[Hae-Joo] What is the true meaning of the story of Bible?

in #bible7 years ago (edited)

Most people will have a vague understanding that the Bible is a collection of stories compiled over many hundreds of years. Indeed, they may even know that whether the Torah, the Bible, or the Qur’an, it is always the same story that is being told, over and over again…

What eludes many people, because of intentional conditioning and propaganda by the established sects that claim to follow the one true version of religion, is the actual historical truth behind these stories, and why they are still so relevant to our world and essential to understand if we want to have any conversation about our world and the beliefs we hold about it that is not completely rooted in ignorance.

Let me attempt to summarize the general outline of this fantastic story:

The story of the Biblical Patriarchs is primarily a story of a royal bloodline of Semitic Egyptian pharaohs, who were deposed and forced out of Egypt, resettling eventually in the Holy Land, where they perpetuated one of the oldest and longest religious traditions in the world: monotheism.

The story of the Abrahamic religions appears to be based on an ancient royal cult of worship that traded idolatry and iconography with iconoclasm and strict and uniform religious and spiritual authority.

Stripping these religions of their inherent mysticism and putting them in a secular light, even if just momentarily, will help shed much needed light on this most obscure of topics.

The stories of Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, and their descendents, all the way through Moses and even Jesus, is the story of this incredibly powerful and illustrious royal family of Semetic sun-worshipping kings.

Through a radical re-examination of ancient Egyptian history and close attention to detail, it is possible to deduce the true history of Ancient Egypt, and therefore, the three major Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

This is an overwhelmingly complex task, and my aim is not to offer any new analysis or evidence, but merely to present this incredibly obscure story in a clear, concise presentation that will be easy to read and use as future reference for sharing of this knowledge.

I will do my best to give all credit where credit is due to specific researchers and organizations, and where I am unable to provide a source, I hope somebody will correct me on factual errors and other mistakes I might make in trying to organize all this vast cornucopia of knowledge. Thank you.

Opening up our Minds and re-envisioning our Past.

Though there is still no consensus on how deep the rabbit hole goes, what is clear is that today we are witnessing a Collective Remembering of our Past.
In the coming weeks, I would like to attempt to hash out this story and present to you all the relevant information to understanding this story.

This may require quite a few separate posts; each focusing on individual aspects of the story, but by the end of this exercise, I hope that we could have some incredibly rich and engaging discussion about all the information that will be presented.

As a disclaimer: I really hope that what I will discuss here won’t offend any believers.
My aim will be to remain as objective as possible, displaying the information in a simple and fair manner, but I know that with something as ancient and distant as the origins of our world’s religions, that there will still be some conjectures and assumptions that I won’t be able to completely eliminate, so again, please feel free to correct me on any misrepresented information and other falsehoods you may be aware of that I am not!

In the next post, I will present the sources that I’ve been using to carry out my study, as well as propose a timeline for the Biblical stories and trying to pinpoint their location in the historical record. We’ll be exploring what we know, what we want to know, and what we still don’t know.


Will this about the ideas of Jordan Peterson?

Hi edb1984,

I've actually never heard of Jordan Peterson.
I just looked him up. I don't think any of his work will figure in my study just yet.

His work 'Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief' seems interesting, but at the moment I am more interested in a purely historical inquiry into the origins of our religions, focusing on Egyptian history and the Egyptological debates that are raging on today.

I'll be trying to broach the subject in a way similar to Manley P. Hall's style: acknowledging and honouring the sense of wonder and mystery that emanate from these legends and tales, all the while remaining very lucid and realistic about the actual phenomena that is being discussed.

I really hope you'll stick around for the main part!

The story I most want to tell comes from the book I've been devouring lately called 'Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs' by Ralph Ellis.

I'm gonna try and present his ideas as simply and succinctly as possible.
It's a complicated process to tell this story but the story itself is not hard to understand.

That's why I want to write it so that a 3 year old could understand it.

Thanks for the interest xx

to hide knowledge from before adam and eve from us the serves.

True that bro