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RE: Mine Crypto Anywhere with Your Computer - Home, Work, School. Simple Noob Friendly Guide

in #bitcoin8 years ago

WOW so u have no idea why u just say "ALSO" as if its another "bad" sign? both things are slanderous, jesus, man, come on, if u did ANY research on this u would KNOW WHY some SHITTY virus program "quarantines" minergate lol it does that FOR EVERY MINER program PERIOD its just what happens when it detects what it thinks is a malware miner! ANY mining program causes alot of anti virus apps to quanrtinee bro!
bor bro bro bbro pleease do a simple googl search before u make some innocent software look bad :)
u still get an upvote but please dont make urself look bad in the future :) i only want u to succeed and i need people to understand how wrong ur comment is for just throwing that statmeent out there as if iits a sign that minergate is some sort of "mailcious" software

please..plase understand how hurtful ur comment can become ..we need as many peopl as possible on minergate annow its not cuz i have some vested inteerest in minergate no i dont earn any money off the referal link yeah ive gottenlike 1 bytecoin, lessthan a tenth ofa penny, i only want people to mine with minergate because otherwise they would NEVER EEVER learn the commabd line minng an signup to some mining pool so many things cango wrong an people aren inthe mood for a tech headache!

minergate is the bes thing to happen to the mining newb community

and we must show some reespect for these developers and their life changing world canging software......please show some respect for minergate! And nderstand that if we got all of steemit mining on minergate we could collectivly raise millions fo dollars in a very short time!


Put yourself in the noob's place -

someone tells you about some SW that's supposed to be the greatest thing since indoor plumbing, so you D/L it and your AV goes nuts like that time you got that drive-by malware from a porn site.

What do you think your first reaction would be?

What I was trying to get across was that Windows Defender doesn't quarantine the SW you need for mining. (source: personal experience)

I get it - you mean well, and your defense is passionate. Crypto is great, and noob-friendly SW is laudable as an easy entrance point.

The trick is to be a reasonable advocate without becoming a full on fanboy.

The problem with AV and crypto isn't that the AV is lousy - it isn't - if anything, AV is too good.

Anyway, have a good day ☺️