As crazy as it sounds... between writing about an animal who poops little cubes and bananas not having sex, I chose bananas. Maybe cube-shaped poop will be covered in some other post, sexual inadequacy of bananas it is.A light topic for a beginning of our weekend, bananas. One of my favorite fruit because no smoothy is a smoothy if it does not have a banana in it. From cakes to drinks, bananas can also be eaten fresh or dried as a healthier version of chips. I chose to write about bananas today because they are shaped like a smile which goes lovely with that entire philosophy of happiness thing that I have going on and after @eco-alex made a theme
CC0 image, Pixabay, author: TheDigitalArtist, adapted by me

Poor bananas, no "cigarette after" for them. I do have to make something clear, that title of mine is a bit misleading. If bananas could not reproduce there would be no bananas. The logic is pretty simple, some kind of reproduction is needed to create an "offspring". From an asexual reproduction of bacteria and viruses, cell division (mitosis, meiosis), and autogamy or self-fertilization to sexual reproduction there is never something out of nothing. One and one may not always be needed to create three but at least some form of one needs to be there. So, in all fairness, bananas are reproducing, they just can not do it alone and need help from humans. As crazy as it may sound, humans may be considered banana pimps.

Yeah, bananas are actually berries, who would have thought? Not me. The word banana comes from the Arabic word "banan," meaning finger, they are cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas around the world and most of those cultivations are scientifically known as Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana, and Musa paradisiaca. The banana plant is not actually a tree. It is often mistaken for a tree because of its size (3 meters in height) but nope, not a tree, just the largest herbaceous flowering plant. That which people mistake for a trunk of the tree is a "false stem" or pseudostem.
The world’s most consumed fruit
People love bananas. They are the worlds most exported fruit with 114 millions of metric tons produced each year. If you were wondering who eats them the most, that would be Rwanda. In that country, 5 bananas are eaten every day by every person. 95% of bananas that are sold are of Cavendish variety and they are picked while still green because the ripening process takes place at special facilities and last only 5 days. With Ecuador being the top exporter and USA the top importer, this fruit is enjoyed all over the world.
Oh and, if you are worried about those brown spots that bananas get, don't be. When a banana comes in contact with airborne hormone ethylene, the acids in it start to break down and the green chlorophyll pigments are broken up and replaced with a yellow hue. Since bananas generate a large amount of ethylene as they ripen, it causes the yellow pigments in bananas to decay into brown spots, a process called enzymatic browning. The degradation of chlorophyll causes the accumulation of a fluorescent product in the skin of the fruit so bananas glow fluorescent under ultraviolet light which allows animals which can see light in the ultraviolet spectrum to recognize that the fruit is ripe and safe to eat.
Fact check everything you read...
There was a study in Japan that many wrongly consider a proof that bananas cure cancer. Spoiler alert - they don't. In that study, researchers injected the mice with a filtered extract of a very ripe banana in water. The immune systems of the mice produced tumor necrosis factor as part of the normal immune response to dealing with something that should not be there. It is a protein that causes inflammation as part of the body's natural defenses. Scientists made absolutely no claim that they have found a cancer cure. I am not saying that bananas are not healthy and that you should not eat them, they sure do have some benefits for your health but do not rely exclusively on them to cure you. You can read the research here:
Differences in Biological Response Modifier-like Activities According to the Strain and Maturity of Bananas by Department of Medical Life Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University, Sagamiko-machi, Sagamihara-city, Kanagawa 229-0195, Japan

When you look at a banana, what does it remind you of? If possible, try not to sound like a pervert. If you are a man and have a curved thingy, that is an anomaly. Those things are usually straight, not curved. Bananas can be seen as a crescent moon or as I like to see them, like a smile. Big yellow shining smile. There is a reason why they are shaped like that.
The process of negative geotropism
Bananas come from the rainforest, a place with little sunlight. They adapted and evolved in order to survive. Plants naturally turn to sun and so does banana. It is curling up against its own weight to get more sunlight and as it grows, it becomes too heavy and starts sinking to the ground creating that lovely smile shape. The answer to why are bananas shaped like a smile question is therefore simple. Because of evolution.

I have already mentioned how the Cavendish variety of banana is the one that we all know and love. It was chosen because it is resistant to fungus, most of it anyway, there is still that TR4 that is damaging Asian crops and spreading but other fungus are powerless when it comes to banana. The thing about Cavendish is that it is seedless and must be cloned by farmers.
Cavendish variety as a hybrid of
Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana
CC0, Pixabay, author: Alexas_Fotos

Musa acuminata produces unpalatable fruit flesh and Musa balbisiana has to much seeds. They occasionally cross-pollinate and spawn seedlings which grow into sterile, half-breed banana plants and some ten thousand years ago, humans discovered that this new hybrid had great taste. Agriculturalists cultivate the plants by suckering shoots and cuttings taken from the underground stem. Opinions differ on how long the Cavendish variety will survive because there is danger from pests. Even though banana plants are clones, they can occasionally be "persuaded" to produce seeds through a process of hand pollination. Only one fruit in three hundred will produce a seed, and of these seeds, only one in three will have the correct chromosomal configuration to allow germination. Hope lies in the genetic modification and Belgian scientists have already become skilled in using DNA-transfer to introduce disease-resistance genes directly into the plant’s genome. See... I told you humans were banana pimps... :)
And what do you
have to say about bananas?
Any good recipes to share?

To read more about this topic, check out these REFERENCES:
This Is Why Bananas Are Curved from
The Unfortunate Sex Life of the Banana from
Why Do Bananas Turn Brown from
The Surprising Science Behind the World's Most Popular Fruit from
Banana from

Image sources AND LICENCES in order of appearance:
- all images used in this post are free for commercial use, they are royalty free with the links to original images provided under them
- line divider that I use is from FREE CLIPART LIBRARY, and is here
- title pictures are made by me using the CC0 image from pixabay that can be found here
- my bitmoji avatar was created on, visit the site to create yourown

This might surprise you. This post makes me incredibly sad. I am allergic to fresh bananas and so no smooth smoothies for me, and I can't enjoy the berry. It's one of only a very few things that I know I carry an allergy to. I wish it weren't so.
I can eat bananas when cooked, so feel free to send me banana bread to brighten my depression :) It's most likely a latex allergy, I've had some problems with disposable gloves...
I wrote a piece a few years ago about the dangers of mono culture and the Cavendish variety was prominent. It is very much at risk from a couple of factors and since 95% of bananas are Cavendish a fungus or a disease could wipe out the crop. World wide.
I'm really glad you picked bananas rather than wombat poop. Cigarette or not...
Thanks Petra. Another great post.
Sure... the "gloves" :D if you say so... :)
Banana bread is amazing, I make it often and am crazy about it. Kudos for knowing about wombats, you surprise me every day honey. Much love! 💚
I eat two bananas every day (in my green smoothies) so it's great to learn a little more about one of my favourite fruits. If I'm staying away from my blender and can't make up my green smoothies, I always take a few bananas with me. They power me up those hills!
Smoothie recipe: two bananas, a quarter of a pineapple OR half a mango, one orange, 400-500ml water, two handfuls of kale or spinach, a quarter of an avocado. BLEND. Yum.
That is a great recipe! I will have to try it, thanks! 💚
This is quite an interesting long list of facts about bananas, true it may seemed that bananas need humans to cultivate, however I always manage to see some baby banana trees suddenly shoot out from the mommy tree when the actual try is pretty old.
So I guess the end of the day, nature will always figure something out on its own. haha.
That being said, there are some species of banana that has seeds in it, where mostly they don't have that. These special are pretty slimy to eat raw, but they are yummy deep fried. However this is not very healthy for the human race, and definitely no cure for cancer on that.
Last but not least, even though it is not a cure for cancer, its high potassium still works wonders especially those after a good workout.
upvoted and resteemed
Oh yeah, I like them on my workouts. There are those with seeds, of course but like you said, they lack the nice taste these with no seeds have.
Looks like you have a winner here with bananas, congrats on that. I learned a lot about this berry from you and this post is very deserving of the attention it is receiving. Well done, I guess you made the right choice.
I had a lot of fun writing this text and I am really happy that readers find it interesting and fun. Thank you for your feedback 💚
You are most welcome, I also enjoy reading your posts.
Wow... a berry! I had no idea about that, I can't wait to tell my daughters!
Of course bananas can't reproduce... storks would rather eat them!
hahahaha, yeah, probably :D
oh gosh, I just adored reading this - a berry? I had no idea! It is so lovely to know that they get their shape from reaching toward the sun, I'll probably think of that every time I have a banana.
And do not forget to smile before you eat it, the shape should remind you of that too 💚
So Cavendish are the mules of the banana world... who knew?
Yeah, many interesting things about bananas, a banana Saturday it is :)
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I don't like them which is a shame because they really are healthy. Well i do like them fried or in banana bread but i am just not a fan :( and i really wish I were because they are an easy way to eat right as vegan ...
hahaha, I love that gif! It is adorable! Well.. eat them in a bread them ;)
nods, but they are healthiest raw and i wish i could get myself to do but i just really can't lol
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Your support is always very much appreciated, thank you for your amazing support! 💚
I sure learned a lot about bananas. They don't look like a berry.
And I had a lot of misconceptions about them being on a banana tree.
The one thing I find interesting and I didn't see it mentioned is the radiation they give off. It blew my mind to find out they give off radiation.
As usual, you write up a fun to read post and so visually attractive. You are an artist for sure. Did you design the little characters, like the one holding the banana?
I like to make my posts visually attractive and I appreciate you taking your time to mention that, thank you. That little character holding the banana is my bitmoji. It is a character you can create and it is in all sorts of poses and very easy to use in posts, e-mails, discord etc. Try it :)
Okay where do I find out how to do this? Is there a link or just google. I will look at it.
Here is the link: Bitmoji
and there is also an app for your phone
I hope I can figure it out. Thanks!
Everything I do on the computer is self taught. It is a constant lol
Although I don't often get to, I never tire of reading your posts. They are packed full of interesting gems that are so informative. Thanks for such a great post about one of my most taken-for-granted fruits.
Thank you for your kind feedback, I am glad you enjoyed reading this post.
From what I understood we bred the seeds out of the bananas if u visit some tropical countries bananas will have seeds. Bananas plants seem to just grow, u chop them down after they bear the fruit(6 month cycles) and 10 more will pop up afterwards they are an extremely sustainable crop.
I have explained in the post how bananas that we eat and that make up 95% of the market have no seeds in them, it is the Cavendish variety which is a hybrid. There are many banana varieties that have seeds, there are just not in the stores but enjoyed by local people. Yes, there are many varieties with seeds in them.
I had red bananas and some other varieties like square bananas and the little ones but they didnt have seeds are they all hybrids?
Thanks for teaching me some about bananas!
I rely a lot on bananas, maybe too much. But they are so versatile and for me they replace a bunch of unhealthy things.
Thanks to bananas I could clean myself up from the inside, lost a lot of weight and became HEALTHY(er).
Maybe a bit too much praise for bananas but I really love them.
I use them to
Oh wow, you really use them a lot! Nice! These examples you wrote seem delicious!
I will never be able to look at a banana again without seeing a smiley! hehe
great post :)
BB <3
Any reason to smile is a good reason, even a banana. Enjoy your day! 💚
I love this. Defenitely a big yellow smile fan. Our little human probably would also eat 5 bananas a day if he could. Interesting fact about Rwanda by the way thanks.
You are so funny... and those things should be straight!!! 😄.
It makes sense that bananas will curve towards the sun.
Thanks for a very. fun post to read, I learned a bunch.
I am glad you enjoyed my humor and the post, thank you for your kind comment 💚
Where I come from, there are such things as seeded bananas.. In fact in Borneo there has got to be about 100+ banana species being cultivated, grown in the wild, farmed and sold.
Tbh since moving to Kuala Lumpur i havent gotten used to the typical Cavendish Banana, They just taste so weird..
Well, if you have been eating those with seeds and gotten used to them, Cavendish must be weird to you :)
Quite the irony for a fruit that's such a phallic and oral sex symbol!
Actually I think all shapes are normal! Thingies that curve upward are supposed to stimulate the g spot. Gotta find someone with experience to tell us.
Entertaining and visually arresting post as always!
...or maybe they are too reaching for the Sun? :D
I am glad you enjoyed the post, thank you for the feedback 💚
Oweee, what a bright-colour and vivid post! Love the informative part of it and the numerous healthy utilities!
I'm sure @oneofsteem will like this content!
Thank you for such a kind feedback 💚
We wrote about bananas on our second blog account -
We love plantains fried as a chips and eggs with yellow plantains fried on side. We knew pretty much informations about them before :)
Fried I have not tried before but people keep telling me they are fantastic that way.
This was quite interesting! You made bananas fun to read about (they were already fun to eat). Trivia tidbit: The best milk shake I've ever had is a banana milk shake. Yum yum!
So much here I didn't already know. Thanks for the education. And the banana-shaped smiles. :-)
I am happy that it was interesting for you and that you learned something, keep on smiling and eating those bananas 💚
A fantastic post as always :)
Tbh, I was thinking of writing about the sweet animals with the square cubes .. but if you do so, I am sure you will do it in a much better way!
Hahaha, you can have the wombats :)
I'm not so sure about that; when I was in Thailand bananas were growing everywhere from out of nothing
There are many varieties, I was writing about Cavendish which is the one sold in the stores that does not have seeds.
Oh, I thought you were talking about magic bananas
What great info!
Who knew? There's a total symbiotic thing going on between the bananas and the critters that eat them. That seems unusual in nature.
Yeah, plants usually adapt in a way to protect themselves. I think this is one of those things like the flower smell where they need animals to carry the seed. Even if this variety does not have a seed, it still carries the ability to attract animals to it.
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Excellent post. Cavendish aren't the most flavourful, but they are the prettiest. I tend to buy more lady finger bananas, but I will buy Cavendish if I want to fill up the fruit bowl.