As you know, we a firm supporters of Decentralized Exchanges over tradition centralized trading platforms. Centralized banking and exchanges simply don't mesh well with our rapidly growing decentralized blockchain ecosystems. While we have our preference for a decentralized exchange, we wanted to encourage our BeyondBitcoin community to participate in a Twitter poll posted by Spectrecoin XSPEC on May 7th asking 'Decentralized Exchanges. Which Dex is your favorite?'.
🌟 Your mission should you choose to accept it:

Example poll result view screenshot.
Here is your chance to earn an EOSBit just by participating in a quick Twitter poll posted by Spectrecoin XSPEC asking which is your favorite Decentralized Exchange platform ( KyberNetwork, CryptoBridge, Bitshares, Waves Platform).
Yes, we are aware that CryptoBridge uses the Bitshares blockchain (just like OpenLedger and others) and therefor technically should have just fallen under the Bitshares option. This was also pointed out by some of the other people in the community voting so far, but hey - we didn't make the poll, we just want you to participate in it. :-)
This is a simple and quick participation challenge to support for your favorite DEX and takes abut 2 minutes of your time.
📜 Please follow the Guidelines...
1) Vote for your Favorite DEX via the Spectrecoin XSPEC Twitter Post.
~ Vote here:
~ Please vote honestly based on which DEX you truly prefer to use.
2) Retweet the Poll tweet.
~ Add a message to the retweet if you like, maybe saying why you selected a particular DEX as your favorite.
3) Please Upvote AND ReSteem This Post
(afterall, this is a community-building challenge)
4) Provide 'Proof of Participation'
~ Reply below with a link to your retweet
~ Include a screen grab showing the vote results view
~ Include your BTS/OL account name IN THE REPLY to receive your EOSBit
🏅 Challenge Rewards
ALL Participants who complete this challenge and provide the required 'Proof of Participation' will receive 1 EOSBit in one week when this post ends.
You will need a Bitshares/OpenLedger account to receive any rewards.
What are EOSBit?
What are EOSBits?
EOSBits are a token that is intended to be worth bandwidth in the EOS network. Think of them like chucky cheese tokens for Dapps! And of course it is possible they will be sharedrop targets inthe future for Dapps!. To listen to our discussions about how crosschain utility tokens were born, check out our BeyondBitcoin Podcast Series. Drop in and listen to them sometime!
Join the EOSTalk Discord where there are many crosschain experts!
EOSBit tokens are on BitShares! So make sure you have a BitShares/OpenLedger account to receive and send them for upvotes on your Steem posts!

Join the BeyondBitcoin Communities
Please join in the discussions with us by becoming a member in ANY or ALL of the BeyondBitcoin and Bitshares communities. We have a wealth of knowledge and information waiting for you.
EOSTalk Discord
EOS.IO related community and topic discussions.
Whaleshares Discord
Steemit community discussions, contests and events.
Project Milkbox Discord [NEW]
Project Milkbox community and topic discussions.
Bitshares Discord
Bitshares development community and discussions.
BTS: yourship
I prefer Bitshares, as it can be used as a guarantee against Bitassets of any type including BitGold, BitUSD and more.
Name account BTS : anzir86
@officialfuzzy I haven't recived the 31 BeyondBits yet from the Bitshares MEME Challenge please check it thank you.
MY BTS acc: danyelk1
fixed. thanks for the notification. after looking over it i noticed it that contests winners were missed.
thanks for your patience and we appreciate the epic memes ;)
Receive thank you fuzzy :)
BTS: ghayas1
retweet link ->
BTS: bbq-iguana
my bitshares dex is albertozambrano87
Bitshares is the best dex!!!
Link to retweet:

BTS Account: ffoeg-1
Account is
bts: paulb0t
Retweet link:
Bitshares ID: sokia4real
Bitshares is the best Exchange Desentralizado
Reveal spoiler
My retweet
Bitshares: samest1
Link to retweet-

Bts: tobi-shinks
BTS: jay-trader
Bts/OL - bitmar5
BTS: tekadii022
BTS/OL account name: desmond414
The best dex is easydex ;-)
bts: jjb777
Thanks J
Technically that IS Bitshares, so go vote for Bitshares :-)
Bitshare username : gideon1
Bitshares- bcrafts-97
Here is my vote for bts ledger
My bts name :-muh543
Link to retweet:
Screen grab showing vote percent

Bitshares : Sammy-dyksin
bts/ol : ulqu3
bitshares forever!! I love the speed of transactions...
Bitshares: j0secarrerag (after the j, is a zero number)
Retweeted on my bitcoin twitter more targeted - https://twitter.com/bitcoinflood
Bitshares - bitcoinflood2
I had to vote for BTS - that was my first one I think ;)
Thanks for another cool contest!
Link to retweet:
Bitshares: roel-w
BTS: chiboyzz-6021
I Love EasyDex Thus Voting For Bitshares.
Proof of Participation Steps -
Step 1 -
Step 2 -
Step 3 BTS ID - dev8

BTS: telasius1

DEX: da-lexxbts
My account on Openledger is tijaniidrisoluwaseun02
The link is
Link to retweet:
Bts address : phunkey1
Here's the screenshot of the vote results....I retweeted but have no idea where to go for that, sorry...up to you, whatever. Edit-where to go for the link to my retweet. Bitshares account name is lumber_jack.



谢谢 非常喜欢bts

谢谢 非常喜欢bts

谢谢 非常喜欢bts
Bitshares account: johnskotts333

Link to retweet.
I like bitshares because it's fast and easy. And it was my first decentralized exchange I used.
Bitshares: muhammadalikatu1234
Voted for Bitshares.
Favourite since I met her
BTS acc: jot-max
I voted Cryptobridge.
bts- d-empress
Bitshares: teslim-90
I like Bitshares because it is easier to use and support a lot of token such as whaleshares, milk, smoke, eosbit, beyondbit, beans and lots more and I am a fan of @officialfuzzy
Ah. Really not good news for my side 😂😂. I dont have twitter. 😂😂

谢谢 非常喜欢bts