![]() | Did you know that today marks the date of the birth of the Bitcoin network? It was apparently 10 years ago on the 3rd of January 2009 that the world witnessed the first Bitcoin ever. |
![]() | Several weeks after that iconic date, the white paper was publicly published by Satoshi Nakamoto. Did you guys ever know about those dates? I myself just found out and it made me stop for a moment and think about the past of this technology. |
So, today instead of looking into the future and trying to figure out how the crypto market and blockchain technology will progress in 2019, let's all stop for a moment and reflect on it's past.
Bitcoinmagazine.com wrote about this event:
Ten years later, we celebrate the birth of the Bitcoin network much like we might a nation. If the white paper is a declaration of monetary independence, then the genesis block is our independence day and the founding of a new system.
Personally, I'm not sure what to think when I read - "our monetary independance" and my guess is, that not many of us feels independent at all. Those 10 years was a very bumpy road, with many ups and downs. With markets going crazy in both ways. A long road that brought huge hopes, dreams and sometimes dissapointments. So, bumpy like hell for sure.
And with a decade worth of hard work done by these creators, I still have to admit that I sometimes feel clueless amongst it all. Even today, such a mystery surrounds the very first bitcoin, it's whitepaper and those who started it all. Example; can anyone even say for sure if this "Satoshi Nakamoto" person even truly exists? Because according to several sources, it's just a name used by a person or several people (a team perhaps) to develop Bitcoin.
![]() | To tell you the truth, I cannot consider myself a veteran in this space. My interests towards crypto developed quite slowly sometime in the middle of 2017, when mass media brought more attention to bitcoin and every channel talked about it. |
What was my first impression? Naturally as many others, I believed that it was a scam, ponzi scheme, financial pyramid etc.
I wonder how many of you had a similar first impression? How many started the way I did - with huge level of distrust towards this phenomenon. However, I'm glad to say that it slowly turned into fascination towards blockchain technology and crypto-space.
I would really love to know if there is anyone reading my post, who would be involved in crypto before 2017? Perhaps you could share your story with us and tell us more about those days? What was the public awareness at that time, how easy or difficult was it to purchase your first piece of Bitcoin?
Did anyone experienced previous crashes? Perhaps someone here has been involved in crypto during the early 2017 crash (or earlier ones) and could you also tell us what caused it at that time? How people reacted? Looking at graphs and seeing how fast the market bounced back, made me believe that euphoria had been really high and bitcoin never reached a stage of "capitulation". A stage which we seem to be experiencing right now in the late 2018.
![]() | When I joined this market (unfortunatelly like many others, at the end of 2017) there has been already hundreds of altcoins and many more were about to come. People like me got used to seeing tons of different projects, not just Bitcoin. For us it is not unusual at all to witness the birth of new altcoin so very often. |
I wonder what were people's first impressions were when the first alt has been introduced? And was it Ethereum? Was the general public excited about first alts or suspisious towards their future? Those are the sort of questions that I've been thinking about for quite some time now. And today is great time to ask. After all how often can we celebrate 10th anniversary of Bitcoin?
We all have our favourite influencers / youtube channels and today I would love to encourage you to try out "READY SET CRYPTO". I strongly believe that this is one of the most mature channels to discuss about blockchain technology that I've ever watched.
So drop a comment below, share your experience and once you finish reading then check out link below:
Enjoy watching and subscribe to this channel. It's really worth it.
Have a great upcoming weekend everyone!
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Hey @crypto.piotr, hope you had a good holiday break :)
I think the point on "monetary independence" is more on the decoupling of the monetary system from governments. Government needs their source of power to remain in control. In the old days, a few centuries back, the government dictates and control religion. In 17th/18th century, there was a movement of separating church from state. Thereby bringing free religion. However, that meant government lost a source of power. Because religion was huge back then and controlling religions meant control over people.
Hence, a new source of power is required. Coincidentally, paper currency became popular across Europe and America in the early 1800s. Back then those currencies were still backed by gold. But later on, fiat currencies that are only backed by the government became the standard. Circling back to Bitcoin, if the 17th/18th century we had a speration of church from state, then in this era, Bitcoin is leading a separation of money from state.
As for altcoin, I read somewhere that the earliest altcoin is Namecoin. Didn't do a fact check though. Haha.. but you can view coinmarketcap earlier snapshots. Based on a snapshot in 2013, those are probably the earlier altcoins. Ethereum came later in 2014.
Posted using Partiko Android
This was really insightful. thank you.
Dear @culgin
Your comment is absolutely marvelous. Love it! :)
Would you mind sharing with me what brought you to bitcoin in the first place and what was your focus on? Did you care more about technical developments or treated crypto as investment?
Thanks! The Bitcoin whitepaper brought me in. Although Bitcoin isn't the first crypto I bought. Ethereum was the first crypto which I invested in.
I care about tech developments because they are the fundamentals of any project. Only with strong fundamentals will adoption grow. And only with adoption, we can see sustainable price appreciation
Posted using Partiko Android
Hey Piotr ... first, i want to wish you and your wife a happy new year.
About your question, i have been interested in bitcoin since 2013. Unfortunately we did not had the $$$ to get involved and buy some. And a little later we decided, instead of buying bitcoin to get into mining, those days we almost got burned by the hashfast debacle, and we stepped away. Focussing on my other endeavors.
Beside the inscan outs of the hashfast forum, I have never been diggin really deep into the bitcoin community in those days, so i can not really tell you story’s about it. Or i would be lying.
I hope you have a great year.
hi @elektropunkz
Wow. So many years in crypto already?
What did attract you to crypto in the first place? I bet you heard about bitcoin before you could even learn basics about blockchain? I wonder how this market looked like so many years ago.
THANK you for sharing! Appreciate
Same to you my dear friend.
So many years of being interested indeed, but i wish i had the ability then to be so many years invested.
happy holidays and new year I hope you have had a great time and family. I would have liked to have known about steemit much earlier, but surely I had not known how to handle it, I am still learning. The same will continue to write my stories and stories, Grateful with the support @crypto.piotr
I never knew about Bitcoin's birthday but I got notified from a post by runicar.
Personally, I got to know about Cryptos at the end of 2016 and did a lot of research and had a lot of discussions before investing in Bitcoin in May 2017.
It was a nice read all along,
Happy New year!
Thanks for your kind comment @ajongcrypto :)
Would you mind sharing with me what brought you to bitcoin in the first place and what was your focus on? Did you care more about technical developments or treated crypto as investment?
Actually, a friend told me about Bitcoin and that I should invest in it because it had been increasing in price (it was at a rise overall).
During that time, I watched it moved from about $1600 to over $2k in March of 2017. This was when I felt I was missing out. I decided to research about bitcoin and be connected to most people involved with it. I go to learn the bitcoin theory and later invested in it.
So, it was just a method of investment for me.
Thanks for sharing your story @ajongcrypto :)
Dear my friend Piotr, first of all happy new year!
As i am writing in my latest posts, my knowelage about Bitcoin was engaged after big talking happen last year when the boom it happens.
Frankly speaking i saw Bitcoin symbol first time in my life in 2010 in a russian atm for recharging phone, but of course i did not pay attention on it, for me it was something like an electronic wallet for russian people.
Anyway Bitcoin is the gold of crypto, it have 10 years and it is still dominating market cap over 50%.
So i am always trying to get some of them, but my experience in private mining and cloud mining it is a fail, but i am still trying to find something better, having a bitcoin is my dream coming true...;)
Thanks for your kind comment @intellihandling
I hope 2019 will be good for both of us and I cannot wait to get to know you in person :)
For all triumph always in strictly necessary the constancy and dedication in what you do so that everything goes well.
I think if I had known about the btc about five years ago. I do believe that I would already have good economic freedom.
the same with steemit I regret not knowing this platform since its inception I feel that it was already a dolphin or a whale. LOL
so despite their casualties I still have a lot of hope that this will continue to grow, at least I'm already on this train and I will not get off so easily.
I have teacher friends who got to have 10 BTC and just when they went on the market but then there was a loss and they sold them all, today they complain a lot about that bad decision
hi @lanzjoseg
Wow. So many years in crypto already?
What did attract you to crypto in the first place? I bet you heard about bitcoin before you could even learn basics about blockchain? I wonder how this market looked like so many years ago.
THANK you for your comment! Appreciate
I First heard about bitcoin in 2015 but never engaged. Just like you i thought is a scam.
Pretty sure the future will be good.Nice post @crypto.piotr.
Do you sometimes regret not getting involved in 2015?hi @oclinton,
Yes i do because it was so cheap then and would have become a millionaire now
Hey @crypto.piotr, it has been a while since I have been on Steemit... I hope that you have enjoyed your Christmas and New Years celebrations :)
This is quite an interesting article that you have posted... I did not know of these significant dates until you mentioned them, but I have assumed as much with regards to how long the crypto industry has been going on for since the rise of Bitcoin and all other Altcoins. It was a good read that was informative and interesting.
You had asked some questions... So here are some of my answers :D
I did not have the same impression, but it was for many different reasons. At the time, I was truly worried about becoming independent and not asking my parents or older sisters for anything (money, gifts, etc...), so I stumbled upon a website that was promoting Ethereum. At that time I had no clue what cryptocurrencies were and I had to do some research because the site had peaked my interest in trying to invest in Ethereum.
This was at the end of 2017, and I had just finished a year in University and after joining some bad company I really wanted to make something of myself. So with the little money that I began saving up each month I had decided that I would invest in Ethereum. This turned out to be a good idea and I had made small profits that was used as spending money.(Which was great since I didn't have to put pressure on my parents for Uni expenses...)
I also began investing in EOS in February/March of 2018... Which didn't turn out so well since then because the price plummeted to $5/EOS just after the final release...
I had invested in Bitcoin a few times and made small profits, but I always pulled out since I was happy with the small amounts that I made... I am happy with these decisions because just looks at the markets now :)
I think Steemit was the best thing for me to come across... Since after looking into EOS and finding out the creator was also part of Steemit's development. This has opened a lot of opportunities for me since then and I am glad I took the leap of faith :D
So, back to the 10th anniversary... I am glad that Crypto's came into play and I am hoping for a prosperous 2019 for everyone :)
During my next few years of studying, I want to build a computer solely for mining... I have a few contacts that is making a fortune from this, hopefully he can help out :)
I hope to see many more posts from you @crypto.piotr, they are always interesting :D
I'll be happy to know what opportunities exist with mining cryptocurrencies and how to setup one for myself. maybe we can talk on discord?
Dear @shadown99
I appreciate your amazing comment.
I kind of noticed that you were gone. Your username i profile picture is easy to remember.
Hope you're alright?
We're clearly on the same page here :)
Love to hear that. Im not posting much. My goal is to post 3 times a month and spent rest of the time engaging with people. Someone have to do that if we want to create healthy community, right? :)
Good to have you back. And thanks for sharing your experience buddy
Hey @crpto.piotr...
I know I went dark for a little while. The reason is because I have been so busy lately getting all my documents sorted out for Uni this year, registration is on the 19th. Had to get loans sorted out, check for bursaries... I was also helping out my sister with the program she is working on (troubleshooter :D)
I will have much more time in a couple of days to get back on track. I see you haven't slowed down with engagement with the community, which is great :)
I am only hoping that I find some sort of inspiration for content, since I am lacking in that department as of late... I feel like writing a post about the land expropriation that is currently happening in SA, but I would like to do a lot more research so I can fully cover the topic and maybe provide much needed information for all to see what is truly happening here. What do you think?
Also... I am finally going for driving lessons to get my drivers license soon :)
I am almost 20 and don't even have it yet :(
Hope you are doing well :D
Appreciate your kind comment @shadown99
Thank you for sharing with me. Would you also mind telling me what is your gov approach towards crypto?
I think that majority of people do not care about detailed research. It's best just to give few general informations and turn your post into debate and let other people share their views and their knowledge. Plus try to make sure that your post doesnt take more than 5min to read. Otherwise you will be losing most of your traffic.
hehehe Im 41 and I failed 3 times :P and I still dont have one haha
Have a great upcoming weekend
I started my crypto journey in October 2017 right here on Steemit. My anniversary date fell on HF20 day. Not much I could do to celebrate. I've enjoyed every day I've been here.
Glad to see that steemit brought in a lot of users to the crypto space. Happy steemiversary in arrears!
You are one of the winners here, @wonderwop - keep doing what you are doing :)
That is hillarious @wonderwop :)
Hi @crypto.piotr bro,
Time flies by and Bitcoin already celebrated her 10th birthday lol
If my memory was right - Litecoin was the first alt coin after Bitcoin and following by many other coins (Ethereum is definitely not the first alt coin)
Indeed @wilhb81, time flies like crazy ....
Hope you had great time celebrating NY?
Hi @crypto.piotr,
Thanks a lot for this post. This gives an opportunity to feel the Bitcoin nostalgia ;-).
I discovered bitcoins in january 2015. I had already been dealing with other virtual currencies. It was a German, centralised currency called Klammlose. You could buy ads or gamble with it. A huge problem linked to these Klammlose was that one person was printing them at will and the inflation rate was very high. I was always frustrated by that and then I discovered Bitcoins.
At the time bitcoins were around 200 USD. I liked the fact that I could send the coins from one wallet to any other. From one website to another for very little costs. I also liked the concept of mining and the fact that the money supply was limited. I tried to find ways to earn this bitcoins and I did it with cloud mining and faucets. The cloud mining was a scam in the end but I managed to make some coins like that. I remember that I could get up to 3000 satoshis for a single claim from a faucet!
I built my first Doge faucet
The more I was into bitcoins the more interested I got. I discovered Altcoins as well. First there were Litecoins and soon later also Doge, Dash. I built my first Doge faucet in november 2015. For every claim, I gave away 3 Doges then. Over time I had around 8 faucets in different currencies.
Cryptocurrencies more an useful tool than an investment vehicle
Since I've been dealing with cryptocurrencies, I never considered them to be an investment vehicle. I've actually never bought coins with fiat money. Cryptocurrencies are much more than just something to invest in. I experienced how difficult and expensive it was to make transactions online with paypal, payza and so on. When I discovered the simplicity of cryptocurrencies, I saw a whole new world of possibilities to transfer money online safely without having a middle party who ate away your money. So Yes, I truly believe that Bitcoins and Altcoins gave us a certain monetary independence.
Cryptocurrencies a process in devlopment
I'm already a bit older today and I also witnessed the development of the internet. There are a lot of similarities between the two. Some technologies develop, some disapear, there is a hype, there is a crash but in the end the good technology tends to survive. I believe that cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology are going to survive because there is a real need for them, a practical need to transfer funds online. The process is however not finished and the technology will still improve. Not everything will be adopted but some things will...
Keep up your trust
To the people who are discouraged today because the prices are very low, I would say don't worry. This has happened before. The technology will prevail and it might be a good moment to buy more coins. If you don't have any funds to invest, there are hundreds of websites that give away cryptos for free and at the moment you get much more coins than in the past...
Best regards,
OMG @achim03
Your comment is absolutely marvelous. I can't express my gratitude for your time and effort.
If you're in crypto space since 2015 then you should consider yourself veteran.
Would you mind sharing with me what brought you to bitcoin in the first place and what was your focus on? Did you care more about technical developments or treated crypto as investment?
What attracted my attention was mainly the technical aspect of bitcoin. I found it marvelous how easy it was to send coins over the internet. I never considered crypto as an investment but was happy to have some coins when the prices went up ;-)
Can you stop sending me memos.
I am NOT interested.
Posted using Partiko Android
Dear @revisesociology
Please accept my apology. Obviously I will remove unfollow you and remove from my contact list in a minute.
Hope I didnt upset you with those memos. Im doing my best to support quality content and help some valuable Steemit users.
Unfortunately memos are one of the very few tools us (users) were provided. Have a great day.
I promise you won't hear from me ever again.
Regards, Piotr
Thank you!
"I would really love to know if there is anyone reading my post, who would be involved in crypto before 2017? Perhaps you could share your story with us and tell us more about those days?"
Thanks for asking, Piotr. As you know, I became aware of bitcoin about 8 years ago. There was almost nobody else aware of it, including the mainstream media, alternate media, tech experts, programmers, etc. I was lucky enough to be online friends with Davincij15 (of recent fame) and he told me how sound the programming behind blockchain was. From there as a monetary theorist I was easily able to see where this was headed.
To me, it seems we are at or near the bottom of a long-term correction within the bull market. Which began, as you stated here, in 2009.
Have a great weekend!
hi @drutter
Wow. So many years in crypto already?
What did attract you to crypto in the first place? I bet you heard about bitcoin before you could even learn basics about blockchain? I wonder how this market looked like so many years ago.
THANK you for your comment! Appreciate
I'm a monetary theorist, so the emergence of cryptocurrency was immediately of interest to me. I've recorded my analysis of the market, charts, and fundamentals on YouTube from 2011 through to today, so anyone who wonders what it was like can check it out on my channel anytime (until YouTube succeeds at banning/deleting me from their site).
Thanks for your reply and have a great day.
Appreciate your kind comment @drutter
So you're young but I should already consider you a Veteran :)
Thanks for link to your youtube channel! :)
Have a great upcoming weekend
What an interesting post @crypto.potr!
I have been aware of Bitcoin since 2016. I thought about investing, but unfortunately I am rather a kind of distrustful person if it comes to financial area (maybe because as a teenager I have very limited capital so I need to be careful haha). However, blockchain as a disruptive technology had still its place among my passions. So, at the beggining of 2018, when I decided to earn my first money, I decided to try something interesting, educating and useful - that's how I joined Steem.
If it comes to Btc, a few months ago I decided to increase my Steem power little a bit using my savings. Therefore I bought my first piece of Bitcoin by fiat currency :)
Appreciate your kind comment @neavvy
So you're young but I should already consider you a Veteran :)
Have a great upcoming weekend
Gridcoin.. something in that order.
Nobody would have thought ten year back that this could change the world. I even head that one person paid 10k BitCoin for pizza. That person must be regretting badly now. I first heard about it in 2016 and invested in it in the year 2017. Though I came for short term profits but that never happened and after market crash I am still holding coins. Now my mindset is changed and i am holding for a very long term which is fee years and will see how i get the benefit out if it. Don't know the future but I want to hold and see how world adopts new technology called blockchain and how can it advance our lives. Thanks @crypto.piotr for nice post.
Posted using Partiko Android
the person who bought the pizza, bought a pizza again last year to test the lightning network. I think that if he was the first purchase of BTC, he likely had more than just what he spent on pizza. Mind you... I have spent my last dollar on pizza a few times.
Its a great feeling to celebrate Bitcoin's birthday as I remain amazed at it and the blockchain technology in general. The benefits/advantages they bring to the financial sector/public are breath taking and we are only being to scratch the surface (10 years).Hello my great friend @crypto.piotr, I trust you keeping well.
I became involved in the crypos in 2016 with a failed investment scheme called MMM which some people are still yet to recover from (financially, emotionally and otherwise) till this day. The scheme promised 30% and 50% returns on capital invested in the form cash or bitcoin respectively for a 30-day period. It did work well for a while though ;-)
After the crash, I did some research on Bitcoin and found out its was a different currency from that of the MMM scheme and its been used globally to transact online and I have forever remained stuck on it.
Regards always,
Thank you for this amazing comment @straighttalk
I always enjoy reading your feedback buddy
What a way to start :(
You are always welcome @crypto.piotr...
Hello @crypto.piotr it's pretty nice to look back at the beginning of this whole new world of ours you know. I got into the cryptospace and got to know about bitcoin fully last year way back in March. But before then i had heard about bitcoin in 2014 just tha ti did not have much knowledge till last year. hahah i missed the 2017 bull run. I am intrigued by the blockchain technology and that's where my passion for bitcoin stems from :)
Yours Ikkelins
Thank you for your comment @ikkelins :)
Is it ten years already? I have first heard about bitcoin in 2012, but didn't pay much attention to it, only in 2013 at the peak of the bubble I bought up for an play amount. I was determined not to sell.then I tried out token leasing to bridge the hard times, unfortunately this was quite scamy but i managed to get out at a zero sum. Finally in 2017 I thought I'll trade a bit, which only resulted in missing out the spikes of the first half year. I was so fascinated by Ethereum, but it was really difficult to get hold of these coins, as exchanges were hard to find and even more difficult to tell which one was trustworthy.... It took some time until I grasped the value of blockchain, beyond bitcoin's digital gold narration, which was a very attractive one in the years of financial crisis. Today I am not scared of th those bearish times as I have a much better idea what i am dealing with.
hi @conceptskip
Wow. So many years in crypto already?
What did attract you to crypto in the first place? I bet you heard about bitcoin before you could even learn basics about blockchain? I wonder how this market looked like so many years ago.
THANK you for your comment! Appreciate
ps. would you consider using enter sometimes to separate blocks of text? it would make reading much easier :)
It was bumpy only for speculators, @crypto.piotr. For hodlers, it is only going up, and will going up until fiat exists. Just connect all the LOWEST points at the historical bitcoin value graph, and you will see the true rise :)
Thx for your comment @lighteye :)
You are welcome, @crypto.piotr :)
Stop spamming my wallet. Thank you.
Dear @kenanqhd
Please accept my appology. Obviously I will remove unfollow you and remove from my contact list in a minute.
Hope I didnt upset you with those memos. Im doing my best to support quality content and help some valuable Steemit users.
Unfortunately memos are one of the very few tools us (users) were provided. Have a great day.
I promise you won't hear from me ever again.
Regards, Piotr
Big fan of ReadySetCrypto! 2019 will be the year of enterprise blockchain projects. Look forward to this year as I expect that there will be more legal clarity and adoption among large Businesses, Enterprises & Financial institutions
I dont think we ever had a chance to get to know each other. Great comment @cryptoherman
Let's drink for that! :)
I first heard of Bitcoin during the one before the 2017 bull run. Then there were only Litecoin and few other alt-coins and I didn't have any credit cards or anything and I was basically a kid. I wanted to invest some of the money I had but there was no way to do that. Most people didn't even knew about Bitcoin. I checked some YouTube videos and after a while I just stopped trying due to lack of available means.
Then I finally opened up some accounts in 2017 adnd finally started putting a bit of my money and started trading. I did my research. I'd say I'm on an intermediate level when it comes to crypto. Bitcoin was already a relic by the time I joined. I was both interested and cautious about ETH and it was few projects like Dash, Zcash, NEM that really got my attention.I always keep my focus on mid level to obscure crypto projects because that's where the best gains are.
I don't have much money and STEEM is actually my biggest investment. I've practically doubled my current STEEM account value if you consider what I've acquired in my HUNT Token Airdrops.
Thank you for sharing your story with me @vimukthi
Appreciate it a lot buddy
Monetary independent is a joke in Holland. Bank knows, you are registered, I'd, drivers license, you have to pay tax over what you own at January 1st and you can not spend it anyware. Sounds more like advertisement to me to sell.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hello, my friend. I overslept everything. New Year's holidays are felt. Great article.
Crazy that the "birth" of bitcoin happened 10 years ago. I hope BTC will have a great future :D
Thank you for your comment @btcsam
Let's drink for that! :)
Seriously, I never knew that BTC is up to this age talk more of the date it was born. I thought it's about 3 year old. Anyways, BTC has helped and changed the lives of many people for better. And I hope it will continue to do so in some years coming.
Thank you for your comment @maxijgcomm
Let's drink for another 10 years with Bitcoin ! :)
By then people will make more millions from BTC again.
Wish you & your family a very happy new year. You have wrote amazing post my friend. You always come up with something new, interesting and sensible .
I read about this in 2016 when I started reading about it but honestly I forgot the date.
Honestly my first impression was the same. I liked the idea but I thought it just a bubble & once it will reach it's pick everything will vanish like there was nothing. As I show so many projects in past that promises sky but they not even hold the ground & the Bitcoin was not offering the sky but it was offering the whole space. But later as time goes & I started to read about more then I realized that this is something different than the other projects.
Honestly I wanted to involve before 2017 but I had not money for this. Later I saved some money and jumped in crypto space.
Yes for me first ALT was the ETH. Believe it or not I thought this project will surpass the BTC (at least at the first I thought). I remember after ETH, it was Ripple and then XLM, ADA, TRON, NEO, BNB & KCS (these all attracted me most).
I was not involved in the big crash. But I was part of several small crashes (if I calculate at the moment I am in 60% loss - as I was not trading time to time and HOLD only). After all this loss I heard about steemit and I felt like this will grow one day and I moved more than half investment in steemit. Steem is at very low price and steemit losing it users but still I am hoping this platform will major success of all time for sure. Also I watched the video and I liked it - subscribed the channel as well. Thanks for sharing..
Thank you for your kind wishes @flash07
As always so kind and supportive. Man. I wish to have a chance to get to know you in real life. If only India wouldn't be so unsafe for females, then I would love to move there with my partner.
Love to hear that :) I usually have few ideas and I run them with Keisha to figure out which topic could potentially be most engaging. Im glad to hear that we're doing good job.
I wish the same my friend.
I don't know why you say that. But it's lot safer than most of countries. There are few states where we can say it's not that safe but other than that it's safer here. In our state as well as near once women can walk freely without any fear.
There is no doubt.
Wow 10 years already. Looking forward to the next 10!!
Posted using Partiko Android
Happy Bday BTC! I powered up some steem to celebrate!
Dear @allcapsonezero
Great to see that you're still active on Steemit and you didn't give up on this platform. How was your NY celebration? :)
Welcome again in 2019 :)
It was all good! I have just been busy with many other things. I am with steem for the long haul!
That's the way to go @allcapsonezero :)
I love how much bitcoin scares the traditional monetary forces. I don’t have a lot of stock invested in bitcoin because I believe in other projects but I think it’s good that more and more people are taking the dive into the crypto sphere. I’ve been able to talk to more people about it and they can see the writing on the wall but just don’t know how to enter the fray.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hi @cmplxty
Same here. I only hope that adoption will be increasing fast. Adoption. Not investments.
thanks for your never ending support buddy.
Wooo! For me it is impressive to be able to read this information about the beginnings and the chain of blocks, I had no idea of the start date.
My first experience with some crypto was steemit. When I heard about steemit at the beginning of 2018 I had already heard about Bitcoin, but I had no idea what blockchain was.
I am from a small town where there is no internet access, only with some mobile devices and with a lot of difficulty, so for me it was very difficult to access this information, I share my experience that is very little because many people do not have until now They have an idea of what the blockchain is. Today after having moved three years ago and have a PC and Internet access I have more time to inform me about all this.
I confess that I am becoming passionate about these things, I have to thank our friend @crypto.piotr that with their initiatives to support other users of the steemit network I have taken to read some articles about blockchain that have piqued my interest in the chain of blocks.
So I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go in this exciting world of the blockchain.
Maybe someday I will be an expert and can help you, I still have to research and educate myself about this topic.
Pr. Euclides Villegas.
Good morning @fucho80
Thank you for your amazing comment. I appreciate your time and effort.
Im glad you decided to share your experience with us.
I wonder: how is it possible that you as a pastor learned so much about blockchain. Amazing!
I do not have the knowledge that I would like to have, but you should know that what brought me to this was the search for extra income that would allow us to have different alternatives to the crisis in my country.
I believe that "accidentally" I am here but I am very interested in continuing to learn and to be able to reach this and my family's sustenance.
Pr Euclides Villegas.
Happy New Year. I hope you had a great time with your family. I know very little about Steemit, but I'm trying to learn.
I don't know how to handle it, I'm still learning. By the way I have been delegated a lot of Steem power and I don't know what to do with that. I have to find a counselor, ja,ja.
I will continue to write my stories and my experiences.
If you want you can visit me and read my latest publication.
https://steemit.com/spanish/@surika/my-wishes-for-venezuela-my-beloved-homeland Very grateful to you @crypto.piotr
Thank you for your comment @surika
To you too :) Let's drink for another 10 years with Bitcoin ! :)
I've lost you here. I checked and you seem not to have any SP at all on your account.
Thx for sharing this link. Will check it out in a min.
I have been into crypto for about 4-5 years i think at first sight i knew bitcoin was gonna be good but unlike others i did not have an option to mine or buy it which was my only shortfall after a while i found out about faucets with which i managed to get a quite a few satoshi's but ultimately lost them in a scam since the i have switched to dogecoins and steem
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hi @khussan
Wow. 4-5 years in crypto? What did attract you to crypto in the first place? I bet you heard about bitcoin before you could even learn basics about blockchain? I wonder how this market looked like so many years ago.
THANK you for sharing! Appreciate
Yes bitcoin was what attracted me but lost interest in bitcoin really quickly 😅 i guess i am more of a dogecoin guy
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I have been interested in bitcoin for quite a while but to make a jump in investing in bitcoin it was an issue, until when I saw one of my friend has made decent money from it is when I waked up.
Sometimes I wish to kick my self for not making a jump earl
Dear @pamoja550
Thank you for being so responsive. Appreciate your comment a lot.
I found Bitcoin in 2011 and followed it ever since then for entertainment purposes.
Still think a about the guys going from CPU mining to GPU mining and building water cooling systems in kitchen sinks.
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hi @bluerobo
Wow. So many years in crypto already?
What did attract you to crypto in the first place? I bet you heard about bitcoin before you could even learn basics about blockchain? I wonder how this market looked like so many years ago.
I was attracted to it because it was new and interesting technology.
It was challenging to understand the concept back then. And it was even harder to explain it to people who have heard about it. The most confusing part was the concept of proof of work and the crypto aspect of it.
The crypto angle of the whole concept is still misunderstood by the mainstream.
That's why many people still think tokens would be useful for illegal activities - where cold hard cash is still the best medium for these things.
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Appreciate your comment @bluerobo :)
The story is almost always the same for a lot of people. I got into cryptocurrency back in August of 2016. I bought my first bitcoin (exactly 0.02 btc), but i lost it all to the Zarfund pyramid scam, and various Telegram HYIPs. Since then, i backed out and completely forgot about it till i discovered it had hit an ATH of $5k back in 2017. So, i bought back in with a smaller amount of money during the Chinese FUD and rode it all the way to the $20k ATH early last year.
Good morning @pangoli
Thank you for your amazing comment. I appreciate your time and effort.
Would you mind sharing with me what brought you to bitcoin in the first place and what was your focus on? Did you care more about technical developments or treated crypto as investment?
How i got interested in bitcoin... I got introduced to Bitcoin by a pyramid scheme that required bitcoins as the currency for transaction. So i had to buy some. I guess i was also interested in the part where they mentioned it was digital money that could be sent anywhere in the world within a few minutes, but I didn't think too much about the investment opportunities, else i probably would have bought more and held onto it. Which would explain why i left the space just after i'd extinguished my first portfolio. I became interested in the technical development and the overall significance of cryptocurrencies during my early days on Steem. I discovered that Distributed Ledger technology represented way more than just speed of transactions across borders.
Thanks for sharing your story @pangoli :)
First of all, I want to say welcome back my friend @crypto.piotr it is a pleasure to read a post from you...!!!
This news are really interesting for me because I always was hearing about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency but for many years I didn´t know how it works ..
I have a few Months immerse in this incredible system... If I remember I have just 7 Months, not too much... It will sound incredible but I just have a faucet working and a wallet, and not understand yet very well how everything works....
Reading I figure out this is an incredible Technology and it can improve our financial system...
Future is gonna be the best for the next generations, The new population will be immerse with just technology, blockchain and cryptocurrency ...
It looks like as the future we are expecting right now...
But very sure that Satoshi Nakamoto will be still a complete mystery ...!!!
Incredible post...!!!
Dear @edgarare1
I appreciate your amazing comment. As always you are so very responsive and supportive. BIG THX!
Would you mind sharing with me what brought you to bitcoin in the first place and what was your focus on? Did you care more about technical developments or treated crypto as investment?
I'm still not sure what attracted me to know more the world of bitcoin and technology behind all this incredible project.
First I heard that many people already knew what bitcoin was, and many people already had some coins of this, but my mind always said that this was a scam ...
Even locked in my mind I did not decide to investigate about this technology and everything it represented for our reality ...
Something very clear is that I was not attracted to the money that other people were already earning. The most interesting thing for me was to know how this system was and how it could change the financial system in the future ...
I am still at the beginning of knowing exactly what this represents for us .... !!
I'm thinking of investing only for Steem, but I need you to guide me @crypto.piotr to do the right thing ... !!!
Thank you for sharing your story with me @edgarare1 :)
Hello friend @ crypto.piotr
I imagine that this refers to becoming independent of banking entities and corporations.
First impression
For those of us who belatedly involved in the crypto environment (around 2017) I think we could no longer have a distorted impression of this phenomenon (BTC). That is to say, 8 years after its launch, the pioneers had already done the dirty work. Lose money, invest blindly.
Of course, with the launch of Ethereum and the proliferation of altcoins, a speculative state was generated where many lost their money.
My dear @juanmolina
Thanks for sharing your view my friend. Appreciate.
Yours, Piotr
I join the secret currency in 2018.
is my book friend told me.
I am slow ten years.
Actually, I think, There is only one situation,
And I’m arguing that the reason for the future’s rise is also this:
the five major countries announced Buy plus secret currency as a reserve,
It’s as if they bought gold or other strong national currency with their own national currency.
My dear @cloudblade
Thanks for sharing your view my friend. Appreciate.
Yours, Piotr
Hello @crypto.piotr how are you? I am not totally immersed in the world of Blockhain, but I have learned from those who know and speak to people about this, I only have one year in steemit and I have enjoyed it every day
Greetings from Venezuela!
Thanks for your kind comment @jennimorillo :)
God bless Venezuela
hi @crypto.piotr actually I don't understand about the world of blockhain and just live it, and my first impression of bitcoin is I am only interested and without knowing the meaning, because even today I have never felt the results of bitcoin here, I also do not know my comment is correct or not about bitcoin😄
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I am sending you this link with many minnow tips to get better results here on STEEM since you have so many new people helping you, @crypto.piotr. Lots more info in the comments. I hope it helps :)
Minnow Tips
Wow. That's very fresh post. Thx @fitinfun :)
Hi @crypto.piotr ... I like your cryptoinitiative. Tell how participate and to help to our Steemit community.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Dear @royer94
Thank you for your kind comment :) I dont think we ever had a chance to get to know each other. Will follow you closely and hope it will turn out that we share some similar interests.
Dear @crypto.piotr I wrote to you because I received your message before. Whatever ... Nice to meet you :)
Hi @royer94
Indeed I did send memo to you in the first place since I was following you for some time already and you're on my private list of people from Steemit, who are interested with crypto and blockchain :)
So I figured out that I will reach out to you and many others and see who will reply. Several people did :)
Thx for being responsive. Steemit needs people like US :)
It has been a year now, since I entered the world of cryptocurrencies. I was primarily fascinated with the concept of crypto mining. My first initiative was to build a mining rig from scratch. I have built a single cpu/gpu PC before but not a 12-GPU mining rig.
Months of research during Dec 2017 and I have decided to throw in a sum of money to start this hobby. From building the rack to assembling the components, it was definitely a humbling experience.
I remembered the first night I kept my mining rig running in my room. Oh, am I actually in the sauna??!!! :D
My journey goes on. It is fun and I hope many others will join us :)
My dear @tysler
Thanks for sharing your view my friend. Appreciate.
Wow. For someone who has very little idea about technical aspects what you just said seem to be super mind-blowing :)
Let's drink for that! :)
Yours, Piotr
I believe that monetary independence is related to the fact that Bitcoin is not dependent on any country or central bank.
This is a major change as all fiduciary currencies are losing their credibility with governments' credit problems.
It is also important to be able to differentiate monetary independence from financial independence, the latter being totally different from the first.
Thank you for your comment Robert :)
Appreciate you dropping by
Yours, Piotr
Congratulations to all of you after completing 10 years of Bitcoin. As we all know, the journey of Bitcoin has been quite fluctuating in these 10 years. Bitcoin touched its climax over the past 2 years but its position is quite pathetic at present, due to which the cryptocurrency market is going through a lot of losses. Since it is a mother currency, it is natural to have an impact on other currency. As Alok Bhai said that 10k bitcoins were used for a pizza. Then the golden days of Bitcoin came and he changed the definition of coins. Many people have invested so much money, if its value does not increase then the people's bankruptcies will emerge. We expect that 2019 will come with a positive value, which will again take it in its real sense.Dear friend @crypto.piotr
My dear @certain
Thanks for sharing your view my friend. Appreciate.
Why is it mother? Why not daddy? I cannot understand that :)
Yours, Piotr