Beauty first - Brains who cares?

in #beauty9 years ago

I know it sounds shallow and superficial but I would choose beauty over brains any day. I know most people would not wait to listen to my point before blowing the roof off but trust me there’s a deeper sense in my stance.

It has been proven that nature selects the finest and fittest of a species to survive and produce the next generation. Most times anything weak and incapable is rejected or flushed out. That shows you that nature makes even physical fitness paramount. When you meet someone for the first time the very first thing you take more of is what they look like. Their mental capabilities are not ingrained on their foreheads. You notice how they look and how they dress before they even open their mouths.

Even society values beauty over brains. That’s why a model earns far more than a professor ever will. That’s why the entertainment industry picks the most physically appealing people to host shows, to act movies or to cast the news. Because they have learned quite truly that beauty pulls crowd and crowds brings in good ratings. This is why the entertainment industry makes a huge amount of net worth annually. That’s while the Angelina Jolie’s and Scarlett Johansson’s of the world are far richer than the Stephen Hawking’s and the Albert Einstein’s.


Most of us like to sound politically correct and that's why whenever the debate of beauty over brains is brought up, the most response is in favour of brains. But can we answer this question sincerely? Would you rather wake up one morning looking like Brad Pitt/Salma Hayek or would you rather understand quantum physics /engineering mathematics? 

Whether we like to admit it or not, no matter how feminist or forward thinking or all accepting you are, deep in our hearts, we all want to be beautiful. Be it high cheek bones, good height, a washboard tummy, a great hairline or whatever your concept of beauty is, we want to have it. That’s why great men, men who we expect to know better, keep falling for beautiful women. From the biblical King Solomon and Samson to the former United States president, Bill Clinton and so many others we have read and know about. We also find women drooling shamelessly over Ryan Gosling, Joseph Manganelo, George Clooney, Chris Evans, Jake Gyllenhaal and the likes. Now what do all these people have in common? An astounding physical appeal.

Another thing: people copulate because they find their partner sexually appealing. And even though this sexual appeal might result from a host of factors including intelligence (sapiosexuals), a greater percentage of people have sex because their partner was physically attractive to them.

We go to the gym, we eat right and rest when appropriate so that we can be and look healthy. Trust me at the heart of this desire is a need to look attractive to the opposite sex and get laid. We want to fawned over and idolized and chased after. It sounds over the top but that’s one of man's deepest fantasies.

Therefore I choose beauty over brains every time. 


I can't really agree with this point of view. In my opinion, there is much more to life than beauty.
Sure, it would be "easier" to wake up looking like Brad Pitt, but aren't you getting bored of those benefits at some point too?
Do you think a model still feels happy when someone tells her that she's pretty? She's heard it too often already.

The media is putting so much pressure on young girls nowadays, that they don't even know what their true value is.
An applications like Snapchat Filters, that instantly photoshop away any imperfections, are making it even worse - of course a young girl would prefer a picture where her face was retouched, instead of a normal one.
Then they look at their own face through snapchat and think "I could look like this.. Why DON't I look like this?" And then they get even more self-conscious.

I have written a whole post about this if anyone agrees with my opinion.

Would love to start a discussion about this, I'm very passionate about this topic and believe that far too many people are choosing beauty over brains nowadays!

Completely agree with your view, women are taught that beauty is everything, when it really isn't.
Very interesting topic!

Also agree with your opinion.
The prominent persons "we" look up to are not even real. Fake lashes, many beauty operations and even hair extensions. We should think about that beauty doesnt last very long but our soul last forever.


I wouldn't because as you age, you lose your beauty much more quickly. Without brains, why would anyone talk to you anymore? A pretty face is only good so long as it is pretty. A brilliant mind is always good.

Nuhuh. As you get older, your mind deteriorates little by little. Alzheimer's disease doesn't happen to teenagers.

Not all old people have Alzheimer's, however all old people have lost the beauty of their youth. Brilliance is far superior to beauty IMO. The best of course would be both at once.

Uh... most models make nothing. Most professors and educated people make far more.

Why? Because beauty is common. To the point of disposability. High paid models are paid not because they are pretty, but because they are skilled at modeling (yes, it's a skill). They are closer to actors - able to evoke an emotion or set of concepts through bodylanguage and expression.

In addition, top models are often less hot than you would expect because those subtle imperfections make them memorable and relatable.

So... this is completely wrong. I've never met a highly successful and highly paid model who wasn't ALSO quite smart. I've met plenty of destitute dumb ones.

I work with models. Do you?

Advertisers and the whole consumerism has made people think they need to be beautiful. That's wrong. People are beautiful already. All commercials are saying that you need to get "this and that" to be beautiful but that is only for the money.

Yeah, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We're all beautiful by someone's standards, so it's probably best to just ignore popular opinion and strive to think of ourselves as beautiful. Enjoyment of life should always come first.

"We're all beautiful by someone's standards" - Is that so?

I'd say people owe it to themselves to be as fit and healthy as possible, but you may not have the "fashion model of the year" look, and that's perfectly fine. :D

We have 5 senses to understand the opposite sex with. What often happens first is our eyes lead to our first impression (beauty) and we only later learn the brains if we put effort into communication to understand the brain. It's easy to understand the beauty. Also we are easily marketed the beauty and that is a huge factor why we are the way we are.

Arguably, this is why divorce rates are so high. People are attracted to another person based on their external beauty.

Once that physical attraction wears off, the inner beauty (or lack thereof) shines through.

When your beauty fades then what do you have?

Def brains. Lots of ugly people get laid and get paid, but they're smart and that's why they get there.
Do a google search for the richest people, they're all weird-looking white dudes. Okay maybe some are a little brown, but they're all weird looking.

Yet when we look at it from a scientific standpoint, we actually can see intelligence on a person's face, with characteristics such as the length of the dent in the upper lip/ratio to the face etc. People are actually attracted to non-stupid people. People get annoyed or even violent or hate people based on how far the eyes are opened, or how far they appear to be shut. The distance between eyes... It's how we avoid breeding with people that had fetal anomalies, like fetal alcohol syndrome...
People that were taken away from their families at a very young age, then reintroduced later on have a major attraction to them, because we're attracted to people from our home area... (although we have an aversion to our relatives/breeding with them if we aren't taking hormones, which mask that useful tool) Looks aren't as simple as it appears. Even people that really don't have it all in the looks department can do very well if they have the right hip to behind ratio... overweight people included. It's not what we really see with our eyes, so much as it's what we see with out instincts.

Great insights! Thanks for your input

It is true that many extremely smart and talented people have a tough time taken seriously because their extreme physical beauty distracts.

Don't give the shell (outer beauty) that much credit. Everyone can be initially shallow but when a "beautiful" person is unkind, lazy or boring no one can hold interest. Other attributes matter so much more!

Jim Jeffries recent standup comedy available on Netflix has great insight into this

is there a youtube clip? too lazy to watch netflix LOL

Just for you @radioactivities

Thanks! :) LMAO Truth in humor is the only truth. If you can't put it in a joke, it's probably false (science)

halo must be very happy. She's a 9 on the happy scale. Only cuz no one can be a 10.

Sad but true! And that's where excessive alcohol consumption can help - the old "beer goggles" lead to many relationships that , without the grog, may never have come to pass.

Cultural bias has long intersected natural selection. Superficial beauty is a subset of beauty and I would argue it's a large subset. So, in selecting beauty, superficiality gets a 'free ride'. Although, there are still some hold-outs to the modern world that see past the superficial and select accordingly, such as the Amish.

This is honestly one of the greatest articles I've read on here! It is just so true. We try to be PC about this and dismiss this glaring fact of life but there is no denying it. Beautiful people get more out of life than the less attractive ones. Great examples and well written to explain your points clearly. Absolutely first class job!

Thanks! I think a lot of persons feel this way but don't feel comfortable speaking up.

Beautiful people are constantly being exploited though by the brains people. If you look at nearly everyone from the forbes top 500 list, they are all pretty ugly people.

Because once you're rich, you don't need to take care of yourself anymore. People will praise you regardless.

It's odd to me how there's a conception that attractive people are judged to be better at everything, yet so often in common talk it seems to be the opposite, that beauty and brains have a negative correlation is the belife. Which there can't be.

Yes but many times even a smart person's brain turns off when encountering beauty so the opposite is also true.

I think its all about the descency of the job. Modeling is a good one and also being a professor too. It's a matter of how contented are you, whether it will be sustainable enough and most importantly you're not kicking other's asses just to put yourself on the top. :))

Modeling doesn't seem like that good of a job, actually. I've heard that there's a lot of abuse going on in that industry and once you hit 25 you're usually considered too old to keep going. Being a model is more of a bragging rights kind of job than a legitimate career kind of job most of the time.

What really matters is happiness. Beauty or brains, none of it matters if you can't enjoy life.

I agree, though, that beauty offers more opportunities than having brains do, at least if by brains you mean being good at mathematics and all that jazz. It's been proven that beautiful people are treated better by society and are seen as more likeable.

your brain is deceiving you ;)

I would suggest society and culture along with marketing and commercialization play some role in what we currently define as "beauty." If you look back in history you will notice the numerous changes in the way which humans define beauty.

I believe as we age, our personal definitions of beauty change as we mature and change as well. I certainly​ don't find the same attributes nearly as attractive when I was 18 than I do now in my middle ages.

You are correct in saying beauty sells in the world of money. I choose love, trust and loyalty over both brains and beauty in my relationships.

Ron Jeremy used to bring in around $150 million within a year, explain that one ... wait nevermind lol

Do you not feel beautiful, msgivings? Are you in yours 20's?

I really enjoyed this post and it is thought provoking. It's inspired me to write something about the 'downsides' of good looks soon (particularily for women)

When I was younger I would have taken more in the looks department too. Then I thought "brains" gets more independence, but there is the downside of that. Some people get strange brains along with their genius. Every trait comes with some type of suffering.

Now I realized that intelligence is just as subjective, and there are many kinds, we can never know when we are young, which is best for us to cultivate. I think it's possible for people to be encouraged to the 'wrong' things very often. If someone starts young enough they can learn anything. It has been found that we can create new neural pathways throughout life, if we focus on certain methods of learning, and study diverse subjects, math/logic, language, and art.

So that would be a reason to pick more "beauty", if a genie did offer. It's almost like a trick question. To become more beautiful, people can apply illusions and get surgery, at a financial cost most can't endure for that luxury (or mistake lol). Natural beauty is one of the wonders of the world. It's a mathematical wonder as well! There's nothing shallow about holding beauty as an ideal!

Who could manage to not have a lingering glance at the photos of those women? Really! It's undeniably pleasureable to look at beautiful women. In a way different from attractive men I think. I will experiment with the thought hahahaaaaa

Non sense article. I know a lot of nice and beautiful girls who are prostitutes because they have no brains to do anything else and they hate their life.

Let me rebuttle by saying that in nature, its a mix of both beauty and brains, because if you are beautiful with no brains, your offspring will also not be as smart which would threaten that specific population, while having brains and no beauty would mean you would never find a mate to further that species.
its cool to choose which you would prefer, but wouldnt you agree that there should be a balance? Also, please specify what kind of model and what kind of professor you are talking about, the average salary for a model in 2012 was 18k while at a professor at specific universities make over 100k in a 9 month span. Its fine to be shallow, but you better have enough brains and beauty for survival, and last i checked, being shallow is neither a beautiful or smart trait to posess
(Not trying to hate, just putting this out there as something to think about)

@msgivings where did you get that second photo? the one with the two dark haired women?

It is a public domain picture! Took a while to browse around to find but it caught my eye.

Models, actresses, singers etc. are over paid, but I got your points. True.

It is sad that most people value beauty over brains. For that reason I get offended when people comment on my features. I am much more than my outward appearance. Personally I believe beauty is within an individual... it is in the qualities, knowledge and behavior. But as you say... who cares about it... People are judged by their outward appearance.

Interesting. But I would still choose brains anytime. It is not hard to look beautiful now with makeup, cosmetic surgeries, beautiful clothes and what-not. It is hard however, to be brainy.

There are so many invalid arguments and false premises in this post. Your rationale to choose beauty over brains is totally wrong.

  1. In beauty industry, there are only a few models that get paid a lot such as Gigi, Kendall, Cara Delavigne etc. No surprise why famous models get married to some rich guys. The rest of models live in debts.
  2. In the entertainment business, a lot of beautiful people have high IQ. Let me remind you: Sharon Stone, Natalie Portman, James Francos, Cindy Crawford etc.
  3. In the jungle, beauty won't save you. Tell that to tiger or lion. In the war, beauty won't save you. In contrary, a beautiful person will get attention and has higher chance to get raped/kidnapped lol
  4. History has proven that the highest paid prostitutes/ high class escorts, they are average beauty but they use their brain to maintain long relationship with their clients.

Beauty is important but let's face the truth. Without a brain, appearance is a useless tool and it won't bring you anywhere. (including relationship)
In addition, you can alter your appearance and achieve the look that you want. But intelligence/brain you can't photoshop or undergo plastic surgeries :)
You say you choose beauty? In steemit, it won't help you to get in trending page.

And could you please verify yourself? I dont see any verification. thank you

wow you are shallow... not the models, not the fact of appreciating beauty, just your post.
And I think that speaking about models in terms of beauty before brains is in itself even a little sexist (but as you seem really shallow, we can excuse you for that).

Beauty everyone like ah

You forgot to mention that intelligence is notoriously painful. ;P A boss of mine once said she'd grown up wishing she were pretty instead of smart and asked "Isn't that sad?" I thought it was the most ordinary thing I could think of. Killing our brain cells is a super-popular human activity and we do it without the deal being sweetened by a promise of beauty. In fact, we do it even when it makes us look awful.

That impertinence aside, I thought this was a cute article. You made it fun and said something that feels like a relief to hear. "Finally, somebody said it." I didn't even know I was waiting.

Pics of women with some text inbetween which I didn't read.

Ace comment. high fives

Beauty do comes within. My ideal women, one who is physically attractive and able to stimulate me intectually

The things you mention are mostly all due to cultural conditioning by the satanic mind controlling powers that be, rather then something natural.

For women, beauty is regarded a measure of their ability bear a child, and therefore considered more valuable than brain, and there is some truth to that. Women's sexual market value mostly relies on youth and beauty. Being visibly fit to bear a baby. Not education or intelligence.

However, Angelina Jolie’s and Scarlett Johansson’s of the world, have more than just physical beauty, they also have skills of acting, and even modelling requires some skill. And some luck. There are many women more beautiful than celebrities of the world, who will never be rich and famous.

And yes, for short term sex, hookups, people may look over intelligence and go for the most visually appealing ones, but for long term relationship... I'm not sure if this is a good idea.

You know, with things like make up and plastic surgery, you can make a "barbie doll" out of practically any woman. But you cannot make a stupid woman smart, nor you can make an evil narcissist of a woman a good person.

Personally, yes, beauty catches my eye first, but if all a woman has is "boobs and ass" I won't take her seriously. Maybe good for a drunk one night stand. But nothing more.

And at best, beauty fades in a few years. Women have a short shelf life.

Just look at former celebrities like Pamela Anderson.

From my perspective I would rather be with a guy who was smart than some good looking idiot who doesn't know anything about the world. Think not being able to have good conversations would drive me up the wall. But hey, if you would rather be with some supermodel looking girl who can't even hold a conversation good luck to you in the future when she's no longer good looking and you have nobody to even speak to.

The first thing that attracted me to most guys I've dated, including my husband, was their looks. A few times, I got to know a guy as a friend first, and then found him much more attractive once I came to know his personality. It DOES make a difference in how good a person looks!

But, the guys I continued to date long-term, and the one I married, were smart guys. You can only be entertained by an empty-headed "pretty" guy for so long. There has to be something else there to keep you attracted to them, at least for me.

I've found some guys to be physically attractive, when none of my other female friends did, simply because I knew them to be intelligent and/or exceptionally compassionate and kind, and that made them hot to me. :)

As for my own looks, I'm generally satisfied with them, overall. I'm not a supermodel, but rather more of a "girl next door" type, and that's fine with me. I'm not embarrassed to post photos of myself without makeup (as I've done in two of my posts here), as I think I look fine without it. Don't get me wrong, I DO wear makeup, but not every day; I wear it selectively.

Would I get an eye lift to take care of the genetic dark circles under my eyes? Sure! Once other financial priorities were taken care of, I'd do it. Do I enjoy experimenting with different hair colors? Yeah. I like to feel like I look awesome every now and then, just like anyone else does. But, I'm also satisfied with looking simply "okay," as I'm happy with who I am, and know the people who really know me will find me desirable both physically and as a person to be around based on who they know I am.

Physical beauty fades, but personality is forever. I've had good looking people become less attractive to me for being douchebags, and more attractive for being awesome people. If you can't be a smart person, then be a GOOD person. Personality is the ultimate thing in keeping people attracted to each other, in my humble opinion.

Yep. Beauty pulls a lot, but not everything and not under any circumstances. If it's your dentist, doctor, financial adviser, lawyer, accountant I am not sure you'd be looking so much at whether he looks like Pitt. Sure when it comes to sex looks rule, at least from male perspective. Then again not always and not for long. Also sex isn't everything and to tell you the truth I would rather wake up as Tolstoy or Hemingway rather than Pitt.

I do get the point there...people drawn more to appearance but without the skills,brain and is just nothing.