
A lot of people still dont know about the various forms of crypto-wallets out there - inform yourself and keep those coins locked up safe!

Can anyone recommend the best cold crypto wallet available? any help would be great ... newbie here ;-)

instead of soundcloud why dont you post it on dsound. just my opinion though.

I have to say; that Captain Africa picture is one of the friggin coolest photos I've seen in a long time! Is that you or just some random meme thing? Thanks for sharing!

In the Uk you only pay taxes when you cash out back into £'s :) I wrote an article on it a while back with all the loop holes you can use.

You are the best one....
Good job....
Success is for you @africa...

Nice post, very helpful...

How could one have possibly ignore this? U touched every important areas with a detailed info. Thanks for the heads up