The usual cry, It was the Russians...The Russians did it. Why are people so gullible. The biggest fraudsters and aggressors in this world are the United States of America and Israel. Who made them the good guys? When people see this and I think they are beginning to, then there maybe a chance for change and peace in this world.
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You said it. This entire Russia-gate nonsense has been going on for over 2 yeas no ... with NO evidence! People are not only gullible, but also delusional.
And I agree about the USA and Israel. As you state, they are seen as "the good guys." Therefore, they can engage in all sorts of hideous and horrific crimes against humanity, with impunity.
The only hope we have is that the current "empire" is crumbling. As it collapses, its beneficiaries will find themselves being held responsible for their crimes. Let's hope that day comes soon.
We can only hope my friend. The alternative is not something that I would care to think about. Can you imagine an animal like Trump running the whole world by supporting evil countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia.
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