if someone had billions of dollars they could TRY to buy up all the bitcoin nodes and minerts somehhow, and got 51% it wouldnt matter,peopel would jhust create moe nodes, and even if someone tried to "break" bitcoin they wouldnt be able to, but even if they ID they could just create bitcoin 2 and bitcoin 3 etc thats kind of what altcoins are
Thats an oversimplification
and the truth is, there may be vulnerabilities to bitcoins decentralization
who knows, thre might be a way to centralized bitcoin without people being aware of it
if bitcoin is KNOWN to become centralized somehow, the price will go down, peopel wont want it and will rather use a more decentralizd coin maybe Zcash which is meant to stay decentralizd and controlled by home miners?
Anyone know about how decentarlized bitcoin is and how much money or time it would take to try and take over 51% of the bitcoin nodes?
I always assumed if someone controlled 51%of the bitcoin noes, they could manualy go in ad actually reverse transaction if they wanted or even credit people with bitcoins arbitraily, make walets invalid, assign BTC to whoever, honestly it MUST be possible because ALL software is manipulatable, it would just be VERY difficult