When I first got here I quickly became aware of @berniesanders. The election was in full swing, the politician was a well known fellow, and here’s this super strong presence with his fingers all over the blockchain. It didn’t take long for me to realize that many people here found him to be rude, obnoxious, an egomaniac, and completely out of line. He himself says he's a Dedicated Asshole.
The evidence against him
Here’s a gem of a conversation with @stellebella where he flat out calls her a cunt and to get off the platform. (I'm having a hard time finding the original conversation so I'm posting these as a place holder, also please note @berniesanders has many alts on here. @nextgencrypto is one of them.).
Oh, and don’t think anyone is immune. You may have missed this conversation where he takes @ned to task very publicly in the #price channel in Steemit chat. (@ned follows this blog! Hi Ned!)
He’s an unofficial leader in hating on this platform. He uses the abbreviation STINC for Steemit Inc. I’ve heard that sentiment mimicked from many other witnesses in the witness channel. It seems they are frustrated by the lack of GUI improvements on the site, the general performance of the site, and the lack of sales and marketing efforts and people employed by STEEMIT.
I got Flagged
I wrote a post about my own personal experience to the first time I caught a Bernie flag.
I caught mine when I tried to bridge the peace between @gavvet and @berniesanders. @gavvet had a measured response. @berniesanders roughly told me to go fuck myself and @gavvet could too!
Basically it sucked. It hurt my pride. It hurt my wallet. I was mad. But he also had a point and on that day he flagged everyone! It wasn’t personal.
Achievement unlocked
First Conclusion
So, with these kinda fingerprints on the blockchain it looks like he’s a complete fucking asshole and not just a Dedicated one. If you believe that I can understand that. I thought so too.
But then there’s this.
Apparently he’s the world’s biggest STEEMIT hating asshole that’s also willing to donate SBDs to a 15 year old kid to help him go to STEAMFEST. Well, that was probably a fluke right? Here's the full context- https://steemit.com/steemfest/@aggroed/the-autobots-just-collectively-donated-usd333-sbds-to-the-travel-fund-but-theprophet0-still-needs-more-to-get-to-steemfest
Well, you know who is the biggest donor behind the curation trails? You know Engagement? Guess what!?! That’s @berniesanders. All those votes that you’ve gotten with $5-10 at a time came from the world’s biggest asshole…
Lastly, have you had fun with @randowhale yet? Steemit’s cute little "Whale of Fortune." Can you see where I”m going here?!? It’s Bernie’s! He’s tossing out whale votes for your fun, for BTS spite, and for the lulz.
You’ve got Flag
So, that brings me to general flagging. You probably know he’s the most flagrant flagger in Steemit (though Abit might be in for a tie there). You guys might think “WTF are these asshole whales doing running around flagging all this shit brat?” Well,here’s the 411 on that.
Whales that up vote themselves, up vote their alts, and circle jerk their friends hurt the reward pool for the rest of us. These two self appointed police decided against rewardpoolrape and decided to protect us all from it. So, in part because whale curation and voting is so broken right now they decided that HF 18 needed some serious policing, looked around, saw no one and no leadership, but decided that they had enough power and clout to weather it.
I think he honestly just lost his cool and rampaged on this post.
Where’d I land?
The world’s biggest flagging Dedicated Asshole is helping kids, curating the shit out of this place, and protecting us all from whales gaming the system. He’s holding Steemit to task for site slowness and lack of progress on a modern and easy to use GUI. And he’s curating all your minnow posts so you have a chance to grow around here.
I think some people come to the conclusion that he doesn’t give a fuck about anyone or anything… I have the opposite opinion. I think he’s incredibly passionate about this place and holds it to ridiculously high standards and then rages when humanity fails him.
It’s a thankless job, and this post is to say thanks. These guys deserve a medal, but all I can do is give him a badge made by @elyaque to hopefully keep him in the Steemit history books.
All that said. I’m pretty sure he’s an asshole, but don't tell him I said that because he upvoted my Witness yesterday. I fuckin' love this place!
talkin' about Bernie is so hawt right meow
Please vote for me for Witness!

or my new channel PALnet- https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw
To vote for me click the link underneath my profile, scroll under the list of 50 names and type aggroed into the box. If you can see my name you have voted for me (don't click the little blue upvote next to my name as you'll cancel your vote for me). You can find me hanging out on steemspeak, a discord channel that many steemers use to text and talk to each other- https://discord.gg/qjpRj7w You can find me in Whaleshares- https://discord.gg/GykFB6S I can also be found on steemchat as @aggroed. If you have a post to share give me a good sentence or two of why you think I’ll like it.

Not a big fan of using the "C" word.
I'm proud to say I never heard my father use it or my 20 year old son use it and I've never used it. Guess we are too old school.
Think I did ok on this post? I'm glad you upvoted and I hope you feel ok here. Just trying to present a full picture.
It is all reality, facts you presented plus your own opinion.
I have a slightly different opinion, but when I stated above, "I will never forget you berniesanders" I meant it.
I found Dash around the same time that I was called 'cunt' for a second time, and in that community I found myself another job and another community. It turns out that I needed to find more people i connected with, and oddly enough, the Dash people I've formed close partnerships with have all followed me in here.
I needed to expand my view, and see things from the outside....I see the overlapping nature of these tribes...
Anything else you want me to put in. This is your story too and I respect that.
i prefer to avoid these dramas now. It's much healthier for me.
did you watch my video?
where is the link to that gif? it's pretty cool
He also made my campaign one.
Also, It's love to have you here on my wall. Let me grab you some tea.
ha ha! That's the first cup of tea anyone has given me on Steemit. Thanks
stellabelle prefer cocaine and a male slave she can whip around. :D
You're wrong. I prefer llamas and beer.
Come to my country - I will give you lots of tea @stellabelle!!
Are you inviting me?
Thanks for make a light to understand all the characters of here. I think all can be made with modals, but in any case, everyone has his way of doing the work. Excellent post @aggroed.
I actually think its kind of cool to have so many varied personalities. It's what makes a good story (above, enjoyed reading that). It's what gives life flare! You wouldn't want to come here and be bored, right? LOL
Thanks boss.
click here!This post received a 57% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @aggroed! For more information,
The Association for the Appreciation of Narwhals supports @randowhale and @aggroed for Aquatic excellence
That is one of the most funny and heart melting love letters I have ever seen – well done – great you show love on a public platform, not everyone would do this my friend. May your love never end lol.
This was so fun and interesting to read. I'm learning little by little of the history of steemit and @berniesanders is such an essential part of that. His recent gestures that you menrioned are sweet and thoughtful, good to know he's got the best interests of minnows like us at heart.
He's gotten more rewards to all the minnows than just about eveeryone else combined I'd guess.
That's a very interesting stat, thank for sharing that!
Outside of the Steemit.com user interface there are no flags. They are downvotes. Just a reminder.
Aside from the usual controversies though, I'm very happy to hear witnesses are frustrated with the UI developement pace of Steemit.
The entire network would do a whole lot better if we could just have a site that looked a tiny bit flashier and had a little more engaging features aside from the money making.
Same goes for Bitshares Openledger; The technology is there, but it doesn't exactly look sexy or work as seamlessly as the average BTC exchange.
Now, a lot of people are likely to respond that "It's NOT your average social media or exchange" and that's fine. But if we intend to be the best, then why should we continue to lower the standard used for meassurement? And why do so many power users gravitate towards using other platforms instead as soon as the Steem price starts getting a little bearish?
Some tough love.... I love the Steem project and what some innovative people have done to radically improve on this ecosystem, but Steemit clearly is lagging way behind. We don't need to know the exact details of what kind of work they've been doing behind the scene as of late in order to conclude this. If the site looked and worked better, then we would have much faster user growth - even though it has picked up a lot as of late, not thanks to the state of this site - and Steemit very likely would have had more resources to work with as well.
No PR campaign can fix this.
I really don't like to nag and complain much about this site. In the long run, it shouldn't even be the center of this network. But right now, Steemit inc obviously has a huge influence.
So I wonder, how many employes Steemit has coding a fresher looking website right now. Something more estheticaly pleasing, that draws you in and keeps you engaged no matter if you make money or not. Where are those simple little features that will enable this site to compete with Synereo or a similar competitor in the not so distant future?
I leave you with this open question.
Have great day everyone, including Steemit inc, independent developers, whales. Hope you got something of value and that you don't think I got too ranty in my comment. There's no anger in my mind as I write this, just perhaps a different perspective than some have on this situation.
Also written on my phone, so there's the risk of spelling errors etc. Might make a post out of this later.
He might be a little rough around the edges but I feel like @berniesanders does a lot more good than bad. Another thing to add in his favor, he was very generous helping out steemcleaners when it first got going.
Anyone who helps @steemcleaners and #steemitphotochellenge is doing the platform an immeasurable service IMO, even if he is irreverent at times. There's enough polite people causing harm to the platform. I know what I value more.
Bernie gave me my first big upvote ever. It helped me believe that, "holy FUCK, I can do this". I do not mind him being an "asshole" because he is speaking his mind. I appreciate the forward nature of this.
Bernie for god-king 2020.
Easy on the idol worship homie.
I'm building him a statue out of loose cat hair that I find in my house.
I am still trying to keep up ... but thanks for the read! You truly make me giggle as I read it all ... love- love -love. @aggroed you never cease to amaze me!
That's high praise!
Oh well you deserve it!!! Keep up the fabulous posts!!
" The world’s biggest flagging Dedicated Asshole is helping kids, curating the shit out of this place, and protecting us all from whales gaming the system. He’s holding Steemit to task for site slowness and lack of progress on a modern and easy to use GUI. And he’s curating all your minnow posts so you have a chance to grow around here." i think you sum it up here really well, Like Bernie or lothe him, its seems clear to me this guy loves this place as you so rightly say in the paragraph follwing this one ! People dont like flags round here if they get them, but then his political expressions seem to me on the balnce most certainly positive, even if some have not enjoyed his methods !! upvoted @aggroed, this is a beautiful testimony to this Big Bad Whale Bernie with a good heart and I hope put him as he deserves into the legends of this beautiful Steemit Ocean of dreams and reward )
I had heard @berniesanders was twenty feet tall, with a full chest of hair that refused to stay enclosed, his flannel shirt always popping open at the collar.
I caught a glimpse of him once through the trees of a forest full of the sound of bitching and complaining. It was from this vantage point, some 40 yards behind him, that I noticed the two button, old-timey pajama bottoms of a child. At first I was confused, but then he casually reached behind him, dropped the flap, and took a dump all over a small ranch style house in the Whalepool county of Wisconsteem. Then I understood. The glare off his asshole was blinding. And when the smell finally reached me, it had a righteous pugnacity that filled me with hope.
Thank you, you asshole.
Haha, I hadn't heard this part of the legend. Makes sense.
You're a weirdo. I wonder if you'll get flagged for the info you've shared about him. Be ever vigilant.
I'm pretty sure at least half of my author rewards have came from him.
If you're a socialist, potsmoker or artist, then I'm willing to take your word for it ; )
But jokes aside, it's true that a lot of hated people in this network have also contributed a lot of good to it. We shouldn't forget that.
If that's Bernie Trump then who's Donald Sanders?
oh my..... the horror!
@berniesanders curated my posts for a while, providing me with a good amount of rewards, rewards that I've been using to pay my bills these past 6 months. I find that he's more engaging with the community than those hired by Steemit, inc. Whatever his reasons are for flagging content are his own, despite what our opinion of said content may be. I think he genuinely cares about his stake in this platform, and plays the part of a necessary evil in order to see his stake's value increase.
I think anyone that has a majority stake in the platform is going to be a hot topic of conversation, followed closely by those who are hungry for curation, which I find sad. People should be paying more mind toward what the Steemit, inc team is (or isn't) doing to speed up the development needed on this blockchain. That's where community scrutiny is needed most.
I had a similar experience with Bernie. I didn't like him at first but I've grown to respect him for his no fucks to give attitude towards the other whales.
It's not no fucks. It's intense fucks.
Thank you! Nice pos. Followed!!
And all this time I was wondering if someone was spoofing the politician (against the rules), actually had that name so could use it or really WAS the politician. Thanks for clearing that up!
PS: I'm rather disappointed Bernie Sanders didn't win the election. But if he did, the media wouldn't have all that fodder on Trump!
I'm personally glad Bernie didn't win even though I don't live in the U.S., as there has been so much disinformation spread about him being a politician in the legacy of social democracy and especially "Scandinavian" politics, which for the most part is just false. He was a communist sympathizer that liked to praise even well known dictators. Often probably well intentioned, but that doesn't help.
On the other hand, Trump is no small problem either. Yet the left that keep going further and further down the we-really-ought-to-kill-him "joke" road, are very dangerous. These are the people that no doubt would've supported Bernie and influenced his policies much more than the rest.
I'm forced into a tragic position: I almost wish Hillary would've won. It doesn't feel good to say it, but what else was there. -The libertarian candidates never even put up a fight. They were Hillary supporters from the start anyways. The greens candidate were not mature enough to realized the importance of not getting yourself arrested when you're running for president.
Just my own thoughts and point of view. Being as I am a previous Marx influenced socialist, communist, anarchist. (I know a lot of people automatically assume I'm some uneducated hillbilly Texan, just because I'm not an anti-capitalist. But I'm not even American though, a Swede)
I'm not even a resident of the USA and I'm not heavy into politics. I didn't know anything about Bernie other than what I saw on the media. The things you said above are new to me. Thanks for the input!
My gut feeling (based on the media reports) about Bernie seem to mirror what I am witnessing here on Steemit. What I see here is a man that is attempting to encourage growth of the platform by encouraging the little guy to hang in there.
I think he's a complex individual, just like the rest of us. Can't really say I think he's a good guy or an ass through and through.
I agree; we are all complicated and rarely one thing through and through. As a matter of fact, there was discussion not long ago about good and evil and how they are simply perceptions based on how we look at things. In other words, even good and evil can be perceived as either one or the other at any given time! Most things are not black and white, but rather shades of grey.
What a character....Some people are really good inside but have issues and just say shit they shouldn't. Props for trying to mediate .
I've yet to encounter him but I've heard whispers that the hero of the 2016 election was here on steemit :-P
well, check your posts. If you see engagement on them you may have had a visit from the steemit spirit of minnow curation.
I don't see his fingerprints anywhere yet. I guess I'm a little too Jill's Stein for him.
I love your posts aggroed. PS I'm from Vermont and have been aware of Bernie's political stance and actions for over a decade.
I'm not understanding if "Dedicated Asshole" is really Bernie or not? It sounds like from your thread it is the real him. Can you clarify this for me? Thanks my friend!
Not the politician. just borrowing his name.
HAHA! I laughed so hard at this. Now I am actually a berniesanders fan!
I really enjoyed this article @aggroed - look out for my article later ... 'Philosophy Asks Us That We Destroy Our Idols [A Defence Of The Whale @berniesanders]' ... I'll give you a mention :)
Sounds like the "billionaire class" or 1% that US Senator Bernie Sanders rants about are the Whales here that Steemits' @berniesanders is trying to keep in check, while helping the 99%. Interesting.
I have it on good authority that Bernie is the only person to ever call Chuck Norris a cnut and live to tell the tale.... actually... he's the only person to ever call Chuck a Cnut period.
I have no problem with bernie, when I first joined this platform, I read a bunch of bad things, but looking into what he is actually trying to achieve, I think it's good for the long term health of steemit. I'm all about rewarding good content, but lets face it, not very post deserves a huge payout.
Yeah. I just wish he could do it without callin' peeps "Cunt"
Maybe he gets a kick out of trolling people and seeing their reactions. Doesn't necessarily mean he's not and asshole for doing it, tho.
Oh, I'm positive he's an asshole. I'm still a fan.
I agree.
LOL Steem, Inc. aka. st.inc. lol
I had to photoshop this.
I'm always interested in getting the tea, but some of this goes over my head as a newcomer. This was an interesting read though, and honestly makes me excited to go deeper on here
That's great!
It's a badge of honor to incur his wrath. I'm looking forward to my own inauguration.
thinks I need more $ ,less brains...
I wanna be untouchable...
@berniesanders has been my biggest supporters in my very first months on Steem. He's always been very enigmatic too.
The other day, I've look at his voting patterns for some random reasons or maybe curiosity and I could really see he was trying to help the smaller guy. I can clearly confirm that.
Nice post. That was a fun read.
Thanks team!
I read this whole post.. the drama ;)
When @berniesanders said he hated flagging during the whale experiment, I decided I admire him. I don't like or dislike him because I don't know him. He definitely interesting to talk to, but I usually avoid talking to whales because people who carry a lot of power to make or break me, you know reduce my potential rewards and reputation make me nervous. That's my issue, I'll own it.
Wow Bernie Sanders on Steemit! Now I wish I was on here a lot earlier lol
P.S. I still can't stop laughing after reading the aforementioned convos with Bernie
Good job on straightening this out, it's great for pleb like me to know this without assuming by reading other stories.
He's the hero Steemit deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector.
and an asshole...
This post enlightened me with the most eye-opening hilarity thus far ! Tell us how you really feel brother! Keep 'em comin' @aggroed WAHOOOO !!!
It's entirely possible to be both an arsehole and a good person at the same time ;D
Thanks for the insight. This place has more layers than an onion.

what the hell... This place is so fascinating! I'm newish and learning about all the steemit politics and the people actually running the platform is endlessly interesting. Thanks for sharing this!
Sure thing. It's often behind the scenes in steemit chat and Discord. They keep a lot of stuff other than the flags off the blockchain.
savvy I suppose. How do you know where your author rewards are coming from?
I suspect he is but a mere mortal human. Doing both good and bad things, like most of us.
;) I admit on the first read, I thought, I am not touching that.
very diplomatic!
TIL about who the fuck berniesanders is. Heard mentions of him before but didn't really know what he was about.
What did I just read? HOLY SH**!
Stories remind me of the game of war commercials for the legend27.I know of the great @berniesanders
This was a hugely interesting read for me, as a newcomer to the platform. I can tell you've done in-depth analysis and research - this is far from a cursory look.
I look forward to more updates.
I like all the pretty colors you used ;)
@berniesanders is like a hero/villain. 40%/60% I guess. :D
this is hilarious! I just voted for you @aggroed!
Thank You!!
This is bloody hilarious mate. I'm sure there is more to say for this, but I can't stop laughing.
Resteemed and upvoted.
I'm pretty sure this post is a hint.... About what I have no idea.. It just seems like a random post from out of nowhere.
I downvoted you cuz i love you @aggroed . Just kdding. Nice post. A lot of history in it.