... a far-fetched and increasingly bizarre tale
... various lies, half-truths, deceptions, and distortions
... greed, fraud, corruption, deceit, police raids, torture, and mysterious deaths
Banned documentary – “The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes”
The excellent documentary “The Magnitsky Act” exposes the various lies, half-truths, deceptions, and distortions in Bill Browder’s 2015 book “Red Notice.”
It’s a tale of greed, fraud, corruption, “illegal” police raids, allegations of torture, mysterious deaths, and more. There are also unhealthy doses of “wooly math,” deceit, equivocation, and obfuscation.
“The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes” ...
Watch full documentary HERE – on DLive
(or watch TRAILER at link below)

The entire Browder–Magnitsky affair can be summarized as a “he-said, he-said” conflict. But one with profound geopolitical implications.
The hedge-fund manager Bill Browder has accused Russian prison guards of beating to death his so-called "good friend," a supposedly innocent Russian “lawyer” named Sergei Magnitsky, after Magnitsky purportedly reported the alleged criminal behavior of certain Russian police officers and various other parties.*
Furthermore, Browder has accused those parties – his so-called Russian “enemies” – of stealing $230 million through tax fraud.

In the film “The Magnitsky Act,” Andrei Nekrasov shows that, in fact, Sergei Magnitsky had NOT reported any criminal behavior by those aforementioned parties, and that Magnitsky himself was being questioned by the police regarding the tax fraud by Browder's companies.

In fact, a Russian court ruled that “Browder had deliberately bankrupted his company and engaged in tax evasion.” The court sentenced Browder to 9 years imprisonment, in absentia.
Source (right-click on link)
As is already clear, Bill Browder and his companies were themselves being investigated and even prosecuted for tax fraud. But that’s something that Browder apparently forgot – since he never mentions it. And as he says in the film when asked about details of the affair, “I don’t know. I don’t remember.”
Moreover, when a Canadian news anchor asked him about the Russians’ charging him with tax evasion, he replied, very hesitantly, “They-they-they-they-they-they-they’ve made that argument.” (Image source. You will notice that this site has been censored.)
You will note that the second paragraph in the above section contains the words "supposedly," "purportedly," "allegedly," and two instances of "so-called." "Magnitsky Act" trailer – "There are strange holes in his story" (right-click)Trailer
For a short preview ...
Bill Browder – CEOligarch
Bill Browder is a financier / hedge-fund manager / billionaire / oligarch-wannabe who moved to Russia in the mid-1990s, where he operated his hedge fund Hermitage Capital Management. Apparently, he realized that, after the fall of the USSR, there was much money for the taking in Russia. So he went there and set up shop, to take part in the grab for cash.
His hedge fund was very successful. However, a Russian provincial court convicted him of tax evasion, to the tune of approximately $40 billion. Subsequently, in November 2005, his visa was revoked and he was barred from re-entering Russia. According to Browder, he was barred simply because he had been “exposing corruption.” That assertion has become increasingly dubious.
“Red Notice” … or Whitewash?

And with regards to the various crimes, he presents himself and his accountant (that's right, his "accountant," not his lawyer) Sergei Magnitsky as completely innocent victims. He goes so far as to call himself “Putin’s #1 Enemy” – as stated in the subtitle of “Red Notice,”
The Usual Suspects

In his tell-tall tale “Red Notice,” Browder presents us with the usual suspects – from Russian cops to Russian prison guards, from Russian oligarchs to Russian government officials.
And if that paranoia-inducing list aint enough (y'know ... "Russia! Russia!" ), he tries to convince us that the villainy extends all the way up to Vladimir Putin. (y'know ... "Russia! Putin!! Time to panic!" You get the picture.) (Image source)

However, Browder provides little or no solid evidence to support many of his claims or accusations. And in fact, there are numerous instances where the story in “Red Notice”
Just Another Red Scare from Red Square
What Browder does not tell us is that his company was accused of tax fraud as early as 2004. And conveniently – well, VERY conveniently – he ignores and / or distorts many facts which clearly exonerate the alleged suspects in this new “red scare.”

Nor does he tell us that Sergei Magnitsky had been working as an accountant for Browder’s companies for at least 5 years, nor that Magnitsky “played an important role in setting up the whole scheme that led to Browder’s tax fraud and his ultimate conviction for it.” Source (right-click on link)

Furthermore, Browder is rather fond of proclaiming that if, by chance, he is ever returned to Russia, “I’ll be killed.” Anyone who has followed the recent Browder news has heard him make that preposterous claim more than once. (Image source)
Reasons to be Fearful
The frightening fact is that far-reaching laws have been put into effect, in both the US and Canada, based solely on Browder’s often unsubstantiated stories. But that’s not all.
A more frightening thing is that even many media figures have refused to investigate or reveal the truth of what actually happened.

To make matters worse ... and to bury the truth even deeper ... Andrei Nekrasov’s revealing and honest documentary “The Magnitsky Act”
The Magnitsky Act – Based on The Magnitsky Myth
In 2012, as a result of Browder’s persistent lobbying, the US congress (sic, no initial caps there, Ed) passed the Magnitsky Act, and Barack Obama signed it into law later that year. In 2017, Canada passed its own version of the Magnitsky Act, after which the bill was signed into law. More recently, several other countries have passed versions of the act, and Browder is persistently lobbying more countries to do the same.
The law allows for “the freezing of assets and visa bans on officials from Russia and other nations considered to be guilty of human rights violations.” (Note that phrase “considered to be guilty.”)
Source (right-click on link)
As stated on Wikipedia, the goal of the Magnitsky Act is “to punish Russian officials responsible for the death of Russian tax accountant Sergei Magnitsky in a Moscow prison in 2009." Source (right-click on link)
More specifically, the law "authorizes governments to sanction human rights offenders in Russia, freeze their foreign assets, and ban them from entering the signing country." Source (right-click on link)

Browder’s entire story – as well as the resultant Magnitsky Acts – is based on the assumption that Magnitsky had reported the “theft” of $230 million, supposedly by a Russian cop named Pavel Karpov and his cronies.
But in fact, Magnitsky never did make any such report or allegations.
America(n) Rules

Presumably, American rules by American rulers enforced in regions where America does not rule mean that America rules. Yikes. (Image source)
Sergei Magnitsky – Not a Lawyer
Sergei Magnitsky was an accountant who worked for Browder’s firm. According to the Russian authorities, Magnitsky was an active participant in Browder’s tax fraud. As Tom Luongo wrote in his excellent expose, Magnitsky was hired by Browder to assist in “the money laundering Heritage Capital (sic) was involved in.”
Source (right-click on link)

Browder consistently and conveniently forgets to tell us the first fact above. But whenever he has the chance to delude anyone, he continues to recite distortions of the latter two facts, as well as other nonsense – ad infinitum and ad nauseum.
Repeatedly, Browder has stated that Magnitsky was "a lawyer" – and even "my lawyer." He was not. Browder states in the film that Magnitsky “knew the law backwards and forwards, up and down.” We know that Browder’s first statement is false, and we can assume that his second statement is also nonsense. And when Browder tries to convince us that Magnitsky was “a lawyer’s lawyer,” we realize he’s just piling the BS a little bit higher.

Furthermore, Browder has repeatedly stated that Magnitsky was beaten and tortured, and that he died as a result. But again, there is no actual evidence of that. In fact, the evidence clearly indicates that Magnitsky was not beaten, and that Browder’s various assertions regarding the supposed “beating” were fabricated by Browder, well after the fact.

In the documentary, Magnitsky’s mother states that her son died owing to negligence on the part of the prison doctor. She explicitly states that the doctor “Ms Gaus bears responsibility.” She adds that Sergei was alone when he died – which contradicts Browder’s assertion that he was beaten to death by guards.
The Shady Shenanigans of Vladimi ... no! ... of Bill Browder

From Hero to Hopeless, Bumbling Failure
Moreover, in a subsequent interview, when Browder’s bumbling failures became more evident and his situation became more hopeless, Browder warned Nekrasov that he’d “better be careful about going out and trying to do a whole thing about … sort of … Sergei not being a whistleblower.”

Browder's Whole Story was Invented
Fortunately, Nekrasov was not intimidated, and continued to reveal the truth in his unsettling documentary. And what he found is that “the whole story was invented much later.”

When someone is controlling a narrative, we have to wonder how much is true and how much is false. If Browder has essentially unquestioned control of the entire narrative – of almost everything that is told and everything that is heard, of almost everything that is reported and everything that is read – we have to wonder not only how much of the narrative he’s controlling, but why
The Story is a Diversion

Questions beg for answers, and Nekrasov has offered the clearest, most fact-based answer. According to him, Browder concocted his bizarre story simply to “divert attention from his white-collar crimes.”
Since the facts do not support Browder’s story – and since they actually contradict his story – then we can be certain that his story is poorly conceived scheme that has gone horribly awry. (Image source)
The Mind Likes Truth

By watching “The Magnitsky Act” and learning about what really happened, we can ascertain that much of Browder’s story is far from the truth. Subsequently, we will be able to put most of the pieces on the board, and then will we be able make all the proper connections to discover the truth.
Tom Luongo – " The Curious Case Of Bill Browder"
Robert Parry – "A Blacklisted Film and the New Cold War"
Robert Parry – "Guardians Of The Magnitsky Myth: Will The Real Bill Browder Please Step Forward"
Philip Giraldi – "Is Bill Browder The Most Dangerous Man In The World?"
Saul Austerlitz – "A dirty business: Bill Browder made millions in Russia until Putin came after him, with fatal consequences"
Lee Stranahan – "Who is Bill Browder? Globalist Elite Behind Trump / Russia"
Andrei Nekrasov – " Film-Maker Explains Why Documentary was Banned
(Deleted Video"
Real Video – "Russia Seeks Charges: Top US Officials"
Real Video – "Who is Bill Browder?"
Tom Luongo – "The "Magnitsky Trio" Pushes For War With Russia With New Sanctions"
Fault Lines – "New Findings on Bill Browder (vid)"
Lucy Komisar – "The Man Behind the Magnitsky Act: Did Bill Browder’s Tax Troubles in Russia Color Push for Sanctions?"
Ken Dilanian (NBC News) – "The Legal Battle Behind the Trump Tower Meeting"
Alex Krainer – "The Killing of William Browder (pdf)"
Real Video – "Deleted Magnitsky Video"
Real Video – "Deleted Magnitsky Video"
drive.google.com – "Deleted Magnitsky Video"

The usual cry, It was the Russians...The Russians did it. Why are people so gullible. The biggest fraudsters and aggressors in this world are the United States of America and Israel. Who made them the good guys? When people see this and I think they are beginning to, then there maybe a chance for change and peace in this world.
You said it. This entire Russia-gate nonsense has been going on for over 2 yeas no ... with NO evidence! People are not only gullible, but also delusional.
And I agree about the USA and Israel. As you state, they are seen as "the good guys." Therefore, they can engage in all sorts of hideous and horrific crimes against humanity, with impunity.
The only hope we have is that the current "empire" is crumbling. As it collapses, its beneficiaries will find themselves being held responsible for their crimes. Let's hope that day comes soon.
We can only hope my friend. The alternative is not something that I would care to think about. Can you imagine an animal like Trump running the whole world by supporting evil countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Posted using Partiko Android
Dear @steemitcentral
Thank you for sharing this post with me. Completely new story. I've never heard about this Bill guy, but I presume he is some way quite important.
Definetly you put huge amount of work into this post. Respect!
He's "important" in that he convinced several western governments to pass legislation that imposes sanctions against various Russian figures. But the legislation is based on dubious information provided by Browder himself. It's quite fishy.
And yes, I spent a fair amount of time on it. Still, it was worth the effort, I believe.
Hi. @steemitcentral
Wow tremendous friend history, I comment in a very personal way I believe that in every country there is a man like him. in fact in Venezuela there are several ..
And this is seen here in Venezuela very often.
At the moment the Russians and the Chinese have submerged their hands in our country, with the consent of the criminals who govern Venezuela. so this story repeats itself but with other actors
True, there are many corrupt men in government. That's kinda obvious, if one simply looks closely at what those elected officials do.
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