image collage by me using YouTube stills
I have insomnia and crypto addiction pretty bad these days (checking Coinmarketcap at all hours of day and night), and I was going through my Twitter feed at 5 am this morning.
Then I found this tweet by Adam Back:
So, check it out, here's the video that Blockstream just released, and it appears to be a teaser for things to come, namely, it sounds as if Blocksteam will be putting Bitcoin nodes into space and beaming down transactions to all the people who are not yet on the internet:
Is this the craziest day in Bitcoin or what?
What the hell is going on?
I read through the entire Reddit feed, trying to get a sense if anyone knows any inside information on what exactly is up Blockstream's sleeve. For those of you who don't know, the Bitcoin Core developers are from Blockstream. And Blockstream is a company.
So, who funds Blockstream?
From reading on Reddit this morning, one user said that Blockstream is funded by VC capital and a bank named AXA. Well, you know that banks and Venture Capitalists are not really known for their charity.......
Blockstream will be broadcasting Bitcoin transactions from space????????
A company will be controlling Bitcoin nodes in outer space?
According to Samson Mow's tweet this morning, the answer is yes.
Maybe this new development explains why they have been cenosoring people on the Bitcoin reddit forums, and why they don't want big blocks? Big blocks would be harder to broadcast from a satellite?
I would bet that many people don't even realize that a company, Blockstream is behind the Core developers of Bitcoin. This certainly adds a bit of apprehension in this new breaking information.
What do you think about all this?
Is Bitcoin going to space?
all images from Twitter
Dont let the bankers run bitcoin nodes.
They can have their ripple nodes
great post , keep the good work
Bitcoin to the moon! both literally and figuratively
Bankers should not be given the privileged to control the nodes. I think like me other people already in the crypto world will disapproved such decision.
The censorship in Reddit was the first red flag for me........that seems to be the complete opposite of why Bitcoin was invented in the first place..
yeah even I was banned on r/bitcoin for simply telling someone to sell their house and buy bitcoin if they wanted to become a billionaire. So stupid that the bitcoin subreddit is moderated by peopel who dont even believe in bitcoin because theyre too ignorat to be SURE of whats going to happen because they dont know how things really work and just think they are somehow intelligent for "acceptiong" that "they cant tell the future" even though the trend is easy to spot iof you understand the zoomed out image (aka bigger picture0 of central banking and fiat money and derivatives and the need for a cashless one world currency now, and emergent order has chosen crypto currency and more importantly blockchains as the roadmap to a Type 1 civilization Internet
Bankers in control, it's going to be like old history and how it was when they were in control. I think I statements of Bitcoin to the moon is being taken and literally being applied . I don't know if this is right for the future or not, very skeptical on this matter
Well, the ones who work for Blockstream strike me as particularly aggressive.
I hope all of those who work for Blackstream stay together and fight for the future of it
i wrote detailed report on this issue would you mind checking >
LOL yes Bitcoin nodes in space and on the moon, literally taking bitcoin to the moon, and Bitcoin on Mars can add 22 minutes to your transaction in speed of light delay if Mars is at its greatest distance from the earth, and i was thinking how before the bitcoin hardfork when transactions were taking days and costing many dollars, how sad it would be to send a bitcoin transaction from Mars to Eartyh and have it travel 22 minutes through space onluy to have to waiut in line in thebitcoin transaction que behind a bunch of people trying to buy their drugs on the darknet LOL and then it ends up taking an extra 2 days! After taking 22 mins in space top get there, only to be slowed down even more by bitcoins internal problems. Thank God the bitcoin hard fork magically solved the transaction time and cost problem! Bitcoin transactions downto like 0.0006 BTC which is still getting expensive since BTC is now over $4000!
Wowww... Amazing
If that happens .. thanks for sharing this great information
My cryptocurrency fever is off the scale right now. I'm so addicted at the moment like you constantly looking at graphs and good deals. Sometimes it is hard to sleep at night as I just want to make sure I don't miss out on any opportunities.
This project blockstream want to do sounds absolutely amazing. Amazing way to connect those who are not on the internet and want to get involved with bitcoin.
I guess one bad thing is that someone is going to be able to control. regulate and moderate the nodes controlling accessibility and decisions.
It seems like finally bitcoin may start going literally to space @stellabelle! haha
yeah, I have severe insomnia! I feel the FOMO all the time now, because I missed the NEO train! And also, just in general I cannot keep up with all the new developments. It's an info addict's dream cuz no one is sleeping here.
you're lucky to have such insomnia! I wish I had as much at stake as you i would be up every night all night! it's just as exciting when you see the potential on steemit to earn however, I almost fel like i should be trading! But I KNO that if i start doing some hardcore steemit ads on youtube I will be able to start getting those $100 posts again @jerrybanfield style! We all have to be lke jerrybanfield! Imagone if we ALL made youtube vieos about steemit! just imagine if we FLOODED the internet with steemit memes!
we need a REALLY catchy steemit meme! One that will show uop in those YLYL Dank meme compilation videos on youtube, one that keeps showing up for months!
nd hey i upvoted all the commenters in here with fw cents upvotes! Least I can do to reward peopel for leaving comments on your posts!
i wrote a detailed analysis of this report will you mind reading >
Bitcoin more beautiful and tempting, miners bitcoin will rise up the moon :)
hell yeah and if u want a mining contract thats cheaper than genesis better deal and better interface etc, check out and see how you get like $160 per 1 TH for LIFETIME bitcoin mining contract (while profitable and it will remain profitable for yEARS! The ROI is about 90 days maybe sooner if BTC keeps going up like this!
@harferri, i wrote a detailed report on this issue would you mind reading >
appreciate you ! done good work
So this is like making a toaster internet compatible.
Behind the 'star wars' like facade of this video and the hype that it is trying to create, I think that the logic is sound. Internet is NOT as accessible as we think to many people. The reach is limited, though widespread usage of cell phones is enhancing it at a fast pace. There will always be limitations though. Therefore, if a digital currency is to be truly universal and decentralized, the underlying need of best internet connectivity must be first addressed. That is what Blockstream is embarking upon I think. If we see beyond the hype, it is a simple global communication project in my opinion but one that has a profound significance for bitcoin acceptability and growth. Involvement of Bankers worries me though. If it is a progressive bank then they may be getting involved early in digital currency - which is a good thing but if not then they may hinder the project suitably
The timing of this announcement, just after the Segwit2 and before the upcoming November events in Bitcoin seems to make me think that the hype is being utilized to pump up interest in bitcoin. Therefore, in summary, I think the video is more for creating hype but the underlying need identified is correct and may soon be a real project in not too distant future.@stellabelle -
Thank you for heads up on this item. It is indeed interesting to watch. Cheers. Upvoted
I don't know much about cryptocurrencies but for all I know that's what make it special is it's not under any authority except the nodes(users), then If any company or organization came to the play then the rule is broken.
that what I got ! is that right? @stellabelle
if someone had billions of dollars they could TRY to buy up all the bitcoin nodes and minerts somehhow, and got 51% it wouldnt matter,peopel would jhust create moe nodes, and even if someone tried to "break" bitcoin they wouldnt be able to, but even if they ID they could just create bitcoin 2 and bitcoin 3 etc thats kind of what altcoins are
Thats an oversimplification
and the truth is, there may be vulnerabilities to bitcoins decentralization
who knows, thre might be a way to centralized bitcoin without people being aware of it
if bitcoin is KNOWN to become centralized somehow, the price will go down, peopel wont want it and will rather use a more decentralizd coin maybe Zcash which is meant to stay decentralizd and controlled by home miners?
Anyone know about how decentarlized bitcoin is and how much money or time it would take to try and take over 51% of the bitcoin nodes?
I always assumed if someone controlled 51%of the bitcoin noes, they could manualy go in ad actually reverse transaction if they wanted or even credit people with bitcoins arbitraily, make walets invalid, assign BTC to whoever, honestly it MUST be possible because ALL software is manipulatable, it would just be VERY difficult
I don't know about space but it has already climbed on high mountain! )
Bitcoin belongs to the stars and is sure going into space. We at steemit will take steem and join bitcoin there. Time to power up into space!!!!
yes! and did you hear how Microsoft i s doing some Ethereum thing? Bitcoin is going to be a symbol of the future and will be the currency of SPACE because who the fuck is going to use fucking paper US dollars in Space?!?! LOL Just on a physical level they can burn up or freeze and deteriorate, or you can have bitcoin and be able to transfer your money from one ship to another at lightr speed, or you can use paper money
that alone ..the idea of using paper money in space or even digital fiat as ridiculous, means bitcoin is the future
Also someone made the simple point that its just new technology and new technology like this doesn't just go away.
Power the baby up to the stars.Very good poin @ackza I agree with you view point . In fact I am following you now in order to stay in touch and send in my support. Let us hope that steem will develop well and thus join bitcoin in exploring the opportunities in space ..haha.
thank you so much , bitcoin is the future :)
Jeff Garzik had a project (BitSat) to actually launch a constellation of satellites running full nodes, but I have heard no news about it in the last year.Hi @stellabelle, I have just seen your post and... it looks like they haven't put any node on space. They are just broadcasting the transfers from nodes running at ground. They have rented some bandwidth on commercial communication satellites, they send the information to the satellite and it is repeated from there, but those satellites are pasive, they are not running anything, they usually just take a signal, amplify it and redirect it again to ground.
I gave u an upvote! See? On yoru comment! but plase do not ask for upvotes on comments like this! It does not help anyone, and is just spam! u have to tell hr WHY you deserve an upvite
Just because you give someone an upvote does not mean they should ever EVER have to upvote you back! Imagine if everyone upvoted EVERYONE who upvoted them! it would NOT ork its impossible, please dont ask for upvotes peopel will flag you
most peopel will flag you for comments like this but i gave u anupvote out iof compasion
please dont ever do it again tho! never ask for upvotes like this! People HATE IT! I am serious this is a HUGE problem! a HUGE problem please , i am telling u this to HELP u. people HATEthis behaviour, and you will never get anywhere if you do this again! Thanl you!