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RE: A Tender Heart and a Dedicated Asshole: The Enigma of @berniesanders

in #berniesanders8 years ago

" The world’s biggest flagging Dedicated Asshole is helping kids, curating the shit out of this place, and protecting us all from whales gaming the system. He’s holding Steemit to task for site slowness and lack of progress on a modern and easy to use GUI. And he’s curating all your minnow posts so you have a chance to grow around here." i think you sum it up here really well, Like Bernie or lothe him, its seems clear to me this guy loves this place as you so rightly say in the paragraph follwing this one ! People dont like flags round here if they get them, but then his political expressions seem to me on the balnce most certainly positive, even if some have not enjoyed his methods !! upvoted @aggroed, this is a beautiful testimony to this Big Bad Whale Bernie with a good heart and I hope put him as he deserves into the legends of this beautiful Steemit Ocean of dreams and reward )