🦉 The redwing (Turdus iliacus)
- Turdus (Latin) thrush
- iliacus ilia (lat.) sides, iliacus with sides (i.e. with red sides)

We call this type of thrush the white-browed one. I think looking at the photo it’s not hard to guess why. This species arrives in the spring in the first wave, approximately at the end or even in the middle of April, and as a rule they can be found in the forests together with their close relatives - Fieldfares.

During the mating season, these thrushes perform songs that seem like some kind of chaotic set of different sounds, consisting of some trills, whistles, and so on.
As for these young thrushes from the photo, I already told about them. They were in the old cemetery.

Camera | Lens |
Nikon D5200 | Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD |
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