✔️The bluethroat (Luscinia svecica)
I met this nightingale with a multi-colored throat in the flooded meadows. And it was on April 30, which is early for this species of birds, because at this time of the year it is still quite cold in Siberia. There were about three of these beautiful guys, and they were males, I did not find females nearby. Obviously, like most migratory birds, females arrive later, when males have already occupied the territory.
During the mating season, they are very easily attracted to the sound, because having heard a voice, the male must drive out the violator of his territory.
The bird is famous for memorizing the voices of other birds nearby and inserting them into its songs. Therefore, having seen this nightingale, you can listen to his song, and he will talk about what kinds of birds live nearby.

Such a beauty. The Tip with the nightingale is good if you see one and you can hear a voice of a bird you want to encounter.
I never met a bluethroat here in Austria, although i know places where they should be. I hope I find them some day.