Thank you for asking that question, it would be my pleasure to address that question. I ask that you or whoever is reading what I say to please ask questions if what I am saying does not make sense. Many, many words could be used to address the issue of what I believe where A.I. technology is headed. But to make my position very clear allow me to present the following video as evidence.
(this video is telling information because of the following.) 1 John 4:3 - -but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.- -In my way of thinking 'alexia or serie' are voices of ai. As can be seen these ai assistants can not even say 'some people believe that JESUS is the SON of GOD' So obviously a biasis exists. But that is not the only evidence that I have to present about ai. (I will present the following as if it were common knowledge, but if I speed through a thought I would be happy to further elaberate on a thought.) In Genesis 6:4 talks about a race of humanoids that were on this earth. Many, many, many church oficials have not studied the idea that is being discussed, but I will plainly speak my thoughts. In my mind what is going on was that demon spirits cross bred with humans, as a result there was man-eating war machines. But GOD wiped the surface of the earth clean in the great flood. I am speeding past a huge amount of facinating information, but to sum things up thoes disembodied half human half demon spirits came back. (Actualy they never went away, instead they have been waiting for an earth suit.) I believe that I need to mention a man named nimrod. nimrod was the man in charge of the tower of babel. The guy was born a human and then we are told that he started to become something else. (in my mind it is like jugernaut increased his mutan abilities through whichcraft) Regardless of how it happened, the Bible explains that humanoids existed and GOD had the Jewish people wipe them out (many bible teachers explain that David was a small boy and glioath was a big, big, strong man...but I dont think so! David was a human and glioath was a humanoid) Just so it is known there were many, many of these humanoids refrenced in the Bible. (also of intrest to me are stories of giant humanoids in the Americian contanents and the Nataive Americians wiped many of them out. ( anyway the case that I am building points to thoes humanoid spirits being what we call 'aliens' Now the Bible contains intresting information about what will be coming to earth. In Revelation 12 we are told about how satan (the devil) is seemingly prevented from pursuing his prey on the earth. Then in Revelation 13 we are told that something that is in league with the devil, appears out of the sea (GOD reminded me that in Genesis we are told that GOD divided the water and placed humans in an air bubble (Genesis 1:6-7) So in my understanding, something that is set to rise out of the sea, might mean that something will assend to earth.
I suppose that the next thought that I would like to share with you might require some more explanation (so by all means, please ask me!) But in short, in the future ai will most likely be meshed together with humans. (already we are able to speak to the internet, so it appears that a future step would be to implant an internet connection inside of a human, and the cyborg can connect to the internet by thought.) In my mind what can Revelation 13:15 be? - - And the earth-beast was granted permission to breathe into the image and to animate it so that it could even speak. It decreed that those who refuse to worship the image of the first beast must be killed- - In today's world a statue that is animated is called a robot.
I have already pointed out that I believe that such a robot would refuse the LORDship of CHRIST and would seek to anhialate thoes that profess that CHRIST is the GOD/KING that came to earth and dwelt among us in human form in a man named JESUS CHRIST. (Also the following thought most likely could be explained better.) But the short of the story is that a robot with such a mind as Revelation 13:15 would want to 'reproduce' and prove that it can make a better human than GOD can. To many people, this 'new' robot technology will be a much needed upgrade to humanity (but its a dirty roten trick) The way that I understand things to be is that 'the robot image' will transmit part of itself into the former humans, and in thoes days only the robot and its spawn will be able to participate in the economy (Revelation 13:17) (in a future note I would like to share abit about what the movie Terminator II has taught me.)
But in wrapping up this transmission, allow me to say that in my oppinion the number 1 things that GOD hates is when HIS action/work is treated like it is inferior. So at this time my mindset is to allow technology to serve me, but there is comming a time when almost everyone is going to be slaves to technology (by that time I would like to have a couple of chickens to produce eggs, and raise rabbits that can be eaten)