Hi @crypto.piotr,
Thanks a lot for this post. This gives an opportunity to feel the Bitcoin nostalgia ;-).
I discovered bitcoins in january 2015. I had already been dealing with other virtual currencies. It was a German, centralised currency called Klammlose. You could buy ads or gamble with it. A huge problem linked to these Klammlose was that one person was printing them at will and the inflation rate was very high. I was always frustrated by that and then I discovered Bitcoins.
When I discovered Bitcoins it was love at first sight
At the time bitcoins were around 200 USD. I liked the fact that I could send the coins from one wallet to any other. From one website to another for very little costs. I also liked the concept of mining and the fact that the money supply was limited. I tried to find ways to earn this bitcoins and I did it with cloud mining and faucets. The cloud mining was a scam in the end but I managed to make some coins like that. I remember that I could get up to 3000 satoshis for a single claim from a faucet!
I built my first Doge faucet
The more I was into bitcoins the more interested I got. I discovered Altcoins as well. First there were Litecoins and soon later also Doge, Dash. I built my first Doge faucet in november 2015. For every claim, I gave away 3 Doges then. Over time I had around 8 faucets in different currencies.
Cryptocurrencies more an useful tool than an investment vehicle
Since I've been dealing with cryptocurrencies, I never considered them to be an investment vehicle. I've actually never bought coins with fiat money. Cryptocurrencies are much more than just something to invest in. I experienced how difficult and expensive it was to make transactions online with paypal, payza and so on. When I discovered the simplicity of cryptocurrencies, I saw a whole new world of possibilities to transfer money online safely without having a middle party who ate away your money. So Yes, I truly believe that Bitcoins and Altcoins gave us a certain monetary independence.
Cryptocurrencies a process in devlopment
I'm already a bit older today and I also witnessed the development of the internet. There are a lot of similarities between the two. Some technologies develop, some disapear, there is a hype, there is a crash but in the end the good technology tends to survive. I believe that cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology are going to survive because there is a real need for them, a practical need to transfer funds online. The process is however not finished and the technology will still improve. Not everything will be adopted but some things will...
Keep up your trust
To the people who are discouraged today because the prices are very low, I would say don't worry. This has happened before. The technology will prevail and it might be a good moment to buy more coins. If you don't have any funds to invest, there are hundreds of websites that give away cryptos for free and at the moment you get much more coins than in the past...
Best regards,
OMG @achim03
Your comment is absolutely marvelous. I can't express my gratitude for your time and effort.
If you're in crypto space since 2015 then you should consider yourself veteran.
Would you mind sharing with me what brought you to bitcoin in the first place and what was your focus on? Did you care more about technical developments or treated crypto as investment?
What attracted my attention was mainly the technical aspect of bitcoin. I found it marvelous how easy it was to send coins over the internet. I never considered crypto as an investment but was happy to have some coins when the prices went up ;-)