ratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 23 minutes agoBirdwatching - 2192 🐦🦉 The Oriental turtle dove or rufous turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis) Streptopelia Greek: streptos necklace, collar, peleia turtle dove orientalis eastern I am haunted by some strange coincidence.ratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • yesterdayBirdwatching - 2191 🐦🦉 The Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus) Oriolus oryolus (lat.) oriole [Old French. oryol oriole, aureolus gold] Any birdwatcher and photo hunter understands how difficult it is not only to takeratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 2 days agoBirdwatching - 2190 🐦🦉 The Eurasian bullfinch, common bullfinch or bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) Pyrrhula (Greek): pyrrhos - red We call these cute little plump birds something like "snower". Apparently this cameratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 3 days agoBirdwatching - 2189 🐦🦉 The western yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava) Motacilla lat .: mōto, mōtare move continuously, -cilla tail (cilla like a tail - only in ornithology, erroneous established name) flava flavus (lat.) yellow,ratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 4 days agoBirdwatching - 2188 🐦🦉 Pallas's grasshopper warbler (Helopsaltes certhiola), also known as the rusty-rumped warbler> Helopsaltes - ? To be honest, my etymological reference book does not contain such a name; it was obviouslyratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 5 days agoBirdwatching - 2187 🐦🦉 The black kite (Milvus migrans) Milvus (lat) - kite migrans (lat.) - migrating These scavengers are found everywhere in my city. At first they fly to the nearest forests, this happens in the first daysratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 6 days agoBirdwatching - 2186 🐦 (+video)🦉 The European robin (Erithacus rubecula) Erithacus erithakos (Greek) unidentified small bird in the works of ancient authors; erythros (Greek, lat.) red rubecula ruber (lat.) red, reddish, rubeculusratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 7 days agoBirdwatching - 2185 🐦🦉 The common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) Alcedo alcedinis, alcyon, or halcedo, halcedinis (lat.) kingfisher; word "hals" in ancient Greek language meant "sea", along with the word thalassa.ratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 8 days agoBirdwatching - 2184 🐦🦉 The long-tailed tit or long-tailed bushtit (Aegithalos caudatus) Aegithalos (Greek): tit caudatus (lat.): tailed These cutest birds are called "ladle" by us because of their external resemblanceratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 9 days agoBirdwatching - 2183 🐦🦉 The European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) Ficedula fi cedulinus (medieval lat.): “A small bird that feeds on figs and turns into a black-headed warbler in winter ”(from: Jobling, 2010) hypoleucaratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 10 days agoBirdwatching - 2182 🐦🦉 The Eurasian wigeon or European wigeon, also known as the widgeon or the wigeon (Mareca penelope) Mareca marreco (port) duck; Marica (Roman mythology) river nymph enelope Pēnělŏpē, in ancient Greek.ratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 11 days agoBirdwatching - 2181 🐦🦉 The song thrush (Turdus philomelos) Turdus (lat) - Thrush philomelos - Greek: phileo to love, melos song; philomela nightingale. According to ancient Greek mythology Philomela - the daughter of Pandionratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 12 days agoBirdwatching - 2180 🐦 (+video)🦉 The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) Cuculus (lat.) cuckoo canorus (lat.) melodic, musical click to play video These nest parasites appear in the forests and outskirts of my city around the beginningratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 13 days agoBirdwatching - 2179 🐦🦉 The great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) Dendrocopos Greek: dendron tree, coptō to hit, beat major (lat.) big Well, we are getting closer and closer to spring, and therefore to the mating seasonratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 14 days agoBirdwatching - 2178 🐦🦉 The Bohemian waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus) Bombycilla bombux (Greek) silk, cilla (Latin) tail garrulus lat .: garrire to chatter, babble, chirp, garrulus chatty, chirping, noisy; ax prone to These cuteratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 15 days agoBirdwatching - 2177 🐦🦉 The European goldfinch or simply the goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) Carduelis carduus (Latin) thistle Unfortunately, I don't often come across these birds, and I'm especially rarely able to photographratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 16 days agoBirdwatching - 2176 🐦🦉 The common rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus) Carpodacus Greek: karpos fruit, daknō to bite erythrinus erythros (Greek, lat.) red This bird, which in the old days was called "red sparrow",ratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 17 days agoBirdwatching - 2175 🐦🦉 The common sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) Actitis (Greek) - inhabitant of the coast hypoleucos (Greek): - whitish This is strange. Look at the photo above. This place is very far from the city, it isratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 18 days agoBirdwatching - 2174 🐦🦉 The Eurasian three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) Picoides picus (lat.) woodpecker, -oides similar tridactylus tridaktylos (Greek) three-toed It's been a long time since I've seen these woodpeckers.ratel (76)memberin Feathered Friends • 19 days agoBirdwatching - 2173 🐦🦉 The coal tit or cole tit (Periparus ater) Peri (Greek) very, hugely Parus (lat.) Tit ater (lat.) black, dark There is a very interesting story connected with the name of this tit in my language. In