It's time to choose the champions, we will learn the names of the winners after 24 hours - Thanks to all Users who participate in the competition - Good Luck
Only participants can vote (they can not vote for themselves)
One user can only vote once
Voting last 24 hours ( leave the number of your favorite user in the place for comments )
1st place: 15 SBD
2nd place: 6 SBD
3rd place : 3 SBD
4-9 place : 1 SBD
@franbel #1
@ligaya #2
@qxg #3
@sweetcha #4
@dianafigura #5
@allesia #8
@arslan786 #10
@phantum04 #11
@bapin #12
@tutufaith #13
@mateakrnic #14
@emptyintentions #15
@damira #16
@pope1995 #17
@wajahatsardar #18
@volcom #20
@exanime15 #21
@nomannomi #22
@tracyjames #23
@grace44 #24
@nationall #25
@dhayor #26
@valerie15 #27
@mignacio #28
@olusolaemmanuel #29
@samlexxy #30
@readarthurss #31
@afeezee #32
@anikearn #33
@yinkaknl #33
@the.big #34
@berylwills #35
@itsmegeorgey #36
@edikanefanga #37
@samlexxy #38
@yhubie #39
@arcjen02 #40
@beyfendi #41
@ubongj #42
@delaw #43
@joshuaetim #44
@bahagia-arbi #45
@yhaulez #46
@davidekpin #47
@fajri26 #48
@slayer10 #49
@share4angels #50
@aquia10 #51
@clove71 #52
@mvrr007 #53
You need to be my follower
Place the photo in the comments space
Upvote this post
Resteem this post
Photo must be original ( Must be a personal user picture - max one photo)
Awards relate only to this post
The competition lasts for 7 days ( After 7 days, voting for favorites begins, everyone can only vote once - Today is the day#7 of the competition - the registration is in progress - leave your most beautiful smile in the comment)
Note For Voting and Voters : On the voting day all the voters need to Folow me, Resteem the post and Vote on post. The vote for the post and for their candidate to win.
1st place: 15 SBD
2nd place: 6 SBD
3rd place : 3 SBD
4-9 place : 1 SBD
After 7 days, I will put photos in a post for voting, the one with the most votes will win, so we allocate awards up to 9 places.
Happy Smiles @dobartim
The smiling dog should win something.
Good stuff.
Keep on steemit.
My vote go to @allesia #8
they're all so nice @dobartim
@davidblackwell #7
#33 @yinkaknl
All this picture have a lovely smile.You really made smile for a while.thanks for this ,i have not smile throughout today but just coming across your post put a wonderful smile in my face.
Take a look on #1 entry that's me and 2 other younger sisters..:)
Hoping to win this contest but of course,if not, i will be happy to the winner.:)Thank you so much for appreciating our smiles @steemfirst..:)
All of nice and osme ...
But #1 my favorite
You can not vote / See rules
What about yesterday vote for this same post
spam vote
That's my entry #1 that's me with the middle and my other younger sisters on my sides.
here is the rule:
Only participants can vote (they can not vote for themselves)
One user can only vote once
Voting last 24 hours ( leave the number of your favorite user in the place for comments )Thank you so much @pramodbarmunda I appreciate your vote but,we need to follow the rules isn't it @dobartim..:)
@davidekpin #47
Is this a new one or part of the just concluded contest??
I think too many people didn't follow the rules, so this is the new count. Am I right @dobartim?
Then you should have taken only the vote that counts
we need to follow the rules,to be counted.
I wish success to participating friends
#33 @yinkaknl. But we vote yesterday,for this same post
#33 @yinkaknl
@oneboredhero #9
Hello sir!!
This part should not be in this page, since it is a voting page, i feel it would confuse people with the thought that it is a registration page.
#44 !
#1 @franbel
That's my entry #1 that's me with the middle and my other younger sisters on my sides.
I appreciate your vote.. Thanks for your support po..:)Thank you so much ate @juwel
@joshuaetim #44
That's my entry #1 that's me in the middle and my other younger sisters on my sides.
I appreciate your vote.. Thanks for your support po..:)Thank you so much ate @saskia
It will make life easier 😀@dobartim I'd suggest you flag votes from people who aren't in the contest.
Thank you
I vote #37