
Hi edb1984,

I've actually never heard of Jordan Peterson.
I just looked him up. I don't think any of his work will figure in my study just yet.

His work 'Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief' seems interesting, but at the moment I am more interested in a purely historical inquiry into the origins of our religions, focusing on Egyptian history and the Egyptological debates that are raging on today.

I'll be trying to broach the subject in a way similar to Manley P. Hall's style: acknowledging and honouring the sense of wonder and mystery that emanate from these legends and tales, all the while remaining very lucid and realistic about the actual phenomena that is being discussed.

I really hope you'll stick around for the main part!

The story I most want to tell comes from the book I've been devouring lately called 'Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs' by Ralph Ellis.

I'm gonna try and present his ideas as simply and succinctly as possible.
It's a complicated process to tell this story but the story itself is not hard to understand.

That's why I want to write it so that a 3 year old could understand it.

Thanks for the interest xx