kardashians combined :) (Again that's my personal opinion and if tv ratings are any indicator of public opinion, I'm in the 10% that feels the Kardashians shouldn't be famous / making millions). But that is the beauty of free market. Anyone has the chance to be successful if they can find a niche or market their product in a way that drives sales.

body built by effortless exercise is the best type I guess.check mine,a story of how a girl getting strong throught years.

I like how you've brought this issue forward.

What is ironic is that if most men actually had the opportunity to be intimate with the various body types they have been lusting over in imagery (stereotypes which as you point out have changed over the 5 decades I've been alive), they would probably realize that they aren't comfortable (compatible) with all of them, because we men too each have a different body type.

Ditto facial types. For example, I have a small face and I am not compatible to a lady with large face. I also don't find myself very attracted to the face of Kardashians. I went through my phase of thinking fat lips were attractive 26 years ago. After having a disastrous relationship with someone with fat lips, I am sort of repulsed by them. I have a small mouth and lips and seem to prefer that now. Kissing fat lips has a different feeling but one's mental image plays a role, for example you could either imagine it as exotic or imagine you are kissing the vagina of the mother pig. Lol.

I find I am very influenced by the eyes and eyebrows. Your eyes struck me by the way in recent video with @piedpiper (compliment intended but not flirting).

I really like a lady who can exercise with me. If she could out run me and outlast me in aerobics (very unlikely a female of any age can compete with an athletic male of any age in sports of speed and strength), then much better. But I don't like a lady who can't be a mother and can't also take care of the home (note that is not to exclude my partner from having a vocation but if there are kids then need business compatible with mothering). So this combination is difficult to find. I currently have a problem with my gf in her inability to resist the sinful foods that make her ill with digestive tract autoimmunity. And also her laziness to join me jogging in the evening because she ate too much junk in the afternoon (cakes, donuts, etc). She does love Zumba though, so we just need a gym that isn't 2 hours roundtrip from our house (not available in our current location). She is naturally athletic though (as most filipinos are).

I have grown tired of the small noses of the filipinos where I currently reside. A long nose like myself is more attractive to me than it was 26 years old ago when I made my first journey to satiate my "jungle fever".

So perhaps the optimum would be no stereotypes at all, but society seems to prefer thought leaders and fads.

Also there is aspect of how this impacts females. And for that we need to hear from the perspective of females. I want to encourage ladies to be themselves and love themselves as they are, while also striving to be healthy, exercise, and eat healthy. But eating healthy means eating food as nature made it, not all of these fads.

There is nothing unnatural about females wanting to attract a desirable partner, but aspiring to a body type and look which you can't have, is torture.

I think the new ideal is way more unrealistic!

I personally don't mind Kim Kardashian as being thought of as an ideal as, despite having a butt many women cannot achieve due to biology, she is far from anorexic. It's the lesser of the two evils.

The problem I see -- and its interesting I just stumbled on your article after reading some others about shops that only sell one size -- is that girls and women of different backgrounds are gravitating to extremes. What I mean is there are numerous articles out there noting how Brandy Melville clothing, which only comes in a size Small, is considered a status symbol among white, middle class girls. The company's Instagram is full of 'ambassadors' who all look the same: skinny, long flowing hair, with their size Small clothing sitting baggy on them. If a girl can't fit into the brand ... well, they won't even let her into the store and you can imagine how she'd feel at school.

At the same time, on the other side of the spectrum, women are getting butt injections to look like Kim. Except they are going underground to do so: "A Toronto-area woman who used silicone for illegal buttock enhancement injections on nine women — in some cases using syringes attached to a caulking gun — will be sentenced today" was the opening line in last year's article on the subject. But I think this isn't as harmful as going to school every day as a developing young person and destroying yourself and your self esteem because you cannot fit into the size Small only brand and are thus devalued by your peers.

I love that post. You are so right about the young generation girls. Someone needs to show them, what really matters. To be healthy, happy, loved and then you will be beautiful not only from the inside. And I'm so happy to see a change on the first page in the magazine .

I also have a B-U-T-T and it’s wonderful that I am allowed to have a butt nowadays!
Wish you all the best ;)

Very good post! Its all so true. ME as a makeuo artist these are things i deal with on a daily bases.