An Unexpected Bonus to End the Day

in #birding2 years ago

Muy birding buddy and I visited the coast last week, and at the very end of the day Ken wandered a bit to the side of a parking lot and presto, a very unusual gull for Washington State was loafing on the beach. Franklin's Gull is a common migrant throughout much of the central parts of the United States, but in western Washington it is seen only a few times a year.

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This is an immature Fraklin's Gull, but the half crescents on the eye, and partial hood along with a dark back make it pretty easy to identify.

FRGU_0Y0A2046 2023-08-06 Hoquiam.JPG

There were plenty of other gulls at the same stop, mostly California Gulls which move north to our area after breeding in huge numbers each summer.

CAGU_0Y0A2101 2023-08-06 Hoquiam.JPG
For us this was a great way to finish our day at the coast.
Good birding!